• GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 26 MARCH 05
Heads up!

::: RuDe BwOyZ Easter Rumble happening at the Shamrock Hotel tonight.

::: Also comin up at the same location on the techno tip will be another liquidBASS. The guest dj on the 9th of April will be mr Simon Sleiker - ex TeriyakiAnarkiSaki resident.

::: Another exciting date coming up is April 16 when REANIMATOR 2005 drops.
Normally i run screaming from the prospect of entering one of these drug fuelled raves, but Jungelette Major De La Haye has booked us all to play at this one, so all us privates are bringin it to the masses this weekend.

The intetesting thing about this rave is that dear old tech buddy Mishca will be featured not once, but twice at the party as both Dyewitness and Dj Misjah. So all the candy's can have their fun and the techno lovers wont miss out either.. which is pretty (a) rare for bris-vegas, and (b) cool after you are done rolling on the floor in laughter at the flyer...

::: Onto another rant now, i need to voice my frustration over why bris-vegas seems to be run by total morons.

Finally the weekend had come. I havent been this excited in months. I was not even this excited when Ritchie Hawtin came to play at the family 2 weeks or so ago. This was big. The man was here. Carl Craig. Someone who i have been appreciating for close to a decade now was finally playing in the city where big names are a rarity as they are usually not paid by the promoter. If i did not take my chance the wait in this town would undoubtedly be another 10 years.
So my freinds and I - record sleeves packed in bag - sauntered to the line up consisting of punters complaining about the cover charge of 15 dollars, asking their companions who this cat is and what makes him so great.
I dont budge. I dont say a word. As far as i was concerned i was not even in the queue. I was already inside, facing the turntables and eagerly awaiting the mans arrival.

The moment comes to show the proof of age card but we dont even get that far. Some twenty year old snotty punk with hair full of styling muck and ripped t-shirt boasting an arty quote in pink writing extends his arm accross Dom and states "he cannot be let in wearing skate shoes to this event." We look at each other dumbfounded, look back at the bouncer wannabee who is already looking right through us to the next sucker and look back at each other.

Needless to say my records did not get signed, and my ten year wait (if i was that sucker) would have begun...
  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 02 FEBURARY 05
Hello folks..

Janurary has got away from us like a (fill the blanks), but theres still some great gigs goin on out there...

Rudebwoys is having their 2nd birthday bash at long last! Come check these guys out, this is a wicked night.
Theres a thread for them on ITM here where you can add your name to the rollcall and I'll be there with my canon so come and say hi. Operon of the Rude crew has also created a new track called 'Regolith'. A tasty little tune on the DNB tip ... Check it out!

Another good night in Brisvegas for underground music is Electrolux.
Soulful electro sounds Thursday nights at the Empire Hotel.
Good tunes and a good vibe all night - come show your support!

Also at the Empire Feburary 19 is the return of Mr King.
He will be playing alongside breaks dj Freq Nasty. He is also out for Naughty presents the Love Boat 5 party Feburary 26. Dont miss him this time around - he is undisputedly one of the best dj's out there.

And this I am quite sure we are aware of but just had to post it up anyway! Thankyou Peacefrog. Do you even know how cool you are?


  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 06 JANURARY 05
Wassup yall!

Well i don't know about you but i thik NYE didn't actually happen. It seems to be 2005 though so lets get on with it...

  • Terrence Parker, Scan7, Sean Deason, Mitch Walcott, DJ Shortround, Tim Warren and Julie Meitz will be performing at a Tsunami Benefit Event at Deisel in Michigan Friday Janurary 14.

  • I will be playing with the lovely G-Nome, Funkedub, Mr Krinkle and Affix at another installment of Beats Me, Saturday Janurary 15.

  • Dj Krush will be returning to Brisbane to play at the family, with support acts Noodles, Lectre, Mr Gaunt, Brazen, Dj Slythe, Kieron C and Seany B Thursday Feburary 03.

  • Rudebwoys is having their 2nd birthday party at the Shamrock Hotel Fortitude Valley on Saturday Feburary 05.

  • Franki Juncaj a.k.a. DJ 3000 of Motech Records and Buzz Goree have released 16 looping-track UR Battlepacks. Each Battle Pack containing double copies of each record.

  • And the soulful Good Vibrations Feestival is back in Brisbane once again.

