Known so far:
Warner Brothers
Release Date:
Production Company:
Silver Pictures
Joel Silver
Joseph Kosinski
Tim Sexton
(based on the novel "Logan's Run" by
William F. Nolan
George Clayton Johnson
Original Music: Not yet announced
Cinematography: Not yet announced
October 11, 2007
The Underground Online website has posted an article by Patrick of the Back Row Chatter who claims to have seen and read the Bryan Singer, Dan Harris and Christopher McQuarrie Logan's Run remake script the three had written before they left the project. Patrick's 'script review' gives us some excellent insight into 'what could have been' if Singer was still involved in the project. Patrick doesn't give everything in the script away - just in case some parts can be salvaged by Joe Kosinski and Tim Sexton.
August 27, 2007
The Hollywood Reporter has just confirmed that Joseph Kosinski is indeed the next in line to direct the 'on again - off again' Logan's Run remake, with Academy Award screenwriting nominee Timothy J. Sexton ("Children of Men") set to write the script! Will this third time be the charm? ** SEPTEMBER 2007 UPDATE ** Logan's Run director Joe Kosinski also being tapped to direct Disney's upcoming 'Tron' sequel .
May 28, 2007
It looks like it's official. Bryan Singer is no longer slated to be the director or writer for the Logan's Run remake. According to the IESB website, Joel Silver and Bryan have parted ways regarding LR and Joel is thinking about giving rookie director Joseph Kosinski the job, along with two new writers to adapt a screenplay (Jayson Rothwell and Travis Beachman). Click here for their entire article . Looks like it's back to square one....
February 21, 2007
William F Nolan has a new update on the stalled Logan's Run remake. Check it out today. The saga continues....
June 22, 2006
William F Nolan had written us a letter to post for all Logan's Run fans to read, chronicling the troubled Logan's Run remake. Please be sure to read it today , as its a great piece of writing of how crazy things can get in Hollywood!!!
May 16, 2006
Is Bryan Singer actually considering taking a break from directing after his "Superman Returns" film bows in July? There has been a lot of talk and new director speculations today regarding Bryan Singer seriously considering dropping out of the "Logan's Run" remake project so that he can rest up, then begin a smaller film project before he tackles the inevitable "Superman" sequel. Sounds like filming three back-to-back, big-budget blockbusters is gonna be too much for him!
So, who's next for the Logan's Run director's chair should this turn out to be true? Word on the street right now is that they may be eyeing up "V for Vendetta's" James McTeigue .
Guess we won't know for sure until after "Superman Returns" comes out in July.
February 14, 2006
The Movie Reporters over at IESB have just posted another exclusive Bryan Singer video interview rom this past weekend's Wondercon. Singer talks about his soon to be released "Superman Returns" movie, but even more importantly -- he answers some great questions regarding the upcoming "Logan's Run" remake. Visit IESB to see their NEW recent Singer interview . Windows Media Player required for viewing.
Also, Bryan Singer was at Wondercon this past weekend, and had plenty of new, exciting things to say about the Logan's Run remake! Be sure to visit the folks over at Movies Online and Dark Horizons for their complete Singer/remake updates!
Will the remake of "Logan's Run" finally get off the ground this year???? From what we've heard this past weekend, it's beginning to sound very likely!
December 5, 2005
The folks over at IESB have posted a quick video interview with Bryan Singer at a recent red carpet gathering for "The Triangle". In this interview, he discusses "Superman" now being in the can and gives us some more insight into his "Logan's Run" remake project. Visit IESB to see their entire five minute Singer interview . Windows Media Player required for viewing.
Oh -- o.k. --
For those of you without Windows Media Player: in a nutshell - he talks about doing a lot of pre-production work for the overall design of the picture, he doesn't discuss any casting ideas, and he still hasn't decided yet on the exact age limit for his film - but does state that it's probably gonna be between 21 and 30. He also goes on to say that the lifeclocks will likely remain in his version, since they are a 'classic' idea from the original book and film!! There are some things you just don't mess with!!
October 28, 2005 has posted a recent interview with Logan's Run remake producer Joel Silver. Read the full interview here . Joel states that depending on Singer's workload after Superman, Logan's Run may start shooting during the summer of 2006. We shall see...
July 18, 2005 has posted some interesting Singer hints regarding the LR remake over at their website. Visit for the scoop. It does appear that Logans Run is next after Superman!!
Also, has a quick note from Joel Silver who is now considering the possibility of shooting Logan's Run in Berlin. Check out the SciFi Wire for this interesting news.
February 22, 2005
Joel Silver discusses just how far along the "Logan's Run" remake project is at . Looks like they're shooting for a 2007 summer theatrical release. Joel states that Bryan is now working with Chris McQuarrie on the script. It's still slated to begin production in Australia after "Superman Returns" wraps.
