For now, this is all one page. Some of this may change and form new sections as
needed, depending upon how the mood strikes me. Until then, this is just a basic
blurb about each game.
Moments in Tyme (MiT)
Genre: Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan), pre-books timeline
Play the Game
My very first mud. I'm such a sentimental old fart.
I still play here, in fact, I'm Department Head of Shadow, or to be more in
character The Dark One, aka Shai'tan, Soulblighter,
Sightblinder, Heartsbane, and a ton others. Go read the books if you really want
to know. It's my goal to break out and destroy all of creation, but I'm amusing
myself with merely making a few people's lives more than a bit interesting.
It's based off highly, and I do mean highly, modified circle code and it's
been around since 1994 (I started in Aug '95, if you're curious. If you aren't,
well, now you know anyway). The RP is good, a majority of the imm staff is friendly,
and while it may be a bit difficult to get used to (there's no mob killing and exp
is gained only from RP, just to name a few) there are plenty of people willing to
help out.
MiT recently pwiped and is still in the process of rather major code changes, but,
there are no further pwipes planned and the new code (or it's lack) doesn't interfere
with the RP much at all. All of the new code is meant to be supportive of, but not to
replace, RP.
Dragon's Fang (Fang)
Genre: Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan), Book 5 (I think)
Play the Game
Website - I'll post it when I find it again
Dragon's Fang is a lot more of a hack'n'slashers type place, a lot of the stock
fight system and such is still being used.
I do not imm there anymore, though I have multiple times in the past throughout it's
varied history. Fang's had more than it's fair share of problems and I've found I
enjoy it much more from a "mere mortal" perspective. It's got a lot of friendly
people and generally seems to be improving.
If you are curious who I play there, you'll just have to ask me.
Mutatis Mutandis Mux (MMM)
Genre: Marvel Comics/X-men/Other
Play the Game
Website - It's moving...I'll post it when it's up.
My very first MUSH was a place called "The Vineyard" which I've since lost track
of and can't find anymore, but I guess this place qualifies as my "first" because
it's the first I played regularly without ulterior motives. (I normally just used
The Vineyard as a chat room when MiT was down. Bad me.)
It's got a pseudo Marvel Comics world, I play a Beta Class Mutant there, but we've
also got Anne Rice vampires running about and an occasional Alien and/or werewolf.
I've yet to meet anyone on the game that isn't friendly, so even though it's
a pre-auth game (you need to submit your character for approval before you can join
in), Thann is a wonderful guy and it's more than worth the wait.
X-men: Tomarrow People (XTP)
Genre: Pseudo-Marvel X-Men
Play the Game - Not open yet
Website - Not sure where it is
A friend I met on MMM decided to start their own X-man type
MUSH and guess who is acting as sysadmin and coder type? Yeah, me. Time for a crash
course in "How to code a MUSH" =^.^= So far, I'm scouring the web for information,
but at least I've got their current code all backed up in case of disaster.
The basic premise of the game is that mutants are just now, in present day, starting
to emerge from the general populace. There is no X-men, there is no Hellfire club,
there are no super heros. Everyone is just starting to realize that mutants are
real, and we better get prepared for them.
I'll update stuff here as they get closer to opening.
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