    Some of the acts include Handsome Boy Modelling School, Arrested Development, Dj Format/Abdominal MC, Jazzanova and Lyrics Born. Saturday Feburary 12.

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 24 DECEMBER 04
Good evening Brisbane and beyond.

As another year is comes to culmination most of you are at home with your families eating roasted bird and watching the flashing lights on a wilting pine tree.
Some of you are on the road to the gig, some of you about to go play it. Some of you are about to hit the streets to throw up your latest stencil, or head over to the neighbours in your new hoodie and a bottle of the finest. Some of you are doing grinds on bus stops and maybe even some of you are dancing the bus stop.

To all of you i wish a prosperous 2005 and look forward to the next year with much anticipation. Much love to all.


  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 14 SEPTEMBER 04
September is a jam packed month. Here's the shedule...

Drum&Bass, Jungle & Dancehall with an All Female DJ lineup
+ guest MC. September 17. Underground Bar.

A super lineup that's bound to keep even themost jaded punter happy. Free entry. September 18. The Emerald Room - the pavillion.

Diskotechnohauselectro + Good People + Free Entry.
September 25. the Underground Bar.

De la Haye vs Operon, Erther vs Miss Gidgette, Fetus vs DJCam, DJ Nato. October 9. Underground Bar.

There are also some more Rudebwoys galleries now on ITM.

>>>Rudebwoys August 10 >>>Rudebwoys September 04

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 11 AUGUST 04
>>>> Heads up. another Junglettes is approaching Brisbane.

Dj'z De La Haye, DjCam, Tash, Specimen, Miss Gidgette & Khunt. MC's Angela Graham & Mr Skinny. Friday 17th September, the Undeerground Bar 9pm sharp.

>>>> Beats me photos have arrived. click this bit.

>>>> Local brat Dj Specimen is leaving Brisbane for the more exciting shores of Melbourne.

She will be back up in Brisbane for Junglettes, but the best way to find her is by emailing her by hitting this.

We have had a good few years together up here and have learned a lot from each other. The Junglettes crew wont be the same. I wish her well and hope her time in Melbourne is MASSIVE!

>>>> Another legend to be leaving is Mr Kazu Kimura.

Sources tell me he is moving to Spain. Generally he is in Australia about 4 months out of every year, so the news is not surprising. The 'sunshine state' is gonna need some new talent to step up, but Brisbane will never have it so good again.

>>>> oh yes. ..

I am also 29 in 5 days.

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 22 JULY 04
It has been decided today that Aniki & Myself will be battling on 4 turntables on the 30th of this month.

This night will separate the beauties from the true beasts of the scene.
Our girls will be tearing up their sublime Jungle and Bottom Heavy's boys playing DNB - apart from me and my battling partner for the night - Aniki, who will be flaming it up with classics from tha D, the windy city and of course his bootleg city.

This is gonna be very interesting indeed.

There is a poll currently running on In The Mix on who will be champion.
If you want to vote, have your say, or just rabbit on shit, go here.

Also in need of mention, the girls edition of Beats Me at the Emerald Room of the Pavillion went very well on all counts. All the womern whipped the dancefloor into an absolute frenzy!

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 29 JUNE 04
's goin on all..

As some of you know i have moved and have been layin pretty low.

It's been good to take some time off. Gigs are on their way again and as you can see so is some more content on the site.

I have been debating whether or not i should throw up some more photos of me into the gallery here.

If you are reading this and you think i should hit me at midflight1@yahoo.com. I'm interested to hear your thoughts - constructive imput only please.

As you can also see i will have a link up on the site for you lot to download sets.

You will know it is download time when three things happen:

  • the link to "SOUND MASH" becomes highlighted.
  • the annoying Geocities banner ads are no longer present on the page
    (yes they annoy me too).
  • i tell you it's time for downloading.

Till then you are going to have to sit tight and keep smiling...

or alternatively if you live in Brisneyland you can come to my gigs.

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 23 MAY 04
Some more good news from abroad for techno....

For the second year in a row, SCAN 7 is proud to present Techno Brings People Together, an initiative to reunite people from all over the world with a passion for Detroit Techno and electronic music.

This year Scan 7 is joined by Detroit Techno’s most loyal allies, TechnoTourist to bring you an exceptional event.

The main objective of Techno Brings People Together is providing a platform for likeminded people to meet and exchange ideas, all of this with one clear objective: the advancement of electronic music, with a substantial focus on Detroit Techno.

