Go here to see the old version of my website.
Do you like the background music? Well, press the 'stop' button
and then keep listening to it so it doesn't stop when you change pages.
Hello and welcome to my website! If you're having errors related to this page it means your web browser is out of date. Unfortunatly, if you don't update it you won't be able to experience everything my site has to offer. Anyways, this was once a Star Trek devoted site so some pages might still appear that way, although they shouldn't be for long as I am currently making changes. Feel free to wander and explore using the menu located at the top, and don't forget to check out my friends websites!
I recently bought a book on Flash and have been experementing with Flash 5 so try to return sometime in the future. Perhaps there will be few interesting surprizes in store for you!
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The Creature within my site
Careful, he bites!