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Mandy Fenton: Magickal Childe

My Fanfiction: Redemption

I'm not entirely certain where to begin to speak for myself. I'm seventeen, I think... You see, I have recently lost my memory. Everything before waking up in the hospital this summer has become a complete loss for me. The doctors say I could get back pieces, even complete recall, given time, but for now the faint flashes and strange disjointed nightmares, and shadows are more than I think I want to find out about me. I was moved to Angel Grove by the only adult I trusted, Mr. Hirtaw, the very kind and gentle foster provider who has been so understanding since they tell me my parents have died. Now that I have moved I find things happening to me in every direction I turn! I find I seem to be able to control some kind of magic, real genuine magic! I've caused things to happen, I'm not certain I intended to, but so far they have been things I have needed to happen... like when my new friend, Adam fell from a cliff... You can read more about that in the stories I have tried to make sense of all that has happened to me and my friends. Please feel free to ask me questions or tell me if I need to write better, I might have been a writer in the life I can't recall.

Regards, - Mandeline Mandy Fenton-

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