I am also just learning html, so this might not look exactly as I want it to.
My favourite show is The X-Files. I don't know that I follow it as religiously as Suestorm, but it's pretty close. I only started watching it in the fall of '97. I found out that it was a really awesome show, and decided to start watching it. I am now in much the same type of denial as Suestorm over the fact that MULDER ISN'T DEAD! My other favourite show is "ER". It is the best hospital drama I've seen. I also like Seinfeld, and sometimes "The Simpsons".
As for musical tastes, I resemble Suestorm in this aspect too. My favourite cd's right now are "Clumsy" and "Naveed", by Our Lady Peace, who are the epitome of musical greatness. Suestorm and I both joined Transparent Humans, the OLP mailing list. I also enjoy listening to Weezer, Garbage, Matchbox 20, and AOE to name a few.
Another of my favourite musicians is Sarah McLachlan, much to Suestorm's disappointment. I get tired of hearing that "Sarah sucks" in Beavis and Butt-head voices, but i digress. You may wonder where that B & B reference came from, but Suestorm and another one of our friends, Adam, find them hilariously funny, for yet unnamed reasons of their own.
The highlight of my summer (or maybe of my life) was attending Edgefest in Saskatoon, Sk. on August 30th. We got there nice and early, complete with "TH" written on our hands, and "Our Lady Peace" written on Suestorm's arm with black permanent marker. Our Lady Peace was awesome live, and the rest of the day was really good too. Look for our reviews of Edgefest '97, coming soon on our OLP page.
If you saw Edgefest in Saskatoon, or somewhere else for that matter, E-mail me directly here (or from the bottom of the page) and put the subject as "Edgefest". Or, if you just love Our Lady Peace and X-Files and have any thoughts or news about them, E-mail me.