Belinda - 12/09/99 06:48:32
Name of your web page: Dreams DO Come True
Favorite web page: The SiteFights!
Where do you call home?: Anywhere with my love of my life
Your hobbies: Singing, working(when I worked in Iowa at the State Center), being with friends
Do you believe in faeries?: YES!
Who do you think is sexy?: My fiance'
| Comments:
You've been sprinkled by Fairy True Dreams!
Be the one to let them hear it!
Get on up and show your spirit!
Have pride in yourself and in your team
Together you'll accomplish what you dream!
Thanks to Lady Rhiannon for my top graphic!
january - 11/27/99 16:51:08
Where do you call home?: va
Your hobbies: poetry
Do you believe in faeries?: every day, since i was a chid, i forgot them then one day i rembered. so the answer is yes i believe
Who do you think is sexy?: my boyfriend
| Comments:
blessed be and merry meet untill we meet again.
Maegs - 11/22/99 18:20:35
Name of your web page: The Batplace II
Favorite web page: This one!
Where do you call home?: Nemesis Underground
Your hobbies: Playing with the faeries
Do you believe in faeries?: Of course!
Who do you think is sexy?: My boyfriend.
| Comments:
Hmm...Some interesting questions you got there. But anyway, love the page think it's terrific! Love the faeries...they're fabulous. I'll deffinately be sending a link of this around to my friends. (P.S. Do you mind if I put a link on my web page??)
Hans & Thomas - 11/12/99 16:44:18
Name of your web page: IAS & Manjushri Mandala
Favorite web page: toooooooo many :-)
Where do you call home?: Ireland
Your hobbies: Astrology, New Age, Buddhism
Do you believe in faeries?: Yes
Who do you think is sexy?: Buddha
| Comments:
Hi, we loved the magic, dedication and beauty of your realm. Leaving a huge bunch of magical Irish rainbow flowers, Hans & Thomas, the 2 crazy Buddhist cyber-monks :-)
hazelfaery - 11/09/99 22:43:42
Name of your web page: Sidhe... in aeternum
Favorite web page:
Where do you call home?: faerylands forlorn
Your hobbies: faery gardening, playing music, web design
Do you believe in faeries?: of course!
Who do you think is sexy?: my fiancee' =)
| Comments:
This site is really sweet. Blessings in all that you do =)
Fairy Whim - 09/27/99 23:22:07
My URL:http://home.earthlink,net/~dcantwell
Name of your web page: Fairy Land
Favorite web page: to many to think of one
Where do you call home?: A little place I call my room
Your hobbies: making fairy art
Do you believe in faeries?: oh yes
Who do you think is sexy?: what kind of a question is that?!
| Comments:
You have a very beautiful site and i am so glad i found it!! Keep dreaming...I know I always will! ~*Merry Majic and Enchanting Dreams*~
Lanie - 09/22/99 22:06:19
Name of your web page: Lanie's Lane
Where do you call home?: IL
Your hobbies: computers of course
Do you believe in faeries?: actually, no
| Comments:
You had a beautiful and relaxing site to visit.
Mrs Giggles - 09/19/99 13:05:45
Name of your web page: Everything Rmantic!
Where do you call home?: Singapore/Malaysia
Your hobbies: Reading, music, movies
Who do you think is sexy?: Right now? Thomas Gibson (Dharma and Greg)
| Comments:
Well, you have a really fantastc site. I enjoyed myself fully.
Angie Winfield - 09/18/99 20:32:12
Name of your web page: don't have one
Favorite web page: don't have one
Where do you call home?: Anchorage, Alaska
Your hobbies: SHOPPING & Tattooing myself...hee hee
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
Who do you think is sexy?: My Husband :)
| Comments:
Hey Jess, maybe someday you'd like to CALL me or E-MAIL me...maybe someday.
*Sparkle* - 07/25/99 17:11:33
Name of your web page: ~*The Glitter Fairies*~
Favorite web page: Hmmmmm,There's so many good ones...
Where do you call home?: *~Glitter Fairy Forest~*
Your hobbies: Different things...
Do you believe in faeries?: Of Course! I am one!
Who do you think is sexy?: Hmmmm,there's too many names!
| Comments:
Eunice - 07/22/99 20:02:01
Name of your web page: Peroriaeth
Favorite web page: Too many to have one
Where do you call home?: Wales, UK
Your hobbies: Building website!
Do you believe in faeries?: Yes
Who do you think is sexy?: Ares (from "Xena")
| Comments:
You have a lovely page. Well done.
Nicky - 06/27/99 00:06:41
Name of your web page: Nicky's World
Favorite web page: To much to tell
Where do you call home?: Holland
Your hobbies: To much to tell..mail me if you're really want to know
Do you believe in faeries?: Of them
Who do you think is sexy?: My husband.... he's a hunk
| Comments:
Loved your site.... beautiful graphics.... Will come back often.
