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Well, well. Greetings to you, traveller. It seems that you have found your way to MY domain. But fear not, for Triyon is here to help you, not to hurt you. Unless of course your name is Argelous... You have been directed to this website because the Officers of the Silver Star Fellowship feel that it is necessary that you are instructed in the ways of the Game and the Guild. Read on, newbie (noob) and gain the knowledge that you so crave, the knowledge that shall help you to survive in World of Warcraft and the Silver Star Fellowship Guild. Prepare yourself!!!

The Guild Guide for Newbies. This is your first lesson in survival. Here you will learn the basics of the game and get some insight on the guild.
The Slightly Advanced Guide for NewbiesThis is the second guide that you should read. It focuses on the Classes and Professions of WoW and how to attain each one. Also, some info on quests is included..
If you have any suggestions for me, please either e-mail me or sign my guestbook. Thank you, and farewell.

� 2006 Ryan Kafer

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