Welcome to the home of the Christian Music Ring!
If you have a site having anything to do with Christian Music, add it to the ring by filling in the form below.
Questions? EMail Emory Stagmer the Christian Music Ring Coordinator

As of 10-Feb-2000 there are over 940 sites in the ring!

Ring stuff not quite so WAY! behind. Expect a few weeks getting into the ring - currently just under 200 sites pending - I'm trying my best to keep up!...Emory

Submit site to Christian Music Ring
Site Title:
Site URL: (the 'WWW' thing you tell people to get to your site)
(Oh yeah, be sure to put "http://" in front)
Your Name:
Your E-mail address: The HTML code you need to add to your site will be sent here!

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

IMPORTANT Note from the Ring Master for the Christian Music Ring!

You MUST add some HTML code to your website in order to join the ring. If you are unwilling OR UNABLE to do this, PLEASE don't register. ALSO don't register a page for which you are NOT the webmaster (the person responsible for maintaining the page).

PLEASE SIGN UP! It's important that we get as many sites in the ring as possible.

BUT ALSO please update your site with the HTML code that will be emailed to you as soon as possible.

The HTML you need to add to your site will be emailed to you when you submit the form. I will be emailed to say that somebody new is in the queue to be added to the ring. I'll check the queue just about every day and look at the sites waiting to be added to the ring. When I see that a site has put the HTML code in, I'll add you to the ring.

We go through the two step process so that the ring remains intact (i.e. you don't end up at a site that can't continue the ring...)

I would appreciate it if you would drop me an email telling me when you're done updating the website with the HTML information. PLEASE include your site-id number when you do. It makes things MUCH less confusing!

AOL USERS (and other Microsoft Windows users):

Please use the following steps to add the HTML code to your site since the AOL email program will NOT show you the full HTML code in the email program:

1) Open the email you got from the webring.
2) Use the menus to execute a 'File - Save As'
3) save the email as a text file (you'll have to provide a name)
4) open the file you just saved in NotePad.
5) Select the HTML code from the file using the mouse.
6) Press CTRL-C (copy the selected text to the clipboard)
7) open your HTML file (usually called index.html) in NotePad
8) navigate the cursor to where you want the ring code to be.
The only restriction is that it must come before the at the end of the file. This is actually a good place to put it...
9) Paste the contents of the clipboard by pressing CTRL-V.
10) Save the HTML file and look at it via browser to make sure it works correctly.
11) Upload the new, correct, checked(!) HTML file to AOL.

Here are some handy links to other Webring pages for this ring.
Index Index of sites in Christian Music Ring
Queue List of sites in the queue
Edit Site Info Edit site information for a site in the ring or queue
View Ring Statistics Ring Stats (cumulative for last 8 weeks)

BTW:Here is ALMOST what the default Ring code looks like. This 'Next Site' link will send you to the first site in the ring (Ezekiel's Wheel).

IMPORTANT! Don't copy/paste this code into your site! Use the code that will be sent to you by the webring server! OR go here for the Generic Ring Code

this Christian Music Ring site is maintained by:
Emory Stagmer

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