Lila Sidhe - 06/23/99 20:49:23
Where do you call home?: the forest
Your hobbies: writing
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
Who do you think is sexy?: irish men in kilts
| Comments:
becareful what you say and do because you may never know who is of the faerie relm but here as a human. this site is great
Lalaith - 06/18/99 03:09:31
Name of your web page: Rivendell
Favorite web page:
Where do you call home?: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Your hobbies: sports, music, homepage building, reading
Do you believe in faeries?: YUP!!!
| Comments:
Absolutely wonderful page! I am always interested in faery lore and such things...thank you for some good reference!~*
Rhea - 05/30/99 18:27:09
My Email:rainbow_bright_103_99
Where do you call home?: my bed room
Your hobbies: drawing drama
Do you believe in faeries?: most definately
Who do you think is sexy?: Brendon Frasier
| Comments:
you shold have a space on here for people who wanted to send pics of faries they drew on here. i know i would send one of mine.
Rhea - 05/30/99 18:26:53
My Email:rainbow_bright_103_99
Where do you call home?: my bed room
Your hobbies: drawing drama
Do you believe in faeries?: most definately
Who do you think is sexy?: Brendon Frasier
| Comments:
you shold have a space on here for people who wanted to send pics of faries they drew on here. i know i would send one of mine.
Angie - 05/20/99 20:33:05
Name of your web page: n/a
Favorite web page: I don't have one yet
Where do you call home?: Anchorage
Your hobbies: Oh, you know me Jess...hee hee
Do you believe in faeries?: YES
Who do you think is sexy?: Keith is VERY sexy.
| Comments:
Your pages are beautiful, now I know why you're too busy to email me. kidding. I come here to check up on you every once-in-awhile, you know I miss you lots!!!
see ya girl!!!!
Morgan Le Fay - 05/12/99 21:14:56
Favorite web page: Celtic Forest
Where do you call home?: Ireland (but I live in NM)
Your hobbies: wicca, art, celtic stuff, and chess
Do you believe in faeries?: Yes
Who do you think is sexy?: No movie stars
| Comments:
I would like to thank you for having a faery page. and I would really, really like to talk with some faery people.
Steph - 04/21/99 00:35:36
Name of your web page: Healing Slowly
Where do you call home?: Ontario
Do you believe in faeries?: Yes
| Comments:
You have a beautiful website...I too love fairies and focus on them to give me a sense of hope on my own page...Keep up the great page...thanks..luv steph
Alexa McSteel - 04/17/99 18:37:44
Name of your web page: Lexy McSteel's Place
Where do you call home?: Alabama
Your hobbies: writin,genealogy,designin homepages
Do you believe in faeries?: YES!
| Comments:
I've throughly enjoyed my visit! Beautiful backgrounds,graphics and poetry.I'm so glad Terri Lynn sent me to your page.
jenna - 03/31/99 19:38:04
Name of your web page: Jennas Faerie Hill
Favorite web page: Faeries are among us! -
Where do you call home?: california
Your hobbies: reading, drawing
Do you believe in faeries?: yup!
Who do you think is sexy?: lots of people
| Comments:
you have a beautiful page!
Alex - 03/28/99 19:12:27
Name of your web page: *gALEXy*
Favorite web page: yours! this place rocks!!!
Where do you call home?: florida, USA
Your hobbies: staring at guys i can never have, working on my webpage, reading, writing poetry and short stories
Do you believe in faeries?: heck yeah, buddy!
Who do you think is sexy?: Brett
| Comments:
kick-butt page, but the top has someone else's URL on there so I can't write the right URL on the BEAUTY IS.... thing I got. PLEASE HELP!!! can you send me the correct URL?
Linda - 03/11/99 12:29:06
Name of your web page: Linda's Lilypad
Where do you call home?: my room *smiles*
Your hobbies: drawing, writing, reading
Do you believe in faeries?: *nodz*
Who do you think is sexy?: *Laffz* not me
| Comments:
I love your page, it's truly magical and very comforting *smilez*
Gail Beaupre' - 03/07/99 15:13:41
Where do you call home?: faeries
Your hobbies: Gardening,Weaving
Do you believe in faeries?: YES
| Comments:
As a child I saw the faeries and my grandmama gave me shame for picking a flower one was sleeping in. I shall never forget it. They are so real to me and live in my garden and home. They are the treasures in this life on earth
Blessed Be
Rebecca - 02/08/99 06:58:53
Name of your web page: Don't have one.
Favorite web page: I have too many to list.
Where do you call home?: Washington State
Your hobbies: Playing with my son, sky diving, surfing, horses, camping, and dreaming.
Do you believe in faeries?: Yes.
Who do you think is sexy?: Matthew McConaughey
| Comments:
This is a cool site. I really enjoyed the relaxing music! Thanks.
