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Welcome to the lair of Stohyer

Look for great things to come here soon.

Avu Zom was originally the name of a D & D character of mine.
Now he is a character in a book I am writing.

I am actually a 43 yr old kid driving around the country in a big white 18 wheeler. And I have 2 boys. I like to collect collectables, hike, bike, dig for crystals, read horror, mystery and scifi, (I enjoy Anne Rice), make things like Fairie Houses and Wands in my spare time and many more strange things. And I dream of riding a dragon.

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There at the far end of the line of challengers stood a beautiful lean muscular red and black dragon with green eyes, black claws and bright red horns. He raised up and everyone hushed. Garthlac looked around to see that everything was ready. He then looked down at the challengers, “Let your hearts be ready! Let your souls fly! Let your bodies be agile! Without this The Dragon’s Challenge you cannot defy!” And then he bellowed a burst of flame into the sky. And with that the challengers ran up to the ropes and began to climb.

I dream of Dragons. Come read a tale that a Dragon told me.
This is a tidbit from a story I am working on. It has gotten too big to put on the net.

Garthlac the Dragon speaks

Excerpt from my story

She stands up slowly and gracefully. All eyes turn to the Empress. Stepping down from the dais she approaches. Everything becomes so quiet. The Keeper is anxious and exited. My heart sinks lower and lower with each step that brings her closer. I want to yell and scream and wake up. But everything appears sane and normal to the Keeper and his men.

The Empress walks right up to the Keeper. He tries to look only at her masked face. But all I can see is that ring on her finger. A ring made of wood with little points on it. I hate that ring. I would run away, but I am only an observer from the Keepers point of view.

She stands now before him. He now begins to feel something familiar about this woman. He hesitates a moment as he admires her.

“I am Anash the Dragon Keeper. I and my men have come to propose peace between your people and the Honor of Dragon.” At the stating of ‘Honor of Dragon’, the Keeper and his men seemed to stand a bit prouder and straighter.

I could scream. NO NO NO! I am filled with terror and can do nothing to stop her.

She raises her hands slowly. The hand with the ring comes to the Keeper’s face and the other to her mask, “Oh proud proud foolish man.” The mask comes off and the Keeper and I are caught by surprise. We know her. To him it is his sister. He knows her even after all the years that she has been missing. The first time I dreamed this, I was excited to see the woman who was my wife. But long after the first time I dreamed this nightmare she has parted from me. I now dread seeing her face in this dream. For in less than a second after I know who she is, the disaster begins.

The Keeper and I are looking deeply into her eyes with disbelief. We are stunned. And then her hand with that horrible ring is gently caressing the Keepers face. But only for a short moment. Then she slaps us and her face loses its smile and turns to look of pure disgust. The slap leaves a scar on the Keeper’s face. The scar burns and the burning spreads. Then suddenly the pain fades to numbness and as the Keeper drops to his knees from the oncoming weakness, he speaks one word, “poison.”

The Dragon Dancer's horse 'Stone'

A GREEN Dragon Lies Beneath!

I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a Green Dragon on the inside. My Inner Dragon is the embodiment of Nature and the Earth. Greens spend almost all of their time below the canopy or just above the treetops in tropical rain forests. Not a bad life considering every other creature in the forest looks up to me, figuratively and literally. I speak the language of every animal and plant in my domain and know most of them by first name. If people mess with my forests, I'm more than happy to wail on their puny butts. Because of my protector/caretaker role, I am the Earth Elemental dragon.

Naturally my whole life pretty much revolves around the other couple million species I keep an eye on, but that's not my whole dragon. I also like to like to impose my steadfast will on others, commune with Nature, and lobby governments for alternative fuels and conservation. My favorable attributes are gemstones, mountains, caves, soil, respect, endurance, responsibility, prosperity, and purpose in life. Folks shouldn't get the idea I'm a hippy pushover though, because my breath weapon is a nasty Fire/Acid combination. Maybe I should invest in a hemp shirt reading "Don't knock my smock, or I'll clean your clock." *wink*

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