
Hello, I am Sephiroth, son of Jenova and Hojo. I am here for only a brief time to explain a few things to you. First off, I am an Imperial Recruit in CGF. I would tell you my rank but it changes so that would be useless. I am here to tell you to join the Empire in our quest for destroying the Rebels and rule the galaxy. To join, click here!

A Cool Sephiroth Site

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Now with the Final Fantasy 7 facts, FF7 is one of the best and coolest games out there. I bought the PlayStation the day it came. I am probably the first to buy. I have bought many RPGs in my time, but none match to Final Fantasy 7. Now...I myself have mastered the game. I have got all the Summon Materia and have bred a Gold Chocobo. I would write the story of Sephiroth but since there are so many other sites which do, why bother. I am here now to say to BUY FF7 or be left behind. The stories are the best and the graphics are. The gameplay is great and not only that but, the characters are the coolest out there. Also the cutscenes are breathtaking. Enough about this...When this Web Site is totally finished you shall see what its ALL about.

There have been people to come to my reunion. Won't you join the reunion?

© 1997 cmr-sephiroth@worldnet.att.com

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