What's New:

May 21, 2008

Apparently it's been two and a half years since I updated this page. Damn. Anyways, as all of you out there may have guessed (and incidentally, who are you people? Because apparently there are still quite a lot of you visiting this page, and that seems really odd for a page that gets updated approximately once an ice age by the timescale of the Internet), I'm not really writing fanfiction anymore, except by request. Which is why the update now, thanks to Biku-chan. "No Hammer Falls", in the Beowulf subsection of the Omniverse (and the science fiction section of this page, because explaining why the Beowulf stories should take place in the Mortal Kombat universe is well beyond the scope of this post).

Also, you all should buy the Tesseracts Twelve anthology when it comes out this fall, because I'm in it. That is all.