Christine Thomas - 02/04/99 01:13:09
Where do you call home?: Where my heart is
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
Who do you think is sexy?: flowers and lace
| Comments:
Your poems are very soft and soothing you also have most of the elements here to make it so perfect, one thing a little music might help. Other wise it is very fullfilling
Toni - 01/11/99 19:19:15
My URL:/Athens/Troy/4353/index.html
Name of your web page: Tarot By Toni
Where do you call home?: Cape Cod
Your hobbies: Tarot, reading, gardening
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
Who do you think is sexy?: Me!
| Comments:
I wandered in from viewing another guestbook. A pretty site! I enjoyed the visit! Hope to see you at my site! Bright Blessings!
Enigma Mystic/Beverly - 12/18/98 15:21:32
Name of your web page: Enigma Mystic's Home Page
Favorite web page: YOURS..and Samdo's
Where do you call home?: So. California
Your hobbies: Riding Horses..and just being with my family
Do you believe in faeries?: You bet..!!!
Who do you think is sexy?: Not very much..LOL
| Comments:
Very pretty page..I do love Faeries..!!!
Terri Lynn - 11/10/98 05:04:45
Name of your web page: Terri Lynn's Corner
Favorite web page: Any about fairies
Where do you call home?: Alabama
Your hobbies: collecting fairies and drawing
Do you believe in faeries?: YES I DO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who do you think is sexy?: Conway Twitty
| Comments:
Rosebud, girl I just have to say that your page is simply breathtaking. The music and backgrounds, poems are just wonderful. I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit and I will be back !
hazelfaery - 11/04/98 21:39:50
My URL:/soho/gallery/9259
Name of your web page: Sidhe... in aeternum
Favorite web page: too many to count!
Where do you call home?: ~*faeryland*~
Your hobbies: making music, painting, drawing, meditating, making vegan food, listening to the fae, gardening, doing my part to help our Mother Earth
Do you believe in faeries?: well i sure do believe in mys'elf!
Who do you think is sexy?: my fiancee' Nathan (one hot elf!)
| Comments:
A lovely and elegantly crafted place you have here. I can tell alot of love was put into it and alot of thought. Good luck on your new carreer path, and many jars of faery dust goes to you for having the courage to be a single mom. Blessed be always!
10/15/98 01:02:45
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
Cyra - 10/10/98 00:02:07
My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/2956
Name of your web page: Cyra's Realm Of Fantasy
Favorite web page:
Where do you call home?: Boston
Your hobbies: web authoring, and reading
Do you believe in faeries?: I think I do! Shockingly.
| Comments:
I wished to nominate my page for you excellence award. I was visiting you page ( very nice by the way), and decided to nominate myself.
Thank You
Cyra - 10/10/98 00:01:33
Name of your web page: Cyra's Realm Of Fantasy
Favorite web page:
Where do you call home?: Boston
Your hobbies: web authoring, and reading
Do you believe in faeries?: I think I do! Shockingly.
| Comments:
I wished to nominate my page for you excellence award. I was visiting you page ( very nice by the way), and decided to nominate myself. Please stop by, and visit my realm.
Thank You
fae believer - 10/08/98 19:56:40
My URL:/RainForest/Canopy/6736
Name of your web page: fae believer's faerie forest
Favorite web page: every webpage that consists of faeries or elves
Where do you call home?: where my mom is
Your hobbies: soccer,webpage building,& being w/ friends
Do you believe in faeries?: i sure do......
Who do you think is sexy?: Daniel Bacallao, & Leonardo DeCaprio
| Comments:
I love you page... There is really nothing to say but I your page.. oh yeah please go to my page & join the clan.. hit the join button that is near the middle of my page.
& forever believe you've been dusted by: fae believer
fae believer - 10/08/98 19:54:12
Name of your web page: fae believer's faerie forest
Favorite web page: every webpage that consists of faeries or elves
Where do you call home?: where my mom is
Your hobbies: soccer,webpage building,& being w/ friends
Do you believe in faeries?: i sure do......
Who do you think is sexy?: Daniel Bacallao, & Leonardo DeCaprio
| Comments:
I love you page... There is really nothing to say but I your page.. oh yeah please go to my page & join the clan.. hit the join button that is near the middle of my page.
& forever believer you've been dusted by: fae believer
Enigma - 10/03/98 04:31:43
Name of your web page: Misty Hollow
Favorite web page: I have many
Where do you call home?: Michigan...its cold
Your hobbies: painting, working on my website, and playing w/my son Malachi
Do you believe in faeries?: could I not?
Who do you think is sexy?: My boyfriend
| Comments:
You have a very enchanting home, I enjoyed your site, I really like the poetry.
Here are some books you might like to look into
for your featured book section....
-The Encyclopedia of Faeries by Katharine Briggs
-Child of Faerie, Child of Earth by Jane Yolen
(its a childrens book, but still good)
-Enchantment of the Faerie Realm: Communicate With
Nature Spirits and Elementals by Ted Andrews
-Scary Fairies by Dugald Steer, Patricia Ludlow
check out the books and have a great day!
Lainie Piercy - 09/23/98 01:32:23
Name of your web page: Lainie's Magical Things
Favorite web page: Too many to pick one!
