"If you look hard enough or long enough, you can find just about anything..."

Random Web Stuff
There will never be much on this page but a random list of links to places I frequent or check often. Mostly, it's going to be my bookmark page so I can access favorite sites when I'm not sitting at the specific computer it's all stored on. Hopefully, though, you can find something here you'll enjoy, too.

Favorite Webcomics, in no particular order
Lovely humor, regular updates, off-beat and somewhat sacreligious. What more could you want?

A family of drow/elf/dark elf/fantasy comics, complete with oekaki boards, art contests, forums, and lots of php. I've been watching it for about a year now, and the art of all of the arists is only getting better.

Sluggy Freelance
Is it not nifty? Worship the comic. Poing! Poing! Poing! Ca-click. 'Nuff said.

Clan of the Cats
The main character is a were-panther. I can't help but love it.

British humor and not only does the main character have the same name as my brit BF, but he looks similar, too.

Krazy Larry
Exactly the kind of webcomic your mother doesn't want you to read.

Life of Riley
Updated semi-randomly, but I love the storyline and the artwork. Make sure to read the archives before visiting though, they're in the middle of a rather long plot.

Ignore the banners, this comic updates once a month if we're lucky. Despite that, however, the artwork is marvelous and I can't wait to see more.

Misadventures of a Drow Wizard
It's been wonderful to watch hclark's art improve as she works on this comic. It is, again, a bit slow with updates, but Lym'ree is just so darn cute.

hclark's Oekaki
The oekaki board to go with Misadventures of a Drow Wizard. If you go there from here, play nice, neh?
A few useful websites
Westciv Tutorials
The site that started this revamp. Worship the site. Buy their stuff. Now.

New Westciv Tutorials
It seems they revamped their own site. I believe this is the correct link now, but I'm leaving the old one until I make sure.

BBS Inc.
I'm not exactly sure what this website is, but they have a nice lookup for html escape codes. I'm constantly having to search up a page when I forget a code, so now I've got this one bookmarked.

Gov't of St Louis
Handy link to have when I need to find something about my city. I don't think you'll find it too interesting, though, unless you happen to live in STL.

My favorite band. Wonderful heavy metal mixed with classical music, it may sound bizzare, but ohhh... I love it. Managed to see them live when they came through St Louis and I hope they come back soon. It was wonderful and the entire band is friendly and funny as hell. I got them to sign my CD! *does a dance*

Flight Arrivals & Departures
Keep track of where that plane is.

Current Exchange Rates
Handy for when you're planning a trip overseas. I used this a lot when my sister and I were planning our Europe trip.

Currency Converter
For the mathmatically challenged, like me.

Truth or Fiction
Curious about that email you just got? You know, the one about the poor starving kid in africa who started this chain letter to tell the story of her plight and Bil Gates, AOL, and the Governemnt of Asrieratia have all agreed to give her half a cent for every person who receives it? Or maybe the one about presidential IQs? Or how about the one where the Post Office is going to start charging "stamps" for email? Or maybe just some random weird story you heard from a friend who hear from a friend who heard from another friend? Check here and find out of it's a hoax.

I love this site. It translates Japanese for me.
Funnies and Time-wasters
The Spark
Weird science and just all around strageness. Good place to kill an hour or so.

Things my girlfriend and I have argued about
Some poor British guy posting random anecdotes about his troubles with his German girlfriend. Absolutely hilarious, but do me a favor... If you go visit his site from here, read his "American FAQ" and don't do anything like that, okay? Thanks. Much appriciated.

Master Ninja
Hilarious "advice" column, of a sort. Check it out and you'll see.

Mythological Creature Test
Ever wondered what Mythological Creature you would be? Take this test and find out.

Someone took the old Eliza AI and revamped it to work with AIM, then waited for random chatters to start the fun. Conversations are posted on this site, with names removed to protect the idiotic and a voting system so you can vote for your favorites.

Weird and Interesting
Real Haunted Houses
I've always loved this sort of thing...

Slightly weird science, but interesting, nonetheless.

I can't explain this site in a blurb small enough to fit here, so if you're curious, then go check it out yourself.

Principia Discordia
If you don't know what that means, you probably won't understand the site.

Random bits from the 'net
The Phantom Liberatto
One of my favorite musicals of all time, and this is a complete set of the lyrics. Yay!

Rondak's Portal
A very interesting looking site which someday I will get around to reading and figuring out what exactly it is.

Someone took the old Eliza AI and revamped it to work with AIM, then waited for random chatters to start the fun. Conversations are posted on this site, with names removed to protect the idiotic and a voting system so you can vote for your favorites.

Nice addicting puzzle-type game.

Net Laughter - Blue Rose
I love blue roses, and I love this song. Perfect page for me.

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