February 8, 2005
Some more updates to post on announced Crew information. has recently posted a little article on movie musical composer John Ottman with a note that he has been tagged to provide the "Logan's Run" remake with some original music. Check it out here . Looks like he has done the music for many of Bryan's previous movies, including "X2", "Apt Pupil" and "The Usual Suspects". They're set to release his latest movie soundtrack, "Hide and Seek", on CD on February 22, 2005.
Lastly, it looks like "Superman Returns'" Cinematographer, Newton Thomas Sigel will also be filming the LR remake, according to his listing in IMDB .
Till next time........
December 3, 2004
The folks over at have just posted a terrific interview with screenwriter/director Dan Harris who has been collaborating with Bryan Singer on the Logan's Run remake, as well as the latest Superman film!!
This article is a MUST READ for any Logan fan, as Harris drops alot of hints to how the new Logan film may look and feel. Read the complete interview here and do it NOW!!! The juicy Logan bits are on Page 2 of the interview!!
October 16, 2004
Ain't It Cool News has posted an interview with director Bryan Singer on their website today in which he discusses his latest Superman project, along with some new Logan's Run remake updates - which he states he is still committed to. He briefly mentions Carrousel and drops few other tidbits about his Logan remake vision.
September 6, 2004
Word's come in that the "Logan's Run" video game that was in pre-production has now been scrapped. Since the movie remake has been put 'on hold', so has the game - which isn't really that much of a shocker given Logan's present circumstances. We'll have to wait and see if (and when) it will ever start back up again.
August 12, 2004
"Logan's Run" to move filming to Sydney?
The Hollywood North Report today has posted a brief piece of gossip on their website stating that Bryan Singer is still actively involved with the Logan's Run remake project, even though Superman is definately his next major project. The word is that Singer and Superman's new Production Designer, Guy Dyas, will start concept work on "Logan's Run" during the "Superman" production.
"Logan's Run" still sounds like it is moving forward, with Singer still in control -- if only slowed down a little bit for the Man of Steel....
July 19, 2004
Yup. You read right. The "Logan's Run" remake has been delayed once again, this time being put 'on hold' as one of our overseas scoopers has confirmed what we reported on last week. According to Empire Online , the big wigs at Warners have persuaded Bryan Singer to direct their troublesome "Superman" project. Singer signed on last Friday. This also puts his X-Men 3 movie in limbo. Oh, the joys of Hollywood!!
Depending on who you listen to online, Logan's Run may indeed be put on hold, at least until Singer finishes with his new "Superman" project - late 2006? or may Warner Borthers hand the Logan's Run directing reigns over to.... Francis Lawrence (Constantine)?
According to the IGN report , Singer has not yet said yes but is considering it. If he does accept this, what effect it will have on the Logans Run remake that is scheduled to start production this September is anybodys guess. Would he hand the reigns over to another director? Would the LR remake be put on hold for another couple of years? And what effect would this also have on Singers rumored X-Men 3 project?
"Variety" has reported this Lawrence rumor from their Sat, July 17th announcment of Singer's confirmed new project. Check out our Circuit BBS to read the entire article.
July 12, 2004
Lots of LR remake rumors today courtesy the folks over at
A long-time scooper of IGN has reported that Bryan Singer had recently met with Warner Brothers president and chief operating officer Alan Horn over lunch to discuss the possibility of Bryan directing the next Superman film (also scheduled to start shooting this fall, but in Australia) before doing Logans Run.
The new Superman film was to be directed by Charlie's Angels' director McG, but according to today's Hollywood Reporter article, budgeting concerns and Australian shoots caused Warner Bros and McG to part ways, hence the new opening for a new 'Superman' director.
According to the IGN report , Singer has not yet said yes but is considering it. If he does accept this, what effect it will have on the Logans Run remake that is scheduled to start production this September is anybodys guess. Would he hand the reigns over to another director? Would the LR remake be put on hold for another couple of years? And what effect would this also have on Singers rumored X-Men 3 project?
Lastly, they also discuss a new CASTING RUMOR that British actor Henry Cavill (who was once being considered for the role as 'The Man of Steel') is now being eyed for a starring role in the Logans Run remake. Check out all about Henry here .
As soon as we get more info, well be sure to post in here!!
June 16, 2004
The Logans Run remakes production dates and film studio have FINALLY been set!
According to the Hollywood North Report , the remake of Logans Run will actually be filmed at the brand new 64,000 sq ft Canadian Motion Picture Park in the area of South Burnaby, on the outskirts of Vancouver, British Columbia. To see an overhead snapshot of the actual Park, click here . The Park appears near the middle of the photo with Downtown Vancouver pictured in the upper middle.