Where do you call home?: Toronto,Canada
Your hobbies: Dogsledding.Horsebackriding,poetry and reading
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
| Comments:
You have a wonderful website!I will be back to visit!
Velma - 09/13/98 08:14:34
Name of your web page: Velm's Fantasy Realm!
Favorite web page: Rainbow's World
Where do you call home?: Tucson Az.
Your hobbies: Playing RPG's on my Sony Playstation, Surfing the Web, Fishing
Do you believe in faeries?: Yes, I do believe!
| Comments:
Hi Rosebud!
Thank you for visiting me & signing my guestbook! I came here to check out your page, & to sign your book. I love your page's I feel at home here! Real nice. I would love to get one of your award's! They are beautifull! Maybe sometime,
you'll send me one! I hope you will come back to see me again soon. I will be back to see you too!
Thank's for stopping by & signing my guestbook! Velma
- 09/12/98 11:48:05
| Comments:
Jenine :) - 09/10/98 03:51:15
Where do you call home?: SC
Your hobbies: Chasing my 2yr old And whatever comes with that.
Do you believe in faeries?: No but Will agree to for the sake of the page
Who do you think is sexy?: Matthew McConaughey MMM! MMM! MMM!!!
| Comments:
Pretty Pretty!! Love the page. Love you. You've done a great job. I think you will continue to do good with this kind of stuff. Stuff in which I lack talent for:) I will just keep on Dreaming!!!
Bob Budden - 09/02/98 16:11:13
Your hobbies: Faries, stamps, mermaids, computer
Do you believe in faeries?: very much so
Who do you think is sexy?: what are my choices
| Comments:
love your web site
- 09/01/98 04:16:44
Name of your web page: n/a
Favorite web page: too many to have favorite
Where do you call home?: Virginia
Your hobbies: Crafts & needlework
Do you believe in faeries?: probably
Who do you think is sexy?: Garth Brooks
| Comments:
Is it my imagination, or do the faeries running down the left side of the page (the one squatting on a mushroom)when squinting the eyes they become either a dragon's head or a boar's head. Squint and see the large tooth, and eyes and snout. Easier to see
n larger picture. Gave me the creeps.Krystal's Castle has larger picture.Loved your site. Beautiful. Just want to roll around in the roses and flowers!
Elf Girl - 08/29/98 08:55:12
Name of your web page: The Road to Faerie
Where do you call home?: The Forests of the Pacific Northwest
Your hobbies: Music...Magick
Do you believe in faeries?: But of course!
| Comments: have an absolutely enchanting site.
I love the faeries and the poetry. What a wonderful job you have done...obviously created with much love and wisdom! I will be back to visit again very soon...Bright Blessings to you!
jauslind - 08/23/98 20:18:07
Where do you call home?: virginia
Your hobbies: music
Do you believe in faeries?: in a way
| Comments:
this site is pretty cool , i dont know much about faries i just like the way they look, and when i was little i loved to hear the stories about them
Monica - 07/09/98 17:01:40
Name of your web page: Monica's Everything Page
Favorite web page: anything about BEANIE BABIES
Where do you call home?: NY
Your hobbies: playing N64, reading, etc.
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
| Comments:
I'm glad I went to your page. It is so beautiful. The graphics are very very good. If you're interested in adding your site to my Visit-our Sites page, please see my web page. I'll be more than happy to put your site on the Visit-our page.
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 02:04:43
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you! 
Mary - 06/28/98 21:53:47
Name of your web page: Forrest
Favorite web page: mine ; )
Where do you call home?: Baltimore, Maryland
Your hobbies: lots and lots of em
Do you believe in faeries?: of course
Who do you think is sexy?: my husband
| Comments:
Beautiful web site. I love it : )
polaris - 06/27/98 18:04:04
Name of your web page: Polaris'
Favorite web page: soooo many
Where do you call home?: Vancouver CANADA
Your hobbies: discovery, exploring
Do you believe in faeries?: maybe .. smiles
Who do you think is sexy?: Sean Connery without a doubt, drools
| Comments:
Thank you for visiting my green space which gave me the great opportunity to visit yours. I am glad you enjoyed the roses - they are wonderful I agree. I used to live in Alaska and the Yukon and you are right .. the Northlands are magnificent and you kn
w what they say, once you have been in the land of the midnight sun .. it never leaves you. But home is home wherever we are for wherever we go, there we are .. lol .. thank you for creating a soft place on the web .. good causes and nicely set up .. kee
up your good work. Polaris
Courtney - 06/24/98 17:47:06
Name of your web page: n/a
Favorite web page:
Where do you call home?: anywhere i am with my husband
Your hobbies: star gazing, snowboarding`
Do you believe in faeries?: of course!!
Who do you think is sexy?: my husband
| Comments:
I love your web page! The graphics are wonderful and you have lots of great links. Keep up the great work!!!
