Howdy! Step on in to Azziz's Homepage.

And So It Begins...

Haven't updated my site in a long time. Life has been a bit busy. If you like comics and collectibles, check out Comic Fusion! for great deals. Otherwise, you can look around.

Picture Pages :o)

Wiz's Place

OK, so I spent a little time on the computer!

Pier 39

Hanging out at Pier

Visiting wammy in jail

Posing with the bears...

Hanging out in Bowling Green, KY

Bowling in Bowling Green :o)

Atlanta Trip

Fourth of July: Wembly and Kelsey

Fireworks with Dangy and her Mom

Minature Golf with Dag

Places I hang out and a few of my friends

Wammy Bear lives here. What can I say about Wammy, plays well with others comes to mind. A special person and wonderful friend also comes to mind.

Lyta lives here...or does she live on IRC? hmmmmm, Azziz wonders, check out her site, it is way cool

One of the coolest sites I have bookmarked, is Prof Crashes Page. Much has been said about bats and taxi cabs regarding Prof Crash, but when not being chased around by the titanium bat, Azziz is proud to call Prof Crash a friend.

If ever a Wiz there was, it is Wizzard. Also known as the Margarita Man and Shazbot's Dad. Stop by and say hi to my bud.

Want to send someone a card or virtual present? Check out this stuff! My favorites are 123 Greetings and Dumpster Diving. Send someone trash today!

I'll add more later :o)

If you want to reach me, feel free to email me.

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