The studio has been booked for the project from September 2004 through September 2005 and is expected to be one of the largest productions in Vancouver history, according to the report! They expect the shoot to last through the spring of 2005, with post-production and all CGI work completed shortly thereafter.
June 14, 2004
Rumor came in over this past weekend that a "Logan's Run" video game is in the pre-conceptual stages of development.
Warner Brothers has presumably given the task to an as of yet 'undisclosed' software company over in England to come up with the basic game concept and design that will be (at this moment in time) based on the book - Logan's Run, seeing as there is no actual approved script yet for the movie/remake. Since the remake is rumored to follow the book more closely, the gaming company can begin the process of conceptual design for the game based on basic storylines, locations, characters and themes. Once the actual movie script finally gets approved, the software company can 'tweak' their started design and make the necessary changes to then better follow the actual movie script.
The game would be slated for release when the new movie comes out and should be available on all the major video game platforms including Playstation 2, XBOX and Gamecube.
May 12, 2004
Remake rumors are beginning to come in from our friends up in Canada.
Chris O. writes in to say that he recently heard on a local Toronto radio station that the Logans Run remake was going to be filmed in and around the Toronto area. Toronto has been dubbed "Hollywood North" and from the looks of the city, it could provide the right type of futuristic city backdrop for the film. If this rumor holds true, we're wondering if they will use the actual Toronto cityscape for the backgrounds, or if they'll go the CGI route....
March 23, 2004
We have just received an interesting email rumor from a Logan's Run fan down in Dallas TX
Tom writes in that he had attended a Sonic Youth concert in Dallas a few nights ago and that the band had announced to the crowd that one of their new songs was going to be included in the new Logan's Run remake movie soundtrack.
A visit to Sonic Youth's website , however, has not yielded any further information on this particular scoop. We are still working on more confirmation of this scoop and we'll be sure to keep you posted when we hear more.
March 15, 2004
William F. Nolan has kindly mailed us the entire "Hollywood Reporter" remake article, as it was first reported in their March 5, 2004 issue. To read what it was all about, click here . I enjoyed reading Bryan's comments about the original film's on-screen nudity when he first saw the film with his dad back in '76.
Thanks again, Bill!!
March 8, 2004
The rumors are true! Last Friday, the Hollywood Reporter posted an article on Bryan Singer officially taking the directorial reigns of the Logan's Run remake project. Read all about it here . Guess we can now officially remove this tidbit from 'the rumor mill'.
To add even more ammunition to this amazing scoop, be sure to read the article posted over at for even more detailed remake news - including dates!!!
Looks like the project is definately on the 'Fast Track' and everyone involved is aiming for a 2005 theatrical release!! This means that there WILL BE a new "Logan's Run" film out before the equally, much-anticipated "X-Men 3" film! Wahoo!!
No word yet on casting, but everything's moving forward again!!
Watch out Episode III!!! Here comes Logan and he's ready to run!!
January 13, 2004
Ain't It Cool News is reporting that Bryan Singer is still rumored to be closely attached to the Logan's Run remake project (from a directing stand point) and they are also talking about Matt Damon being interested in the role of Logan. You can read the article here . Seems like the rumors are flowing in nicely and that there may definately be movement on the project soon.
October 6, 2003
Well, it's been a year, but thanks to a tip from Ralph Cole via our BBS board -- the "Logan's Run" remake rumors are still alive. According to the Dark Horizon's website , it appears now that the director/writer of the excellent X-Men series of films, Bryan Singer, is 'somehow' attached to the project. Does this mean Skip Woods is out? I'm sure new gossip and rumors may be coming shortly, so stay tuned!! If it's another year - so be it. As long as they take their time and get this remake thing done right!!
October 8, 2002
Yeah - yeah... we're still here. As you can surmise, there has been very little word on the Logan's Run remake. Sure, rumors still persist that it's a go at Warner, but until we hear of acutal movement - this one is still staggering up to the starting gate. And maybe that's a good thing. After the recent horrible attempts at remaking Rollerball and Planet of the Apes , hopefully these film-makers will take their time with Logan, so this one can be a remake that will endure and enhance his legacy -- Hey, we can dream, can't we?
The next William F. Nolan book in the Logan series is still scheduled for a 2003 release. The book is tentatively called Logan's Challenge and promises more thrilling adventures for our heroes, Logan and Jessica. Until next time....
March 20, 2002
Well, no real news yet to report on the LR Remake. Sources close to the project are still estimating either a 2003 or now - a 2004 release. We've waited this long, so far - I guess a couple more years won't hurt.
