An expanded section on vampire society and statistics
A slightly less detailed bundle of stuff on werewolves
Ideas on playing slightly more than human characters, has some parrallels to an existing system, I am told, but I haven't read this. I based all my ideas on my experiences ten years ago with the New Age, reincarnation, Atlantis, and on the ideas of the Great Ones and Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses who often disguised themselves as humans.
The use of golems in Gaslight
The use of elementals in Gaslight
First, from Harrigan's PBEM, maps of the Miskatonic University Library:
The First
The Second
The Third
of Arkham Itself
I received a copy of a copy of a mail from Peter (aka Daniel Tremorne) which was so funny I thought I'd print it here. Its a revised manifesto of standards of behaviour for an evil overlord that has got his (or her) shit together. If anyone knows who wrote it I'd be glad to credit them.
1) There's a guy who has linked Paranoia and Cthulhu, check out his site!
2) And I may as well let Edward describe
his site in his own words:
"This web site is for all readers, writers, artists, composers, editors,
and publishers -- anyone with an interest in H.P. Lovecraft's creation, the
Cthulhu Mythos. Admittedly, this is not Lovecraft's name for the background
lore within his stories, but it is the name most commonly recognized as
describing the type of stories we are interested in reading or writing."
3) The Lair of the Mythku (Mythos Haiku Poetry)
or drop me an E-mail here know that Cthulhu page?!
This site has been put on hold since Dec 97, whilst the RuneQuest page explodes. However there are some useful things here, so take the time to cruise around.
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