Welcome to Zelgadiss' Citadel!

Main Hall

still learning how to use frames, so please, bear with me on this!

A Note From the Manager

Oh, ye gods...I had no idea this page was still up! Geos lost it on me awhile back- I guess they retrieved it when I was looking the other way. I'm sorry it took so long for this to be brought to my attention. The new site- far more expanded though not having all the same anime as this one- can be reached at http://zelgadiss.simplenet.com Sorry for the inconvienance! Slayers fans- don't worry. The citadel is still around, and always will be.

Welcome to my Citadel. I am your host, Shaman and Swordsman Zelgadiss Greywers. Please

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I will be your guide to the different rooms within my castle. Please be careful. Currently, all areas are under construction. As you can see, it doesn't help that one of the residents has a habit of destroying things. I have the hardest time keeping everything in one piece because of Lina!
A very Fervent Thank you to Michelle for helping me get these frames working!
If you discover any faulty information, please e-mail me and correct me.
Guestbook by Lpage

© 1997 Zelgadiss Greywers

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