Hello. Here are the ramblings of the few folk who wander around my guestbook. Thanks for visiting the site. Anyone who lives in Melbourne and wants to give me a call, try 9256 6870. See yas!

Jakke The Gnome - 08/28/00 11:45:01
My URL:http://members.amethyst-alliance.com/jakke/
My Email:jakke666@hotmail.com
a great site, though it craches with Netscape... I loved the vampire and werewolf stuff.. I'm using it in my own CoC campaign. info about my CoC campaigns at: http://members.amethyst-alliance.com/jakke/cthulhu_index.htm

Stephen Boursy - 01/06/00 06:51:51
My URL:http://www.churchstate.net
My Email:boursy@churchstate.net
Love your 'no frames' graphic--can I use it? I hate frames--ruins a lot of good sites. The very worst are those who try to keep you trapped in their frames when you visit other sites--such a selfish thing to do.

- 08/27/99 07:32:17
May your destruction be long and painfull.... Greetings Azathoth

Dom Twist - 06/27/99 09:08:34
My Email:thazar@globalnet.co.uk
Handy Page. The Rune Font saved me. I lost my previous copy in a hardware meltdown.....and guess who forgot to back up his fonts! Good Page...I loved the Geo's Map Dom "Thaz"

Gerald Bosch - 05/08/99 00:39:53
My Email:gbosch@lexcominc.net
I just wanted to drop you a note of thanks for your great site! I found a number of useful things here. If you have any interest, I'd be happy to reciprocate by sending along a few Humakt-oriented odds and ends I've generated for my current campaign. I any case, thanks.

Grant Rencourt - 03/30/99 22:20:27
My Email:grant.rencourt@lineone.net
Ian, You are a lucky sod living in the land of sunshine and surf. Nice pages by the way! Don't think I've come across many like it with a potted and honest history of the authors life. I trust life is good with you. And hey, I miss all that great RPGing we used to do at BCHE! And Stuart...bury the hatchet, m

Giri Csiszar - 03/03/99 19:06:26
My Email:giri.csiszar@sci.fi
Nice homepage! Australia is one of the best places to live on earth, i know because iv'e lived in australia for 7 1/2 year's. Playing RuneQuest with aussie's would be fun!

John "Bro" Roberts - 03/02/99 17:49:58
Watcha, hope things are well with you and Carrie. The news of the day is Hils birthday is today, but also Red Dwarf a new series is currently showing on BBC2. Even more manic and incredulous is I am reliving my youth and have started playing Bloodbowl. Oh well it can't be helped. Byeee!

d agsoth - 02/27/99 22:07:21
My Email:d.agsoth@usa.net
pick up brian lumley's necroscope:the lost years or the blood wars for a really different view on vampire myths.

Mark - 01/13/99 11:58:18
My Email:mark_warden@saatchi.co.uk
Great site. I came across it surfing (looking at games stuff to be honest) The Cthulhu by Gaslight material is truly inspired. Keep up the good work!!

Dr Moose - 12/20/98 16:43:26
My URL:http://www.mousir.u-net.com/index.htm
My Email:loosmoos@mousir.u-net.com
Brilliant site! As a lapsed gamer, but still buying and reading the things its nice to see other peoples' creativity. I don't know whether it makes all my acculmulated scribbles look small, or just reminds me how much is unformed and still lives in half a dozen A4 ringbi ders. It'll take me forever to read through the zipped files. Perhaps I should start putting more of my stuff out. Absolutely superb. God Bless, Dr Moose!

thom loney - 12/18/98 01:02:47
My Email:kthom_kopf@prodigy.com
great site. I really did like your work on the 'supernaturals' for lack of a better phrase. A true Cthulhu RPG'er. thom loney cleveland ohio, that's just under lake Eerie.

Hils Campbell - 12/08/98 16:52:16
My Email:HCAMPBELL7@Compuserve.com
It was great to finally find your site and see those photos, it's a good site. Feels good to see my poems displayed too. I may add more to your guestbook when I have more time! Bye for now

Logan - 10/22/98 16:52:09
My Email:logan@safco.com
Most excellent page. BTW: I am looking for better rules on SMG's than those with the COC book - I have fired fully automatic weapons lots and there has got to be better weapon rules for full auto. Any suggestions please e-m me. Thanks, Logan

10/15/98 00:52:18
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Andy Dick - 10/02/98 21:32:14
My Email:andrew.dick2@virgin.net
Hi, good site. I`ll try and keep you posted of any rules I come up with.

John (Bro) Roberts - 09/24/98 16:39:00
I am going to try to e-mail you directly but I thought I'd respond here as well. The question is which will work? I hope you and Carrie are well and that life is full of eastern promise, or at least Turkish delight, although personally Turkish delight was not one of my favorites. (Presently wispa bars are...hmmmm). Aarrggghhh, that sounds almost Homer Simpson'ish with his Donuts. Well life in blighty is flying by too quickly. Lyn is starting he new job soon, which will give her time to focus on her aromath rapy and alternative medicine masters degree. Hussar! Well I better send this, because it may cause the entire internet system to collapse into a heap of electronic doodoo. Au revoir pour maintenant. JMR

Arf - 09/15/98 08:38:07
My URL:/~pavis
My Email:pavis@geocities.com
Hallo! You've got some great stuff about Prax here. I liked your players intro so much I've stolen it for my game! ;-) Link to my Prax site at http://www.geocities.com/~pavis/gaming/rqpage.html and have a plunder! Long live Jaldon! Arf

Rogue One - 07/23/98 18:41:59
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~roguecthulhu
My Email:roguecthulhu@bigfoot.com
Hi Critter, I just wanted to tell you and all your visitors that in 1999, at the second largest gaming convention in the U.S., Call of Cthulhu is going Rogue! Check out the page listed to the left to find out more. See ya.

