I play Guitar, Bass Guitar, and synthesizers for Ezekiel's Wheel


Bass: Hofner Beatle Bass (circa 1970s)
Peavey Mark IV bass amp with 2-10 cabinet.
12 String Guitar: Alvarez Yari (man do I LOVE this guitar!) Dean Markley in-hole pickup, currently using Guild Bronze/Phosphor, Light Guage.
WX5 MIDI Wind Controller playing an Alesis Nano-Synth,
Electric Rhythm: Used to be a Kramer Focus 1000. Allen and I hacked it up ALOT and now it's got two double-coil pickups, three switches, and a hexaphonic pickup for interface to a guitar synth (along with a few more knobs to control the synth).
Keyboards: Oberheim OB/X MIDI controller plugged into the rest of our synth stack ( including our MIDI patch bay ).
Moog Taurus II Organ Pedals (now MIDI-fied),
Lead and Background Vocals

Life Story:

I've been a Christian since I was 11 and have strived to follow the voice of the Spirit. God has been faithful, has opened doors and given me the grace to walk through them. My parents have been involved in ministry as far back as I can remember, and I owe them a great debt of thanks for their faithfulness. I have been playing Christian music almost exclusively for 15 years, having been influenced by Randy Stonehill, Phil Keaggy, Degarmo & Key, and Chuck Girard.

Like: Phil Keaggy, Randy Stonehill, Michael W. Smith, Out of the Grey, Pat Metheny (secular jazz) Steve Morse (progressive country-rock-fusion?) Kerry Livgren (& AD!) and I'll have to admit to liking Boston (and it's more than a feeling ;^)   )!

You can email Emory at: Emory_Stagmer@amecom.com

I've done several shareware projects.
    MX8 Midi Patchbay Editor
POV Hermite Curve Generator

I also do ray-traced graphics (I did the cover art) for Ezekiel's Wheel's first CD, the Ezekiel's Wheel Hi-Res site, and here's a picture I did of the robot from Lost-In-Space (submitted to the Internet Ray-Tracing Competition)

Another picture I did for work...

Some other pics I've done for the Internet Raytracing Competition

Along those lines I have developed a POV Hermite curve generator. Follow the link to the POVHerm Web Page .