"Life is but a game..."

Role Playing Games
I'm a Geek.

I haven't played every gaming system out there, but those I have played, I have played avidly. I'm a veritable roleplaying addict. I blame it on my childhood. (Just kidding, mom!)

No matter what the cause, I find it immensely enjoyable and suffer rather huge amounts of frustration trying to explain the concept to my family. For a sample (and TRUE, I swear!) conversation on the topic, click here. Hopefully they'll never see that.

In any case, I've gone through the infamous "D&D... isn't it that devil worship thing?" with my mother and managed to survive, as well as convince her my soul is quite safe from the black magic embedded into its nefarious occult origins.

Unlike most gaming people my age out there, though, I didn't really get into D&D until 3rd Ed came out, so I enjoy the system throughly and have spent ... ah... way too much money... on my collection of books. Currently, I'm attempting to try my hand as a DM, and I'm also playing in a few games, both online and RL, both D&D and not, so check the pages at the right for details of the game worlds, as well as other random stuff if you're interested.

Speaking of online games... I'm a MUDer as well. Flee while you can. More details on where I play and how often and when and what places I suggest are in the MUXes section to the right.

I've also gotten into MUSHes, too, of late. Extremely different paradigm for the games and I'm still trying to get used to the commands after more than a year, but I'm sure I'll get somewhere eventually. All the interesting questions you may have about this are probably answered on the MUXes page as well.
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