Welcome to my Guestbook!

Elena - 09/24/00 10:41:14
My Email:dgar200@aol.com
Where from: Germany
Favourite QL Ep: Everyone where he is a woman
Favourite Scene: Al to Sam:I don't remember seen you crush your legs that way before...
Favourite Quote: Oh boy
What Did You Hate Most About QL: the last episode
Other Stuff U Like: The Leap Home

Quantum Leap is my favourite series because I like Scott Bakula. I hope it'll be on TV in Germany soon.

C.A. - 06/16/00 20:20:57
Where from: US
Favourite QL Ep: got too many
Favourite Scene: ooooh that's a hard one, since Sam took off his shirt way too often
Favourite Quote: many
What Did You Hate Most About QL: certain eps.
Other Stuff U Like: X Files (1st season), BTTF, Cyndi Lauper, The Pretender, etc. books, records, CDs, reading, cassettes

Great Intro, Who's Who, Real People, Epguide, Pics, XF Meet QL, just the blue type drives me batty! A fellow leaper

Megan - 05/04/00 00:32:02
Favourite QL Ep: "The Leap Home"
Favourite Scene: The end of "The Leap Home-part 2"
Favourite Quote: "Sam, that pass was like a ten dollar hooker. Wasn't pretty, but it got the job done."
What Did You Hate Most About QL: Mirror Image


Michael Cote' - 04/22/00 03:55:51
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/5548/QuantumLeapCrusade/
My Email:mikecote@netzero.net
Where from: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Favourite QL Ep: The Trilogy

Hello QL Fan, I like your site very much. Thanks for the wav files. I would like to hear from you about getting with us and starting a letter writitng campaign. Check out our site and tell me what you think. Thank you, Michael Cote

Yvonne - 02/21/00 16:35:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Underworld/6406/quantum.html
My Email:Sam80853@aol.com
Where from: Germany
Favourite QL Ep: I like them all.
Favourite Scene: Sam with Al´s thoughts in "Leap Back"
Favourite Quote: Oh boy!
What Did You Hate Most About QL: Thats over.
Other Stuff U Like: music

Great Site! Thanks! Yvonne

Jen - 11/13/99 20:15:57
My Email:antigen_spectrax@yahoo.com
Where from: 1999
Favourite QL Ep: All Evil Leaper Episodes
Favourite Scene: Leap into Abagail's bed
Favourite Quote: Oh boy
What Did You Hate Most About QL: That its over
Other Stuff U Like: The Theme Musice

I like this web site. Thanks for doing it. Jen

matthias - 10/29/99 10:20:12
My Email:muematth@yahoo.de
Where from: Freiburg
Favourite QL Ep: no
Favourite Scene: no
Favourite Quote: no
What Did You Hate Most About QL: no
Other Stuff U Like: Fussball und Biertrinken


Freda Whaley - 09/07/99 11:20:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/4316/
My Email:ziggy@freent.com
Where from: Florida
Favourite QL Ep: It's a Wonderful Leap
Favourite Scene: When the Angle told Al he wasn't going to get to Heaven because there was a dress code.
Favourite Quote: Here I am, a Nobile Prize winner trying to keep on my diper.
What Did You Hate Most About QL: The book, "Double or Nothing"
Other Stuff U Like: Twisting balloons and playing the dulcimer.

You have a very nice web page.

Pam Briggs - 08/22/99 22:13:08
My Email:B-Briggs@zianet.com
Where from: New Mexico
Favourite QL Ep: Shock Theater
Favourite Scene: The Diner scene in THE LEAP BACK
Favourite Quote: Stop That! (AL talking to Sam in THE LEAP BACK)
What Did You Hate Most About QL: The ending of MIRROR IMAGE
Other Stuff U Like: Back to the Future, Westerns, old time movies

This is a great site! I will be back often!

Debbie - 08/22/99 21:59:48
My Email:DKyzer@aol.com
Where from: Mississippi, USA
Favourite QL Ep: Too many to list!
Favourite Scene: Do I have to pick one?
Favourite Quote: "Why be normal?"
What Did You Hate Most About QL: Mirror Image
Other Stuff U Like: XF, music: blues, R&R, classical, Richard Gere, Kevin Costner, Holly Hunter, to name a few!

