Order the new "Logan's Run: TV Series Soundtrack Album" directly from Film Score Monthly! Check out our review of it here .
The Logan's Run TV Series ran from September 16, 1977 through January 7, 1978 on U.S. television (CBS-TV). The show ran for a total of 14 episodes and starred:
Gregory Harrison: Logan 5
Heather Menzies: Jessica 6
Donald Moffat: Rem (the Android)
Randy Powell: Francis 7
Rather than repost the complete episode guide here and details of each, it's available online over at Virtual Vikki's fantastic Logan's Run - The TV Series page. Check it out!
Also, be sure to check out TV.com's own Logan's Run - TV Page . It also includes a great Episode Guide, synopsis of all the episodes, original air dates and ratings.
Below are some sound samples of the TV Series for Logan's Run. You will need to install the FREE Real Audio player onto your PC to enjoy these sounds. You may download a FREE copy of the Real Audio Player at Real's Web Site!
The Logan's Run TV Theme Music - in Real Audio (133K)
The Collectors (Episode #2) Preview - in Real Audio (56K)
**NEW**Special thanks to Neil Strawbridge for allowing us to post his terrific Logan's Run Television Midi Themes here as found at his TV Midi site: TV's Greatest Hits . Check out this wonderful site for more TV Classics in Midi format.
The Logan's Run TV Theme Music - Midi File (23.1K)
The Logan's Run TV Theme Music v2.0 - Midi File (20K)
The Logan's Run TV Series Opening Video - via YouTube
Logan (Gregory Harrison) with Gun
(b&w, 258 x 459, 20k)
Jessica (Heather Menzies) in Logan's Arms
(b&w, 277 x 347, 24k)
Rem the Android (Donald Moffat), Jessica and Logan
(b&w, 530 x 443, 52k)
Jessica with Logan
(b&w, 600 x 499, 84k)
Francis (Randy Powell), Jessica, Rem and Logan
(b&w, 500 x 620, 51k)
Jessica, Logan, Rem and "Friend" (the Robot) from "The Innocent"
(color, 400 x 354, 44k)
Logan and Jessica from Starlog #9 cover
(color, 375 x 459, 12k)
Logan5 on patrol
(b&w, 380 x 461, 34k)
Jessica 6 in 'Half-Life'
(b&w, 339 x 494, 43k)
Rem caught messing around on a computer
(b&w, 339 x 400, 44k)
Logan's Vehicle shots from Series
(color, 350 x 543, 30k)
The story outline on the following four pages first appeared in written form in an early Logan's Run fan magazine. It originally was submitted as a rough outline to the producers of the Logan's Run television show back in 1978 in the hopes of getting it aired as an episode. Unfortunately, it never made it to production.
This story was written by William F. Nolan and Dennis Etchison. We reproduce it here to serve as a tribute to this fun, lost TV series, as well as our continued admiration to Logan's creator and 'papa', William F. Nolan.
And now --- Logans Run's lost episode -- The Thunder Gods ...