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Struck By {Nebula} & Goatman

Iv finally found a use for this page, after weeks of thinking about it, Iv decided to place poems here. I write some, but I have a wonderful collection from my friends who are all great poets in thier own ways. Everyone has a talent, wether it may be sports or art, I myself prefer the Arts. We all have a gift, some take longer to find, while others have to look no further than their own noses. A couple feet at the most. So Please read these poem with care, for they come from the heart, and imaginations everywhere.

For those who love poems, and for those who write them.


A heart is not a play thing

A heart is not a toy,

But if you want it broken,

just give it to a boy.

Boys they like to play with things

To see what makes them run,

But when it comes to kissing,

They do it just for fun.

Boys never give their heats away

They play us girls for fools,

They wait untill we give our hearts

And then they play it cool.

You will wonder where he is at night

You will wonder if he's true,

One moment you will be happy,

One moment you will be blue.

If you get a chance to see him

Your heart begins to dance

Your life revolves around him,

Theres nothing like romance.

And then it starts to happen,

You worry day and night

You see, my friend, you're losing him

It never turns out right.

Boys are great, though immature

The price you pay is high,

He may seem sweet and gorgeous

But remember, hes a guy.

Don't fall in love with just a boy

That takes alot of nerve.

You see, my friend, you need a man

To get what you deserve.

So when you think that you're in love,

Be careful if you can

Before you give your heart away

Make sure that he's a man.

-Writer unknown

You look at me and you see,

something thats not there,

you mistake my looks,

and think I actually care,

my laughter is your pain,

my smiles only show,

that I have no concern,

to where you decided to go,

and in the dark,

when you see me dancing near,

I see that look,

that fills me with fear,

I know what you want,

I know you think it's true,

that within my heart,

theres affection for you,

but boy your too wrong,

theres nothing behind this stone,

and nobody can break it,

it's my time to be alone,

I don't expect you to know,

what exactly I'm going through,

but boy please understand,

I cant fall inlove with you....

-Elizabeth Theresa Sloon


As I looked into the sky I saw Time, Time looked back at me, I asked him Why are you Time? He looked back at me And said, "cause Time is forever."

I looked back at time and asked, What is forever? Forever is Nothing That Never ends and Never began. Time's answer puzzled me with one last question.

Time, when you die where fo we go? YOu go to Forever for all time, where all your wishes you've ever wished for will come True.

I looked down from the sky Then looked up back at Time, "I'll see you in Forever, When my Time ends."

-Matt Narby aka Button's