Our landlord has sent us an eviction notice which states that if this place stays as deserted as it's been lately we'll get bulldozed and they'll erect a Linkin Park fansite emporium here instead. This has got some life into our Captain, who's now seriously searching for a timeslot where to update this thing, like she's threatened to do for the last what, two years? We'll see. Myself I'd hate to lose this desolate spot in the universe, nothing's as nicely gloomy as a derelict space ship lurking in a weedy empty lot between looming warehouses. While we're still here I'm Bono your designated bartender, over here's a quiz-thing to keep you entertained, and here's your daily dose of Gin and Tonic. Enjoy your stay.

All the code mess-ups by GeoCities because HACTAR just doesn't make any mistakes.
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to the next Last Night On Earth.