About Raven Eye


Your host was born of the name Nicole. I greet you and thank you for your interest in me. Though this page is basically just rambling I hope you enjoy whatever information is thrown up both here and on the other pages of this web site. So with out further delay....

I grew up in Hawaii, on a beautiful island in the middle of the pacific ocean, called Oahu. I was raised with two siblings, Brudah and Nani...both nicknames...but that's how things work out here. I'm hoping to get some more pictures up soon. So far I have up is the pictures of my niece and I and a picture of myself along with some little tid bits about me.

My parents brought up three of us total...sometimes I wonder how they put up with us. One of us on our own is terror enough but THREE!! Anyway, here would be the kiss butt part telling my parents that I love them. Well, I don't know about all the other kiss butt kids out there but I actually mean it! My mom has been a driving force in my life and I am honored to say that she is also one of my best friends. She has always been there for me...regardless of whether or not I thought I needed her...mothers always know best right? Mmmm, my dad...what to say about him. I love him so much. My main goal in life has always seemed to have been to make him proud of me. He is such a wise man and you would be hard pressed to find someone who is kinder and more generous than my father. He has always pushed us kids to be our very best and for the most part I think we succeeded. I love you Papa. I love you Mommee.

My sister is an Officer in the Air Force now. Stationed out in Alaska she's having a heck of a time getting used to the weather out there. Then again here in Illinois isn't much better! She's one of the smartest people I know and has always been very supportive of me no matter what nutty ideas I had.

My brother is also apart of the military but, in the Hawaii State Army National Guard. Which he is a Sgt in. I am also very proud of him. He is also a cadre in a youth boot camp program out there in Hawaii. He is the father of the beautiful little girl posing in some of the pictures with me. We call her "Honey-girl" it's a pretty common nickname in Hawaii. She's "honey-girl" and I'm "Baby-girl" Her real name is Alexys and she is a doll. You can visit her section of the web and find pictures of her and I here.

As for me I live in Illinois with my boy friend who you can read more about here. I have a slightly unhealthy interest in knowledge of all kinds. One is my religion which is Paganism...though I am still learning about this Nature religion every day I am quite new at it. If you have any information or comments for me you can at this e-mail. Or to make it easier go to this link
to send me a little note.

You can also learn more about me, my family and friends throughout this web page.

But for now I must return you home