Sephia Lynx - 06/18/98 14:55:39
My URL:/Area51/Lair/3264
Name of your web page: The Lair of the Lynx
Favorite web page: Chesapeake bay Retriever Relief & Rescue
Where do you call home?: Tir Nan Og
Your hobbies: Cheasapeake Bay Retriever & Boxer rescue, my dogs, skating, fast pitch softball, movies, reading
Do you believe in faeries?: Yes
Who do you think is sexy?: Depends on my mood
| Comments:
Lovely site. Very easy to navigate. Keep up the good work. Come see me at the Lair and give me your opinion.
Tobi~Dawne (also known as Lily or TheCryingRain) - 06/18/98 04:27:13
Name of your web page: Kinepik Iskwew
Favorite web page: That would be a tough call. I have seen so many beautiful ones out there. I really couldn't say.
Where do you call home?: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA
Your hobbies: Anything to do with the arts, or animals.
Do you believe in faeries?: Of course!!!!!!
Who do you think is sexy?: Damon, my common-law husband, he looks like a young Tom Cruise.
| Comments:
You have a delightful site, I am so glad I triped upon it. **laughing** I can be clumsy at times, but (like it did with finding your site) it can pay off. **shaking her head** What a glorious day!!! **smile**
jacqueline walter - 06/12/98 19:41:05
Where do you call home?: the netherlands
Your hobbies: computers
Do you believe in faeries?: no but i wish i did
| Comments:
i think you are really made a beautiful page!
angela - 06/11/98 23:40:54
Where do you call home?: san fer, CA
Your hobbies: crafts making,collecting angeles,writting
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
| Comments:
I love this page I neer seen one like his before keep up the excellent work..angie
Kat - 06/11/98 00:06:49
Where do you call home?: Florida
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
Who do you think is sexy?: Me
| Comments:
Wonderful page. Throughly enjoyed. and may the wonder and magik of the universe light your way.
the-chaser - 06/01/98 00:23:12
Name of your web page: dont have one
Favorite web page: metallica
Where do you call home?: st.louis
Your hobbies: hockey,weight lifting,cars,music
Do you believe in faeries?: yea
Who do you think is sexy?: you
| Comments:
i would fill this out all day for prob just wanna chat to ya.when you get a chance e mail me.
love ya
Carla Vredeling - 05/17/98 15:54:09
Name of your web page: Fairyland
Favorite web page: my own of course, lots of time and thought went into it.
Where do you call home?: Amsterdam Netherlands
Your hobbies: gardening, sewing, working on my homepage
Do you believe in faeries?: oh yes!
Who do you think is sexy?: my husband
| Comments:
I loved your pages, thank you for letting me visit. Your choices of music was perfect for your pages. I could browse here for awhile. I will be back.
Star Gazer - 05/15/98 07:38:21
Name of your web page: Star Gazers Realm
Where do you call home?: Texas
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
Who do you think is sexy?: my husband *S*
| Comments:
Hello, I was out surfing today and came across
your wonderful web site in someone else's guestbook.
I am still looking around here but I wanted to sign before I forget.
I have enjoyed my visit here at your site,Keep up the
The great work and Please come visit mine when you
have some free time.
Thank you for the enjoyable visit..Take care,and remember Keep your dreams alive,~Star Gazer~
Kelly McBeal - 05/14/98 17:54:33
Favorite web page: yours!
Where do you call home?: Calif.
Your hobbies: surfing the web
Do you believe in faeries?: absolutely!!!
Who do you think is sexy?: decent people.
| Comments:
You have a great site! I love your music, your backgound which I saved it as my wall paper.
Keep up your good works!!!! :)
Ali - 05/10/98 22:13:14
Name of your web page: Ali's Place
Favorite web page: your's of course
Where do you call home?: 3rd clourd on the left
Your hobbies: dance, computers,
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
Who do you think is sexy?: me :)
| Comments:
Hi Rosebudd,
Thanks for stopping by and visiting...the only thing is you went to the wrong guestbook for your gift, it's on my main site or my homepage site. I had put that in the ring mail last week...but it seems that several missed it :)....your site is looking rea
ly great. You will have to add me again in ICQ I had gotten rid of it for awhile because I just didn't have time for it but have gotten it back again. Hope you had a wonderful mothers day.
TITARNIA - 05/08/98 12:44:51
Name of your web page: HOTBOT
Favorite web page: YOURS
Where do you call home?: IN THE VEGGIE PATCH
Do you believe in faeries?: YESS!!!
Who do you think is sexy?: MY CAT
| Comments:
Greetings fellow fairy lover, like yourself I love fairies, espeically frost foster fairies. do you know them? do you know summer steavens fairies or the rare fairies of king rollo? and the berry elf but beware of the sea witch goodison, she's a boggart.
JULIE - 05/03/98 06:00:56
Name of your web page: SIOUX CITY RANCH
Favorite web page: I LOVE THEM ALL!
Where do you call home?: BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA
Do you believe in faeries?: YES OF COURSE
Who do you think is sexy?: JIM MORRISON
| Comments:
Very interesting and amusing site! I love fairies!