Excellent site! I have it bookmarked.

Emily - 08/22/99 18:28:32
Where from: Derby, UK
Favourite QL Ep: Leap 4 Lisa
Favourite Quote: "Sam there is a 98.2% chance that Sammy Jo Fuller is your daughter..."
What Did You Hate Most About QL: the fact that each episode had to end!
Other Stuff U Like: Sliders, Buffy XF and Steam rollers/ traction engines (!)

Very clear and un-fussy - I like it!

Audrey - 08/21/99 16:38:12
My Email:Moped@aol.com
Where from: Maryland
Favourite QL Ep: "At What Price, Gloria?"
Favourite Scene: There's so many, I don't know where to start!
Favourite Quote: Sam: "I'm having a real identiy crisis here, Al!" (pilot)
What Did You Hate Most About QL: The last episode.

Hope you finish your web page soon, Andi. I'll keep checking back!

Janey - 08/21/99 15:46:12
My Email:janybkla@micoks.net
Where from: Kansas
Favourite Scene: the tear in MIRROR IMAGE
Favourite Quote: "Ya think?!"
What Did You Hate Most About QL: the ending
Other Stuff U Like: Scott is the best

I look forward to additions to this site.

Billie Mason - 08/21/99 15:16:45
Where from: Milwaukie, Oregon USA
Favourite QL Ep: Oh, dear, where to begin, this is to difficult to answer, there are to many favorite ones.
What Did You Hate Most About QL: A Tale of Two Sweeties
Other Stuff U Like: Meeting you!

Andi, Thank you for this most welcome page. You have done a wonderful job here. Congratulations.

Eleiece - 08/21/99 14:13:18
My Email:cekk@bellsouth.net
Where from: New Orleans, Louisiana
Favourite QL Ep: 8 1/2 Months
Favourite Scene: Same ep: Sam's being taken into the delivery room
Favourite Quote: Same ep, same scene: Sam gasps.."I knew it! I knew it! I'm having this baby!"
What Did You Hate Most About QL: It being cancelled far, far too soon!
Other Stuff U Like: Writing (including fan-fiction), cats (especially black cats...I have one), dancing, gardening, singing, making new friends

I haven't looked at all of your website, Andi, but I still think it's great! :-) Eleiece

Dörte - 06/28/99 15:04:18
My URL:http://come.to/doerte
My Email:jensend@ruf.uni-freiburg.de
Where from: Oxlund
Favourite QL Ep: Mirror image
Favourite Scene: Where Sam as Future Boy reads out his own letter to Moe Stein
Favourite Quote: To infinity and beyond!!! (okay, that's not from Quantum Leap)
What Did You Hate Most About QL: Hey, I would never dare to criticize anything Andrea loves....
Other Stuff U Like: Miss Parker, Methos, Nn. clunei, kitty- cats...

Haven't looked at the entire page yet, nevertheless... I like it.
Have a nice day!

Anja M. - 06/28/99 14:52:19
My Email:anjmuell@ruf.uni-freiburg.de
Where from: Mars
Favourite QL Ep: ignorante Nichtguckerin
Favourite Scene: siehe oben
Favourite Quote: Vertrau auf Gott und halte das Schiesspulver trocken.
What Did You Hate Most About QL: siehe oben
Other Stuff U Like: Matthias, die netten Leute im Semester, Sushi, Bart Simpson, Krimis, meine Schwaegerin - am liebsten leicht angebraten.....

War schoen, dass ich endlich mal in Deiner Homepage gelandet bin. Lass uns mal wieder ins Kino gehen. Das war's!!!

Julia Neugebauer - 06/07/99 09:33:02
My Email:jneugeba@urz.uni-heidelberg.de
Where from: Großburgwedel, Germany
Other Stuff U Like: i´d lie if I said I knew much about QL but I do like other stuff like sports, travelling, meeting new people...

Andi, your homepage is grest! I wish I new how to make one! Could you tell me one day?!? (I´m not exactly sure about my e-mail address, sorry!)

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