Space Quest 7 Preview Page
This page is my page for the upcoming, long awaited Space Quest 7. I, myself, am very enthusiastic about it! All of the information I get from this page comes from Jess Morrisette (Roger Wilco's Virtual Broomcloset). So be sure to check out his page also. Well, enjoy this page!!!
NEWS FLASH!!! It has come to my attention recently that the Space Quest project has been "put on hold indefinitely", which pretty much translates out into "cancelled." Oh well, here's the letter. It's pretty much self explanatory:
To the Friends and Fans of Space Quest:
As you all know, the path to Space Quest 7 has been long and bumpy, and we were never
sure what we would find at the end of the road. The decision has been made, after
much soul-searching and agonizing, to put Space Quest 7 on hold indefinitely.
The joy for the team has been in the journey. We've made many friends out there, and
it has been quite heartening to know that Roger Wilco has so many fans. I look
forward to continuing the friendships I've developed over the last year. But Sierra
is in the process of many changes, and we had to take a hard look at whether a Space
Quest 7 project made sense. Unfortunately for those of us who love Roger and his
stupid antics, other projects just have more to offer both to the company and to our
customers in general at this time.
Please don't worry about the team. We will all move to other projects at Sierra
On-Line. Many of us will go over to the Babylon 5 space combat game, which will be
coming out in Holiday 1998. Others will go over to the B5 adventure game, which will
also come out in 1999. Both of these products will reflect Sierra's commitment to
excellence in space games, and I hope you'll consider playing them if you have the
I am sending this email to those of you who have sent me mail lately. Please pass the
information on to any Space Quest fans I inadvertently omitted.
Finally, don't be sad for Roger. Just think of him as weary from making us laugh for
all these years, ready for a break from his adventures. He and la Wankmeister want to
settle down, raise a family. And perhaps as we look up in the sky, a distant star
will remind us that somewhere, in a distant galaxy, Roger Wilco is probably getting
Thanks again for all your support,
The Space Quest Team
-Leslie Balfour
-Scott Murphy
Early SQ7 Art
Note: The images with the magnifying glass in the top right corners are thumbnails for larger pictures.

No real information has been given out about the first cigar-smoking alien. However, the second alien's name is Dougie. He is supposedly a slime monster (GEE, who woulda guessed???). As in the words of Leslie Balfour, one of the people working on SQ7, he "likes to hang around with his friends on street corners in Polysorbate and hassle passers-by. Roger may have to deal with Dougie one day, but for now Dougie and his friends are enjoying their slime monster existence without fear of Roger or anyone else.". The last item (the ray gun) is not going to be an inventory item in the SQ7 game. Instead it is going to be used in the art for the SQ7 web page Sierra is going to post soon.
SQ7 Rumors
Rumor #1: There's not going to be a Space Quest 7, so forget it!!!
False!Well, this is probably true at this point. But don't go keeping your head down yet!!! Go to Roger Wilco's Virtual Broomcloset Space Quest 7 site to find out how to petition this horrible act against Space Quest Lovers everywhere.
Rumor #2: The Space Quest 7 game (or demo) has already been released.
False! No way, no how! There is no type of demo out for SQ7 at the present time, however, the Space Quest team IS at work on a non-playable demo to come with the newest edition of The Space Quest Collection. They are also trying to come out with a playable demo in the near future.
Rumor #3: The designer for Space Quests 1-4 and 6 (Scott Murphy) is going to be working on the project.
True! Yes this wonderful Savior of Space Quest IS going to work on the new Space Quest!
This is the present SQ7 production team:
Scott Murphy - Co-Designer/Writer
Leslie Balfour - Co-Designer/Writer
Mark Aro - Graphics
Jay Lee - Programming
Lori Lucia - Project Manager
Richard Powell - Character Design
Bill Shockley - Programming
Rumor #4: SQ7 is going to be a 3D game.
True! Although it isn't going to be a TOTAL 3D atmosphere (like Mario64), it IS going to have some 3D in it, but most likely no 3D acceleration cards are going to be needed.