I enjoyed my visit!
When you find the time
Our door's always Open! See you soon!
Moonsinger - 04/29/98 18:50:59
Name of your web page: Moonsinger's Home on the Web
Favorite web page: too many to name!
Where do you call home?: outer space
Your hobbies: pottery, painting, gardening, animal rescue
Do you believe in faeries?: just check out my site!
Who do you think is sexy?: Kevin Sorbo
| Comments:
Merry meet, and highty ho! I'm just surfin the Elmaiden's Faerie Ring to see who my new neighbors are! I love your site - have bookmarked it so I can spend more time here. Please visit me
and sign my book, too. I have fairies and dragons, and unicorns, and magic, and .... oh, just go visit! Bright blessings, Moonsinger
Missy - 04/23/98 16:16:13
| Comments:
Rose Chandler - 04/22/98 23:20:50
Name of your web page: Rose's World of Writing
Favorite web page:
Where do you call home?: Chicago IL USA
Your hobbies: Writing, music, photography, basketball, babysitting, making friendship bracelets.
Do you believe in faeries?: No.
Who do you think is sexy?: Like I'd really tell you! (no offense intended)
| Comments:
This is a really cool page! I love all of your flower things, esp. the guestpage background! Keep up the good web work! :)
wisteria - 04/22/98 22:10:34
Name of your web page: The Saga of the Fairies
Favorite web page: do not have one, there are too many that are so wonderful
Where do you call home?: Virginia
Your hobbies: playing on the computer, collecting teddy bears and tea sets and fairies
Do you believe in faeries?: what a question to ask, *gigling* of course
Who do you think is sexy?: a flannel bathrobe, messy hair and a hearth..the natural look....
| Comments:
love your page, its great!, so many wonderful pathways to take always filled wiht surpirzes....
~Unique~ - 04/22/98 16:11:19
Name of your web page: The Last Uniquehorn
Where do you call home?: Tx
Your hobbies: besides the net¿ dancing, racing, motorcycles
Do you believe in faeries?: of course..I believe in unicorns
Who do you think is sexy?: hmmmm tough q.
| Comments:
Your site is beautiful. I love the fae's. Off to adopt a baby one myself. I have the grown ones, but no babies.
Lisa - 04/18/98 19:49:36
Name of your web page: Lisa's Page
Where do you call home?: Texas
Do you believe in faeries?: Yes
| Comments:
Lisa's banner code
Very nice site...enjoyed my stay!....take care!
- 04/18/98 00:10:19
| Comments:
padenski - 04/17/98 00:45:28
Name of your web page: Paddie's Poetry
Favorite web page: Friend of the Fae
Where do you call home?: USA
Your hobbies: Internet, computers, reading, graphics
Do you believe in faeries?: Ohhh but yes!
Who do you think is sexy?: My hubby
| Comments:
Hi! :) Your pages are very lovely. I especially love your adopted baby fairies, now I want to adopt my own. I really enjoyed my visit, please drop in for a friendly visit. I'd love to have you...and the coffee is hot too! Please sign my guest book, your s
gnature would make a great addition! *smile* Warm wishes...padenski
Billy B - 04/16/98 02:00:27
Name of your web page: Billy B at the Keyboard
Favorite web page: Seabreeze
Where do you call home?: Myrtle Beach
Your hobbies: Music, NN8Z, Computers, RD-500
Do you believe in faeries?: No
Who do you think is sexy?: Debbie Moore
| Comments:
Hi, very nice site to visit, interesting, just surfing around killing time, transport to my http:// some time an say hello, cya Billy B..Myrtle to the HardRockCafe.
stephie - 04/13/98 22:41:46
Name of your web page: stephie's homepage
Where do you call home?: my little fairy flower
Your hobbies: ballet and movies
Do you believe in faeries?: yep!
Who do you think is sexy?: leo.
| Comments:
hey, love your page! I am obsessed with fairies and pixies, always have been. when I'm finished you can visit my fairy/pixie page, thanks bye!
Ali - 04/12/98 15:39:55
Name of your web page: Ali's World
Favorite web page:
Where do you call home?: Minnesota
Your hobbies: Athletics (jogging), Computers and reading
Do you believe in faeries?: Yuppers- I believe ~*~
Who do you think is sexy?: Harrison Ford and Sean Connery
| Comments:
Great pages! ~*~ It was really fun to browse around and explore. Wonderdul job and I hope you do make that 6 figure salary ~*~ Keep it up ~*~
Cherri - 04/09/98 23:56:33
Name of your web page: Cherri's Web Page
Favorite web page: too many to choose from
Where do you call home?: Virginia
Your hobbies: my pooter (computer), art, gardening, feeding the birds
Do you believe in faeries?: sure do
Who do you think is sexy?: Adrian Paul, THE Highlander!, he is THE sexiest man alive!
| Comments:
Hey Jess I like your other page, are you thinking of adding the garden theme here, or on your other page? Either would look nice. You really have some great graphics here. I dont mind hearing you
b**ch, as long as you dont mind hearing me;-)
Your B**chin Buddy
Nicola Bowerman - 04/06/98 21:09:39
Favorite web page: Druinne Weyr (address unknown)
Where do you call home?: Pern, a world with dragons, etc (please read some Anne McCaffrey books)
Your hobbies: Reading Anne McCaffrey books, reading interesting pages on the internet (such as yours)
Do you believe in faeries?: Of course! Along with pixies, goblins, hobbits and (wait for it) DRAGONS!
