Our Lady Peace Logo Starseeds

Welcome to the little piece of the Internet we have dedicated to the Best Band in the world; OUR LADY PEACE! The two albums they've released, Naveed and Clumsy, are amazing and if you don't have them yet, go out right now and buy them! But, just in case you've been locked in a cellar for the last three years and don't know about Our Lady Peace, here they are:

Our Lady Peace

From left to right
Mike Turner - guitar, Jeremy Taggart - drums, Raine Maida - vocals & guitar,
Duncan Coutts - Bass

Canadian OLP Fans Rejoice!

Our Lady Peace will be doing a HUGE Canadian tour beginning January '98. They are going to be hitting the big cities and some of the smaller ones (like my little town!) BTK will be opening for them (Finger 11 will also share the bill at some of the dates)


to Our Lady Peace for winning two
MuchMusic Video Awards on September 18th!

Our Lady Peace, of coarse!

People's Choice: Favorite Video, Superman's Dead
People's Choice: Favorite Group, Superman's Dead

The fans have spoken!

Here's what you came for:

The Poem
The guys of Our Lady Peace
How OLP Started
Discography and Other Stuff (F.A.Q., Videos, ect...)
OLP News&Events
EDGEfest'97 Timetable
Transparent Humans (Mailing List)

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