Jim Bickmeyer - 07/23/98 03:05:06
My Email:jfb@i2k.com
I just stoped by to plunder your scrolls on Pavis and the surrounding area. Thank You for making this info avalible.

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 01:57:35
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

me (The Critter) - 05/22/98 05:18:23
My URL:http://here!!!
My Email:ithomson@swin.edu.au
How embarrassing my mother leaving web site development tips on my guest page!!!! Just kidding! :) Thanks for dropping by, Mum Looking forward to catching up next year Hope the boat's going well! :)

Mum - 05/11/98 11:35:45
Back again. I still find the red behind your gallery photos very disconcerting. Makes the text hard to read. How about putting text before the photo then as you scroll down you know what you are going to see?

Brenda Davison - 05/11/98 11:29:30
My URL:http://www.davison-training.org
My Email:brenda@davison-training.org.uk
Hi, looking for the new photo in colour. Have you visited my new site yet?

stuart - 04/27/98 10:19:59
My Email:ewendell15@hotmail.com
Hi Ian, This is my third attempt to get through to you. I've written to both your E-Mail address - and finally your Guest Book works. Mind you, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the PC I was using at work that was at fault. Have you read 'Anno Dracula' by Kim Newman? It reminds me in part of 'The All-Consuming' fire, especially with the prescence of Mycroft @ The Diogenes Club. I'm about a quarter of the way through it, and it's an intriguing read! Take Care Stu

Jarrett - 04/22/98 20:08:08
My Email:Silvarfox
Hello from Quebec,Thanx for your site on RQ its really helpful(all i gotta do now is put it in french.THANX

MOB - 03/13/98 01:41:02
My URL:http://gateway.bayswater.schnet.edu.au:81/~mob/
My Email:mrmob@ozemail.com.au
Cool site! Thanks for the link to my Mad Prax scenario!

Carrie the girl - 02/23/98 02:56:34
I think you have expressed an exceptional degree of talent both in the realms of design and content. Although my experience of RUNEQUEST is limited, viewing your web page/site has stirred interest in me. P.S. the photos of you are really hot...any chance of an exchange of energy, stories...bodily fluids..etc.

s.santor - 02/11/98 23:25:00
My Email:santor@ccsn.nevada.com
look foward to see your country/city on my trip in march

Beth - 12/21/97 16:52:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/5526/
My Email:brohwer@hotmail.com
Pretty weird page, but real cool. Seeya around! Beth

Dingo the fireant(HK) - 11/02/97 14:23:58
My Email:remo@asiaonline.net
I've always been a good boy, the comment about Freud came from Mrs. Dingo not me.

- 10/30/97 20:23:07
Hi Ian, Just to say hi. Hope everything is great for you Stu

Wiel - 10/28/97 23:16:56
My Email:wsmeets@worldaccess.nl
Hey Ian ! Found it!! The pictures are really cool !! Wanna send Ine a mail?? ismeets@worldaccess.nl or Jos, yes you guessed it: jsmeets@worldaccess.nl bye!

tracy - 10/04/97 06:38:04
dig that guy in the pics! (and the wombat)

Myself - 09/22/97 05:36:14
My URL:http://here
My Email:also here
Stuart, you toe rag, this isn't an E-mail area you know! :)

I don't know how to delete these, maybe its not possible! ah what the hell! Oh yes it is :) here goes, seeing if I can delete your excess messages and put some paragraphs here in mine!

Follow the Hotmail link on my page and get yourself a Netscape E-mail account, admittedly it takes a while to load up sometimes, but it will beat using this bit as a bizarre virtual blackboard.

You might even be able to mail me simply by clicking on the links on my page, give it a shot (if you haven't already)

Well, after 3 years, you me and Remo united again, albeit in virtual reality! :)
Ha Ha - you're the odd one out, in the wrong hemisphere!
Glad you liked the story, maybe I should put it with the rest of them.
Keep smilin!

balders again! - 09/18/97 19:04:19
Hi again Ian, well, I just tried the Guestbook page and it looks like this works! How are you? I'm at work at the moment and have sneaked upstairs to the PCs we are not supposed to use! I can't believe this job. Terry, my boss, told us to drag out our work for as long s possible! How many jobs does that happen in! Liz and I got back from St Ives on Saturday. We had an excellent time, though we didn't do too much. It was just a great place to hang out, it was really warm and in the evening we'd go and sit by the sea and eat lots of nice Veggie food. We went to Tinta el which was very atmospheric, as we were clouded in mists... It was a really cool place. Thanks a lot for your last letter - you should have my proper letter soon - re:Out Of Time.... in case you are reading this before hand I really liked your additions and look forward to collaborating in the future! Well, I'd better go - Take Care!

Mother Hong Kong - 09/13/97 15:27:01
Freud said " All men have Oedipus complex, they are finding their mother figure in their life."

Lyn - 09/11/97 07:34:33
Greetings from sunny England big bro Brilliant page, groovy role-playing tales and excellent photos. Like the penguins :)

Nietsche - 08/29/97 14:42:12
Internet is mere slave morality.

Bill Slade - 08/29/97 02:21:45
My Email:B.Slade@ffp.csiro.au
G'Day Ian, Thought I'd have a look at the expanded web page! Looks great so far! I'll talk to ya later!

Michelle - 08/28/97 04:04:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcade/9352
My Email:mjolley@swin.edu.au
Hey, howz it goin'? Couldn't resist checking out your guest book. I may even take down your number and call you some time. We'll do lunch! M.

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