****"THANK YOU for signing my guestbook."****

Not only is this a guestbook, but for all who sign it they will recieve good luck withing two days. This is no joke, drop me a note, and Ill drop ya some luck. ThanxAbunch.
Fatty Features McBrian - 02/19/00 10:51:52
My Email:kroffdinner_69@hotmail.com
Age?: 15
Sex?: yes please (male)
Toothbrush color?: I dont use one
State?: On my farm
Boxers or Briefs?: A paper bag
Favorite pass time?: I wash myself with a rag on a stick

Huh huh huh, this site is purdy lookin. I'll have to tell Cletus about this. "Hey Cletus, have a looksee over here" Cletus say hes is impressed, he likes the site better then Jocilyn, my pig. "Hey Ma, are we eatin dinner tonite?"

Nancy Anmou - 11/21/99 00:55:26
My Email:guess_who_04@hotmail.com
Age?: 15
Sex?: female
Toothbrush color?: green(my favorite color)
Favorite pass time?: reading{about cars(mostly jaguars, porsh, corvette and bmw)and motorcycles}


Ashley Amber Susa!!! - 09/14/99 00:35:47
My Email:Ashley22522@aol.com
Age?: me, im 14
Toothbrush color?: its a purdy purdy clear and green one
State?: CALi4NIA
Boxers or Briefs?: well sence i dont wear them.... i prefer guys wear BOXERS ow ow!! oOoO lalal!
Favorite pass time?: Sport,hanging out and whatever floats my boat,tickles my pickle and puckers my lips!

HeLLLLLO all you wondafo people out there!! IM me sometime or Emails great also!! isnt this site cool? i like it a lot!!! haha NO i wasent bribed to say this! hope to talk to you all soon ADIOS!

Jaci - 03/28/99 23:25:17
My Email:jaci_069@hotmail.com
Age?: 14
Sex?: female
Toothbrush color?: purple
State?: Georgia
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers

Usher is cool and everything, but Tupac is THE BEST!!!!!

10/15/98 00:43:27
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Teeny - 08/29/98 05:28:54
My Email:Teenytutu@aol.com
Age?: 16
Sex?: Female
Toothbrush color?: white
State?: Washington
Boxers or Briefs?: either
Favorite pass time?: soccer

Hey Rae-Rae, it's been a while since I've been to your page, so I thought I would drop by. I really love your little Teeny Bean! It's so cute! Well, I gotta go...talk to you later, k?

Robert - 07/17/98 06:09:17
My Email:RZAD7@aol.com
Age?: 15
Sex?: all the time.......with who though? that's my secret
Toothbrush color?: clear
State?: ummmmm.....I don't know lots of them
Boxers or Briefs?: ummmmm...........no comment (boxers)
Favorite pass time?: talking to freinds

Hey, Rae just wanted to say thanx for talking to me a couple night ago it made me feel better, it helped me for what happend the next two days after that though. gotta go. Bye. Luv ya Love, me

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 01:51:39
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Carrie - 06/22/98 16:08:32
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/b/u/g/buggy20004u.html
My Email:buggy2000@webtv.net
Age?: 16 on july 29th
Sex?: female
Toothbrush color?: blue
State?: washington
Boxers or Briefs?: ummmmm let me think about that one
Favorite pass time?: soccer...basketball..thinking..jogging...surfin the net...trying to get revenge.......and much much more

Hey Rae, whats up?? nothin much here just kickin back wishing i was still sleeping... How has your summer been?? mine is great with dave and all.. well i guess i will go.. go check outmy homepage..~K~ see ya....

Kristine...aka Teeny - 06/08/98 03:30:15
My Email:Teenytutu@aol.com
Age?: 16
Sex?: Female
Toothbrush color?: white with a red strip on the front
State?: Washington
Boxers or Briefs?: both
Favorite pass time?: anything

Hey Rae, what's up? I really like your page...it's cool. So, how does it feel to be able to drive? I think it's great!!! I hope you have a great summer, and call me sometime and we can do something, k?

