The Lost World
The Lost World was written by Dr. Michael Crichton, who has authored more than a dozen books throughout his long career.  His novels have been described as being "intense, action-packed, controversial books, which perk the curiosity of the public."  Like most authors, Michael Crichton’s goal is to entertain the reader while at the same time educating him.  Sometimes Crichton's novels put him into the middle of heated controversy.  Fascinated by dinosaurs since he was a child, the idea came to him to write Jurassic Park while buying stuffed animals for his daughter.
"Something has survived" states the back cover of Michael Crichton's book, The Lost World, the sequel to Jurassic Park.  Published by Alfred A. Knopf in late 1995, the story takes place a six years after Jurassic Park.  "It is now six years since the secret disaster at Jurassic Park, six years since that extraordinary dream of scientists and imagination came to a crashing end--the dinosaurs destroyed, the park dismantled, the island indefinitely closed to the public....there are rumors that something has survived."  Indeed, something did survive, and a team of scientists set out on an expedition to another island.  What they find there is an abandoned research facility where, they assume, Hammond and his team of scientists hatched and raised the dinosaurs that would eventually populate Jurassic Park.  After further investigation, they realize that a deadly virus was killing off the dinosaurs, and the scientists couldn't figure out why.  Mixed in with all this is another rival expedition, who are determined on discovering the hidden secrets of the island.
Thanks To The Jurassic Park Network For This Article
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