Hello everyone. This is your hostess speaking. Here I am known as Raven Eye. You can find out more about me, my family and friends by following my link here. You are welcome to stay as long as you wish. I have set up some links on my front page. But everything is still under construction. I don't know what I'm going to be doing with this page yet, but for now it will be my friends and family. They have links on various parts of the web site.
Eventually I will have pagan information including herbs, crystals and general pagan information for those that are interested in that. All roads...or in this case crystal balls lead home, this front page. Come back soon and see the changes.
I hope that you will grant me the honor of your name in my address book.
If you have any suggestions or think you should have a link from this page please E-mail me. Please do not include it in the Guest book. Thank you.
© 2000 RavenEyes_Realm@yahoo.com
Etch your name
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