Mel - 06/05/98 23:16:39
My Email:poohtutu@hotmail.com
Age?: 16
Sex?: female
Toothbrush color?: blue
State?: wa
Boxers or Briefs?: neither
Favorite pass time?: too many to choose from

hey rae whats up???? um I don't have anything to say but i thought it would be cool to sign your gueat book.

Casie Ruff - 05/22/98 16:48:52
Age?: 16
Toothbrush color?: clear
State?: washington
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Favorite pass time?: No comment


Robert Zink - 05/06/98 21:13:07
My Email:RZAD7@aol.com
Age?: 14
Sex?: unknown
Toothbrush color?: many
State?: confusion
Boxers or Briefs?: ummmmmmmmmmmmmm no
Favorite pass time?: hanging with friends

Hey Rachel I was bored and we have some stupid teacher so I thought I would come by your homepage Gotta Go

Christin Taft - 04/14/98 00:36:11
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/a/n/g/angeltutu.html
My Email:angeltutu@webtv.net
Age?: 15 1/2....16 in july of 98
Sex?: female
Toothbrush color?: baby blue
State?: Washington State
Boxers or Briefs?: well i prefer briefs but boxers are nice....espeecially the silk ones!!!!
Favorite pass time?: well huh that is hard...... this is my favorite past time.... well i really did like the time that nobody had to worry about murder!!!

well i do write alot but i will try not to.... so how has life been Rachel??? I am really glad that you are back at school and I am sorry if it seemed like everyone ignored the fact that u were back, it was just had to get used to.... well i am writing al t so i will let u go for now....later gator......Christin Taft

- 04/13/98 01:41:10


carrie - 04/13/98 01:38:55
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/b/u/g/buggy20004u.html
My Email:c_buggy@hotmail.com
Age?: 15
Sex?: female
Toothbrush color?: blue
State?: washington
Favorite pass time?: well i do not really have a favorite pat time as of right noe but i am working on it..........

hi rachel...how are you. i am not so good. everytime i get to thinking i come to your page. the song is very sad but oh well i like it. have you ever heard a song called "i want you back" it is by insink. well that song kinda fits my life as of right now. that song is constantly played on my radio. i would singit to you know who if i had a chance. i miss him so much and i am not afraid to say it on the internet. all i want to do is to talk to him...that's all. i would give anything to get back with him. i ould give all the money i have, all the after game dances for the rest of high school. i would give andthing to stop the pain and heartach i go through every night. please help me.

CARRIE - 04/12/98 04:29:39
Age?: 15 1/2
Toothbrush color?: BLUE
Boxers or Briefs?: ???????
Favorite pass time?: THINKING ABOUT SHAWN


joe - 04/12/98 01:30:03
My Email:surfnjoe@msn.com
Age?: 38
Sex?: male
Toothbrush color?: little mermaid
State?: Mo.
Boxers or Briefs?: bare butted, none
Favorite pass time?: music

good page, loved it

Dylan, I'm your friend and I never call you Rea. - 04/11/98 20:16:06
My URL:/SunsetStrip/alley/4268
My Email:Silent_bob123@hotmail.com
Age?: 16
Toothbrush color?:I wash myself with a rag on a stick
State?:I don't have anything funny to say for this one. I'll get back to it.
Boxers or Briefs?:They call me "commando"
Favorite pass time?:Watching Rachel shower...I mean...uhhhh

Comments:Well, considering this is the same damn homepage as it was yesterday and the only thing that has changed is the guestbook. I have the same comments as I use to, and if any of you people reading this really gives a good goddam then as m . (Yeah!!!!!, I get to hit the "damn I'm good" button, AGAIN) Love ya babe, Dylan

Rachel but my friends call me ~Rae~ - 04/11/98 20:16:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/4853
My Email:4MITZEL@prodigy.net
Age?: 16......and loving it!!!!
Sex?: Female *I am woman hear me roar! grrr...*
Toothbrush color?: Purple with glitter
State?: Washington state----I'd rather be somewhere else
Boxers or Briefs?: I love boxers, but I like the silk one's better.
Favorite pass time?: Working on my homepage,and hanging with my friends.

Well, Thanks to you all for visiting my page and taking the time to sign my guestbook. As you will notice above, all who sign will get goodluck. :) ~May the stars guide you to where ever it is that you wish to go.~

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