MX8 MIDI PatchBay Editor

 Current Release: 1.1

IMPORTANT NOTE: Version 1.1 does NOT talk MIDI yet. You have to use another program to dump/upload SYSEX files to the MX8, but you can edit the resulting SYSEX files with this editor.

The MX8 MIDI Patchbay from Digital Music Corp is one of the best units on the market for hooking lots of synth gear together.  I play with Ezekiel's Wheel and we use two of them hooked together to make up an even larger 'virtual' patch bay.  One of the things this means is that we have LOTS of configuration stuff with the patchbays and so this started as a project for us, but as I worked with the windsynth community, I found several folks using these patchbays.  So...

Here it is!

  1. Download zip from above link.
  2. Put it where you want the editor to run from and unzip it.
  3. Run MX8Editor.EXE (there's NO install step and no DLL's!)
  4. Load a ".DAT" file and a ".SYX" file (examples are provided in the ZIP)
  5. Windows 95/98/NT ONLY (I don't do Mac...)
For any feedback send email to:Emory_Stagmer@Yahoo.COM and also to get on a list for updates (like saving!). NOTE: This program is copyrighted freeware. You may only give it away!

NEWS! 15-Jan-2001
SCREENSHOTS! Main Screen , Processor Screen
For anybody following this, it took more than a week! BUT - 1.1 is out! Can now save 1 or all of the patches to a SYX file, as well as copy/paste patches around. Pretty well tested, let me know of anything that does not work as advertised. The checksum problem was due to an un-initialized array while creating the output SYX data (POOH ON ME! Always initialize variables before using them! I know better - no really! I know better!! ;^) )
Next up: MIDI I/O (I'll get on it soon, the guys in the band are pounding me for it!

NEWS! 6-Nov-2000
The 1.1 is done, but not tested. Give me another week or so...I'm currently in Calif (working on EO1(see below)) and don't have an MX8 with me, so I'll have to get another guy in the band to test it...(basically to make sure the checksum calculation in the SYSEX works otherwise the MX8 will reject the load...)

NEWS!  10-Oct-2000
    Version 1.1 ALPHA is in the works.  This new version should be available on or about Oct-21-2000

    1. Save whole bank
    2. Save individual patch
    3. Load whole bank (1.0 already does this)
    4. Load individual patch
    5. Copy/Cut/Paste patches in the editor (CUT will be like a 'CLEAR PATCH' operation).
    6. ' File | New ' will clear out all 50 patches
    7. MIDI will NOT be implemented yet.
    8. Anticipate MIDI implementation by end of 2000.
I'm currently working on the EO1 spacecraft and won't have alot of time between now and end of NOV to work on this, but hopefully I can during December.

So far,

MIDI fanatics have looked at this page!