The 2004 edition of Techno Brings People Together brings you a roundtable discussion set up by Trackmasta Lou and ‘One of 7’ of SCAN 7 and John Osselaer of TechnoTourist.

During this roundtable, a serious discussion on topics concerning Detroit Techno and electronic music as well as gathering thoughts about ways to advance our music scene.

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 7 MAY 04
Few nights happening out and about. Here's a few to get yo freak on.

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 27 APRIL 04
Weather is getting nice and cold again. Hopefully this means more techno.
Currently Bris-vegas is heavily under the influence of nu school breaks.

>>>> MZO (monster zoku onsomb / Kunt) are havin their CD launch before the tequila temptress, Pecan Pie moves back to her home in Canada.
This possee are the renowned creators of Ecky Thump, Ward 10b and the 4ZZZ Doof Tent.

The show will kick it @ BOOM. 27 Warner Street The Valley - next to Heaven behind Mc Whirters on Saturday 15th May. Cost is a mere $10.

>>>> The next edition of The Goodness we get down to some serious womble bidness and kick out the jams to celebrate DJ Orinoko's birthday.

Rockin it out Saturday 22nd May, upstairs @ the SHamrock Hotel, corner of Brunswick Street and St Pauls Terrace in tha Valley. Absolutely free entry and a cheap as chips bar.
Djz are Orinoko, Shadrach, G-Money, Valli Lee, Metrognome, Heavy D.

>>>> In other news around the globe, DJ Genesis former webmaster for Submerge Records is proud to announce the launching of her new imprint. The first release features up and coming producer Omar S. and a remake of Tonight Is The Night by Betty Wright by DJ Genesis. The next release will feature the track "It's U" featuring singer Audra, that is on this years movement compilation.
It will feature various styles of music from house, to hip hop, to techno.

>>>> And Jeff Mills is to release a new ep dubbed 'Expanded' by the end of April.
This ep is said to be a follow-up for Axis 10 'Growth'.

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 13 APRIL 04

>>Dj Rectangle will be playing in Brisbane April 29. ITM details are here.

>>Beats Me is also back on Sat April 17. This months guests are Kid Kay Ferris.

>>RAGGA'D is coming closer...

don't forget this is your chance to see the Ruffneck Souljah Recordings posse before they leave for Canada.

>>Rudebwoyz is returning after their much needed break on Sat 1st May.

Dave Clarke had a live chat with in The Mix on Wednesday April 7. For those of you who are interested in what he had to say, follow this link.

On an international scope, resident advisor has opened up the discussion forum to the public for those of you who would like the opportunity to ask Derrick May a question.

This option is only for registered members of Resident Advisor, but its very easy to join. Follow this link to hit Derrick with your queries via RA.

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 05 APRIL 04

A great man is leaving our city.

Someone without a thought of return, always believing in me unconditionally. Who has inspired me time and time again and has taught me to look to the future and keep believing in myself.

He leaves for his home back in the UK after a cathardic journey here in Brisbane Australia.

A special interview with Mr King has been compiled by myself and Manath for In the mix.

Follow this link for an insight to one of the most inspiring people Brisbane has had the fortune of witnessing in action for the last 3 years.

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 24 MARCH 04

Heads up! More shindigs on their way. Couple of them "intimate" and some probably not, but all of them will be sweet. Quite a good chance to catch what our locals can do behind the 1200's.

** these are the gigs you will find me included on the bill.

DJ Kenny Ken & MC Foxy Thu 1st April 2004

** Teknonotice Sat 3rd April 2004

** BBQ Breaks with the FREESTYLERS Sun 11th April 2004

Inflight & Liquibass feat. FUNK D'VOID Sun 11th April 2004

** Junglettes & Ruffneck Souljah Recordings NZ present Ragga'd Fri 23rd April 2004

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 22 JANURARY 04

Yo All.

Great news for local techno...

"Kazu's back from Europe with fresh tunes & ready to head up a pre-public holiday night of jazzy, funky & downright slamming techno beats.

And whilst Kazu's soujourn to Western Europe will no doubt yield some real gems from that region, Barking Boy brings the techno sounds from his recent tours across Eastern Europe & Canada for what is sure to be an unforgettable night in local Brisbane techno history."

- in the mix

Will be a good one this weekend. I'm going to be supporting alongside Shadrach and Mag00.