Who do you think is sexy?: Adam Rickitt (I'm sure you'll agree)
| Comments:
How dare you call yourself a beginer, if you're a beginer, than what are all the poor souls like me? Stop being so modest! I think this is a wonderful site, and you should be proud of it (so there!).
Nicola Bowerman - 04/06/98 21:07:39
Favorite web page: Druinne Weyr (address unknown)
Where do you call home?: Pern, a world with dragons, etc (please read some Anne McCaffrey books)
Your hobbies: Reading Anne McCaffrey books, reading interesting pages on the internet (such as yours)
Do you believe in faeries?: Of course! Along with pixies, goblins, hobbits and (wait for it) DRAGONS!
Who do you think is sexy?: Adam Rickitt (I'm sure you'll agree)
| Comments:
Nicola Bowerman - 04/06/98 21:06:19
Favorite web page: Druinne Weyr (address unknown)
Where do you call home?: Pern, a world with dragons, etc (please read some Anne McCaffrey books)
Your hobbies: Reading Anne McCaffrey books, reading interesting pages on the internet (such as yours)
Do you believe in faeries?: Of course! Along with pixies, goblins, hobbits and (wait for it) DRAGONS!
Who do you think is sexy?: Adam Rickitt (I'm sure you'll agree)
| Comments:
Tink -=Faerie Princess=- - 03/30/98 19:01:56
Name of your web page: The Realm of Tink
Favorite web page: Yours Of Course!
Where do you call home?: Enchanted Forest
Your hobbies: Spreading happiness and sunshine
Do you believe in faeries?: *Giggle* I am one silly !!
Who do you think is sexy?: everyone who can smile from the heart
| Comments:
I love your site, it is truely magical.
I hope to see you traveling along the paths of my Realm some day. Until then may your days be filled with warm rays of sun and your nights be blessed with wonderful dreams.
Faerie Blessings
Tink -=Faerie Princess=-
Jasmine o' the Blissful State o' Confusion - 03/28/98 03:52:21
Name of your web page: Jasmine's 'Umble 'Omepage
Favorite web page: but I have so many
Where do you call home?: Florida
Your hobbies: reading, writing, singing, acting, being silly
Do you believe in faeries?: of course!
Who do you think is sexy?: Matt
| Comments:
This is a wonderful page! Thanks for telling me about it! I plan to visit it again many times! :)
neil bowerman - 03/26/98 23:14:49
Name of your web page: take a look at
Favorite web page: this one
Where do you call home?: York, thats in England
Your hobbies: Finding Sites Like YOURS
Do you believe in faeries?: If you could see my little girl, you would know why I believe
Who do you think is sexy?: Kate Winslet, Allison Eastwood
| Comments:
I am bowled over, after all the site that try to surprise and shock, yours is like droping droplets of esential oils into the bath, climbing in and staying 'till it's cold. Then being dried with a huge towel by Helens Bonham Carter
peggy meeks-king - 03/23/98 07:38:49
Name of your web page: Peggy's poetry page
Favorite web page: mine after I surf the big old www I am so glad to get back to my little old space on the www
Where do you call home?: USA
Your hobbies: wrting poetry SWEET poetry
Do you believe in faeries?: Yes
Who do you think is sexy?: Oh my/ I could go on and on/I love men the way they look and smell and well I had better stop there/but sexy is good --my poems are lusty I have been told by men --that great -that I can put a feel for lust and sex in my
ove poetry --I feel
| Comments:
Your guestbook is so neat and pretty
I like the question who do you think is sexy?
good ? real good ?
I feel
I have meet some sexy men in my life-
and at this point in my like I enjoy looking in their eyes more then ever--
giving them a sexy look to get an reaction from
them (flirt I guess is a good word for it
but it is delightful when I get a LOOK back
it the stuff of legends and all
Love and lust and sex still makes the world
go around
go read my poems
Beneath a Tanzanite Sky
and Love from a far
and To my beloved evening star
if you want lust
/Einstein was sexy /I have a picture collection
of him as a young man and wow
what a sexy man he was~
oh well enuff for this night~
see you I hope at my site
good night
angelbleu - 03/22/98 19:13:35
Name of your web page: angelbleu's Home Page
Favorite web page: too many to mention
Where do you call home?: New York
Your hobbies: computer gardening backyard bird feeding
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
Who do you think is sexy?: Mel Gibson
| Comments:
I followed your link from my guestbook and truly enjoyed your page. It is beautifully done. Leaving you one of my angels in case you would like to "fly" back to mine for a visit.