Just a reminder to pick up your copy of the "Logan's Run Special Edition" Soundtrack directly from Film Score Monthly . While you're at it, better pick up a copy of this month's Film Score Montly magazine to go along with it (Volume 7, Number 1). Although it has the same pictures that are in the CD's liner notes (although in b/w), the complete liner notes are included in the magazine.
July 13, 2001
The folks over at Creative Screenwriting have posted part of their interview with Skip Woods online. Be sure to check it out at their Creative Screenwriting Website . Looks like he's been holding out in writing the first version of his Logan's Run screenplay until another of his SciFi specs gets completed first.
May 19, 2001
Tim Sinniger of the NolansWorld website has emailed us with information regarding some new Logan's Run remake news mentioned in the current issue of Creative Screenwriting (May/June 2001).
One of Hollywood's newest screenwriters, Skip Woods is featured in this issue. Skip, as you all know by now, wrote the screenplay to the upcoming "Swordfish" film and is in the process of finishing his first draft of the new "Logan's Run" screenplay, in which he hopes to complete later this summer.
In the article, he discusses why he was so excited to take on the "Logan" project and his thoughts on writing for film in general.
Regarding Logan's Run, Skip states in the article, "Every script that I write, everything that I'm interested in, is about a morally ambiguous guy finding his own set of ethics and living up to them. It's the classic writing structure where you have a guy who goes down into Hell and comes out a hero. That's what Logan is about...this guy who believes in the rules, who's a little confused about how his society can be killing people, but he buys it--that it's okay to kill everybody over the age of twenty-one for society as a whole. When he realizes it's complete bull, he turns against society, finds his own morality, and comes out on the other side as a new man. That's really what it's about."
Click here to read the full Nolan update on Tim's NolansWorld news page!
May 3, 2001
The release date for the new Skip Woods movie 'Swordfish' is drawing closer (6/8/01). Skip Woods actually wrote the script, and is also credited as being one of the film's producers. Although Skip did not direct the flick, it may give us some insight into his writing style.
Click here to read the film's plot and view the trailer, all available at the Dark Horizons website.
With the film being released through Warner Brothers, production through Silver Pictures, written by Skip Woods and backed by Joel Silver (all sound familiar???), it may also give us a glimpse into what to expect of the Logan's Run remake.
March 19, 2001
William F. Nolan (author of Logan's Run) has sent us another letter to Logan fans clarifying some things about the upcoming Remake. It seems that Warner Borthers has taken total control of the project and is going to be so 'hush-hush' about it, that the author will be just as surprised as the rest of us when it comes to Logan's remake updates.
Click here to read his latest Remake letter dated March 15, 2001.
March 8, 2001
Looks like screenwriter Skip Woods' next movie Swordfish , will be released June 8, 2001. This film is also being released by Warner Brothers through Silver Pictures (the same production company rumored to head the Logan's Run remake). The film will star John Travolta and Halle Barry.
Visit Upcoming Movies for the latest news regarding this film.
Swordfish wrapped in January 2001, so maybe now Mr. Woods can devote more time to his Logan project!
March 6, 2001
Just a quick note that although not much new has been recently posted, the remake project is still moving forward. Rumors are still projecting it with a 2002 release date.
Some questions to ponder on Skip Wood's proposed script...
Will his screenplay be an actual remake? Will it be a prequel? Will it follow the book and if so, how closely?
As soon as more information comes in, we'll pass it along....
August 26, 2000
Our recent Nolan remake announcement was picked up by The Sci-Fi Wire , a service of the SciFi Channel. Looks like good news travels fast!
August 19, 2000
William F. Nolan, the author of "Logan's Run", has sent us an update regarding the remake. Looks like Skip Woods (current screenwriter and director of the project) is very eager to write a screenplay that will follow the authors' original vision.
Click here to read the entire informative update !
August 3, 2000
Today we officially kick off the Remake News section of "The World of Logan's Run" Website. Here, we will post the latest news and gossip regarding the most talked about (and highly anticipated) Science Fiction remake since the upcoming 20th Century Fox remake of "Planet of the Apes" .
Many feel that the 1976 "Logan's Run" film didn't do the original story justice. The book talked about youth rebellion, war, and over-population (all hot topics in the 60's when the original story was written) and the subsequent consequences of a world that followed such a frightening way of life. These ideas were 'kinda' inferred in the film (within the opening 5 seconds) but were never shown, explored nor discussed. To me, the film's only message was 'everyone has the right to live a complete and full life'. As Logan shouts, "You don't have to die at thirty! You can live! LIVE!!!"
But in the book, the main themes are 'how can a society of only young people survive without the experience and knowledge that comes only with age, and what may eventually happen to such a society that kills its young'. These are the themes that I hope the new movie will explore, making "Logan's Run" more science fiction than science fantasy.