Ian Thomson, (ithomson@swin.edu.au), (03) 9256 6870;
Date of Birth: 1/4/65; Address: St. Kilda, Melbourne 3182


'O' Levels in Maths, English, French, History, and Physics; Diploma of Higher Education (Global Futures with Geography); BSc (Hons) Human Ecology. (H.E. is a modular Social Science degree. I followed such modules as: Studies in Environment, Development, Media, Gender, and Global Sustainability.) Certificate in Communication Skills (Resolving Conflicts, Lateral thinking, Precise Communications, Setting Objectives, Personal and Group Organisation, & more)

Employment History:

Periods not covered

Various temporary jobs such as delivery driving, warehouse work, data entry, one summer driving a tractor on an Organic Farm near Exeter, UK. Also various periods spent travelling, eg Ecuador and the USA; studying in Germany; and restoring a continental barge on the Canal du Midi, France.

Other Skills/Experience

Internet researcher; Equal Opportunities Officer, S.U. Executive Committee (93-94); Courses undertaken: Access Iⅈ Aldus Pagemaker Iⅈ Apple Macintosh I; Excel Iⅈ Microsoft Publisher I; Windows Iⅈ Word 6 Iⅈ Website Creation Basics.


Liz Standley, Student Administration Manager, NSOD - LStandley@swin.edu.au
Jenny Temple, TAFE Student Admin supervisor (Swinburne) - JTemple@swin.edu.au
Brian Newell, Executive Officer, Fclty. of Built Env. UNSW, Sydney - B.Newell@unsw.edu.au