More Terrific Logan's Run Sites

If you're still looking for more information on Logan's Run, you've come to the right place! Check out the great sites below more Logan's Run info! Happy surfing from Sandman Headquarters!

The Official William F. Nolan Homepage Here it is! The official web site for the man who created Logan's Run, William F. Nolan! Be sure to stop by and pay him a visit! Lots of pictures and information regarding Mr. Nolan's life and work! Even samples of his original artwork!

Tim Sinniger's "Nolan's World" Tim Sinniger (William F Nolan's official Bibliographer) has created a wonderful website showcasing Mr. Nolan's vast works. Available at his site is up-to-the-minute Logan's Run news and a fantastic picture gallery of Logan's Run publications from around the globe. This site features an extensive bibliography of Mr. Nolan's work over the years! A terrific resource for both collectors and fans!

The Highly Unofficial Logan's Run FAQ Roger has put together a great FAQ page regarding Logan's Run with tons of questions answered. Includes differences between the books, movie, comics, etc. Check it out, a wealth of knowledge! Also includes a great section regarding the short lived television series from 1977, as well as Fan Club information. Still frequently updated!

Virtual Vikki's City of Domes Virtual Vikki has tons of info on this cult classic! Logan's Run TV Episodes broken down here, as well as information on the books that the movie was based on. He's also scanned in the complete Marvel Comics' Logan's Run covers! Also has info on the original Logan's Run Fan Clubs! A great site that still gets updated frequently.

Alexis' Logan's Run Site (in French and English) The Logan's Run Television series is still very popular overseas! Alexis has created a super page with tons of information and pictures from the series (and movie stuff, too)! Check it out - Great pictures and info!

Paul's Logan's Site Our resident expert and collector of original Logan's Run costumes and props has created his own awesome Logan's Run website! Be sure to stop on by Paul's superb site for your chance to own original Logan's Run props, costumes and collectibles in his Arcade section, as well as many other terrific Logan pages to explore!

The Logans Run Mego Project This site promises updates on the proposed toy figure project to finally release Logans Run TV series custom heads and flameguns. These 10" figures were slatted to be released back in 1977-78 by Mego, but were later scrapped after the series has been cancelled. Now, with 'renewed' interest, they may finally come through fruition!!

SciFi Flicks - Logan's Run Logan's Run is just one of the many SciFi flicks showcased at this site. They also showcase many of our site photos and sounds clips. Has an active BBS, too.

The City of Domes CGI Tour Alex Trakker is creating a CGI enhanced tour of The City of Domes! Check out his fantastic, original graphics of Logan's world! In French and English!

Darren's Logan's Run 3D Graphics Tour Here's another terrific Logan's Run page with even more original 3D graphics!! The author of this page has arranged the images so that they tell the entire story of Logan's Run. Very cool!

Logan's Run Script Online Here it is again! The Logan's Run script has been located again on the web. Read it online here.

The Unofficial Jenny Agutter Fan Site Here's one of the very first Jenny Agutter fan sites on the internet. Loads of pictures and information on this great actress!

The Official Heather Menzies Urich Site Stop on by the official site for Heather Menzies Urich to see what Heather's been up to recently!

Michael Anderson and Son's Fan WebPage A terrific fan created website for both Logan's Run's director Michael Anderson, and his son, Michael Anderson, Jr. (you know - 'Doc').

Richard Coyle's Prop World Richard Coyle (prop designer) has put together a little page that showcases his many custom made props from Star Trek to Logan's Run (and many others). Check out his terrific page!

Special Effects A neat site that showcases some very nice shots of various SciFi weaponry. Check out the great Logan's Run flamegun, complete with Blue Flame effect added to a genuine 'Richard Coyle' designed blaster.

Logan's Run Essay An in depth essay on the Meaning of Logan's Run. Also has many new images from the film, with a nice little synopsis of the movie, as well.

Stomp Tokyo Logan's Run Review Read the Stomp Tokyo movie review for Logan's Run.

Logan's Run (1976) Info at IMDB Check out The Internet Movie Database listing for the original "Logan's Run" film.

Logan's Run TV Series (1977) Info at IMDB Here's The Internet Movie Database's listing for the cult classic "Logan's Run" television series.

Logan's Run (2006) Info at IMDB And here's their new page for the "Logan's Run" 2006 remake film.

If you happen to know of another great Logan's Run site, please email us so that it may be added.

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