Sephia Lynx - 03/22/98 13:55:02
Name of your web page: The Lair of the Lynx
Favorite web page: why, yours of course! LOL
Where do you call home?: Flroida
Your hobbies: fast pitch soft ball, fantasy movies and books, going to plays, the web
Do you believe in faeries?: Absolutly
Who do you think is sexy?: Gary Oldman, Gabriel Byrne, John Malkovich, Ben Cross, TOM BERENGER!!!
| Comments:
I have truly enjoyed your site, and I got here through a link in a Beauty and Magic webring members guestbook. I LOVED your "Causes", and found several similar interests there! I snagged a few urls and graphics to link with those causes as well. Thanks fo
the nice surf!
Enia - 03/19/98 00:33:19
Name of your web page: The Realm of The Changeling
Favorite web page:
Where do you call home?: FaerieLand
Your hobbies: Flying, playing pranks on mortals, gathering flowers, working on my realm, reading, and more!
Do you believe in faeries?: Not only do I believe in faeries but I am a faerie!
| Comments:
I am having a lovely time at your garden!
W. Eric C. Ferguson - 03/18/98 21:55:16
My URL:/TimesSquare/Realm/9694
Name of your web page: Eric's Refuge
Favorite web page: Mine.
Where do you call home?: Friendsville, TN
Your hobbies: Visit the page.
Do you believe in faeries?: Only in AD&D!
Who do you think is sexy?: Tori Amos
| Comments:
Tosha - 03/18/98 15:32:10
Name of your web page: Welcome to my Dream World
Favorite web page: CandyLand
Where do you call home?: Iowa
Your hobbies: My Computer the web and graphic's
Do you believe in faeries?: Yeppers
Who do you think is sexy?: My Husband
| Comments:
Hello I was out surfing along here in cyberspace I saw your web page decided to stop...gee what a Great Place you have here, Sure made my head turn......take care and visit me sometime soon. I love it when
guest drop in!
Wendy Talley - 03/18/98 06:03:37
Name of your web page: Wendy's World
Where do you call home?: Virginia Beach, USA
Your hobbies: Computers
Do you believe in faeries?: Yes
Who do you think is sexy?: My Husband!
| Comments:
You have such a great site here. You have done very well for someone who is new at this. You will go far! I wish you much success in raising your daughter. Hang in there.
All the Best.
Lady Ajah - 03/17/98 16:57:27
Your hobbies: alittle of everything
Do you believe in faeries?: yes with all my heart
Who do you think is sexy?: a moonlite night
| Comments:
i am new here.i have been looking around the different web pages,and this is all so wonderful,keep up the beutiful job
- 03/17/98 16:50:16
| Comments:
Beryl & Aleesha - 03/16/98 11:58:59
Name of your web page: Beryl & Aleesha's Homepage
Where do you call home?: Australia
Do you believe in faeries?: Yes
Who do you think is sexy?: Peter Gabriel
| Comments:
What a fabulous page, you truely have created
a wonderland filled with dreams. My daughter Aleesha has a fairy that follows her everywhere.
We have a fairydell at the bottom of our garden.
Congratulations & Well done.
Valkyrie - 03/13/98 22:30:00
Name of your web page: Triton And Valkyries Homepage
Favorite web page: To many to name
Where do you call home?: California
Your hobbies: Fishing and camping
Do you believe in faeries?: Sure there neat
Who do you think is sexy?: My husband
| Comments:
Liked your page I tried to do a flower garden on my site but it didn't turn out as good as yours....... ©<
Tobi - 03/13/98 03:56:26
Name of your web page: Tobi's Fun Stuff
Where do you call home?: California
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
Who do you think is sexy?: Garth Brooks, Kenny Rogers and Rod Stewart
| Comments:
What a lovely site you have here. I really enjoyed my visit. Keep up the good work. I'll be back again very, very soon.
Drop by and visit me sometime.
And I am proud of this page too!
Tasha - 03/12/98 01:06:19
Name of your web page: New Found Hope
Favorite web page: yours
Where do you call home?: AL
Your hobbies: everything
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
Who do you think is sexy?: Leonardo Di Caprio
| Comments:
great page. I love it. I hope you will visit mine.
Yeata - 03/11/98 07:18:53
Name of your web page: Music of the Night
| Comments:
Holly Barnes - 03/11/98 01:53:53
| Comments:
This is great. Well done!!
Jessica - 03/08/98 00:16:30
Name of your web page: New Found Hope
Favorite web page: Yours!!!
Where do you call home?: Anchorage, Alaska
Your hobbies: Web pages, computers, and a million others
Do you believe in faeries?: yes
Who do you think is sexy?: Jonathan Crombie
| Comments:
You have a wonderful page. It is beautiful. The best faerie page I have seen yet. And I have seen quite a few. Well take care and visit me sometime.
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