Entry is $8.00 @ UNIVERSE.
299 Brunswick Street Mall, The Valley.

Come and show your support!

On other news. Rudebwoys will be havin their first birthday soon!

Click here to add yourself to the roll call on inthemix

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 10 JANURARY 04

Well happy new year yall.

Yes i have been back down to sydney again.
Thanks to the Sentinel, Razorgirl and the Muse for all the quality time. There's nothin like being with those you love to really clear yo head. Cheers guys.

2003 was quite an interesting year in Brisneyland.

Unfortunately for the 313 underground there weren't many movements. Sydney and Melbourne got Derrick May,
Dj Godfather and Kevin Saunderson, but the 313 underground is still in it's infancy in the Australian scene. It did take it's first few steps last decade but at present it's takin it's mid-morning nap.

Most of the underground highlights of 03 - aside the major HipHop acts to grace our shores - tasted of DNB. The Amen flava is going strong and it was very cool to be a part of it all.

Respect to those in the know...

Click here to check the d'n'b massive...

In 2004 i'm anticipating this will be a better year for detroit sounds. Even if it is a change on my behalf in attitude and action. Of course it'll be good to fall in with some allies. Let's see what we can do.

Bring it!

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 07 NOVEMBER 03

Been gallavanting through Sydney again. Can't stay away from the place. Should have picked up more wax instead of that addidas jacket - but it was cold!

What i did grab was an address of Mark Murphy's new techno outlet in Darlinghurst called Spank Records.
It's got a tasty selection of techy tunes you'd hear played at places like the Chinese Laundry Sydney, where i had lots of fun over the weekend!

Coming up on friday the 14th of this month I'll be joining the Nu Sounds possee again for another round of dancefloor goodness.
It's at the Moonbar - top level of the Empire Hotel Fortitude Valley, kicking off at around 9pm.

Also coming up on December 5 I'll be getting down with my DnB sisters at Junglettes! It's gonna be a wicked gig. All the Djs are all highly skilled DnB & Jungle chicks. Entry will only set you back a mere fiver or if you're a member of the Electronic Arts Society it sets you back two $2 coins. How good is that!

Check this for more.

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 25 JUNE 03

Who loves their 313?

Next week i'll be playing all the detroit i am madly in love with @ No 12. Were talking deep deep Octave One, UR, Los Hermanos, Planet E, Tomorrow, Sean Deason, Eddie Fowlkes, Model 500 and Claude Young. Come brave the weather and come have a drink with me at No 12.

Another tidbit is about Nu Sounds, the funky moonbar brainchild of Dj Rasp. You'll finally get to see me and the good doctor play together at the same place... Moonbar July 11.

Next up, some of the coolest news yet.

I'm back hosting with Rowena on 4ZzZFM 102.1 mhz every second Friday morning. Stay tuned for further updates..

And finally the best for last. Saturday night, the Underground Bar... yep you guessed it. RUDEBWOYS! You can click here to add yourself to to roll call on ITM.

I'll be there with my cannon... so be seen!

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 13 MAY 03

Another Rudebwoyz featuring Specimen V DrDom is on it's way. They're gonna be playin even later this time, so get ready for some serious shennanegans.

  • Tomorrow Night - May 14:
    The bratty babes Mix N Fx will be rawkus at Tek-nique, the Monastery Nightclub's new techno event, supported by Matt Nugent Vs Brian Sii + Gemma Vs Fergus Alexander.
  • Sunday Night - May 18:
    Grandmaster Flash is appearing at The Arena in Brisbane. An interview with the man can be found here.
  • Saturday May 31:
    De La Soul is appearing at The Arena. Buy tix online here
    Horny is also on at the Main Squeeze in Fortitude Valley saturday night. Definately somewhere to chill after De La. Djz are Dj Mahi, Clint Hargreaves, Grant Lagastes & Mild Seven.
  • Saturday June 07:
    Ken Ishii will be apprearing at the Valley Bar, supported by G-Money V DJCam plus many more.
    This party is a multi-level multi-genre and multi production event, the likes of not seen since the teaming of Marmion with Jeff Mills 98 and is not to be missed!

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 09 April 03

I have returned from the freezing capital so you dont have to spam me anymore. Honest.

What was I sayin about this year going to be massive?
Check the news..

->DJ Dij'ital is on his way from Detroit in June.
->The Wu-Tang Clan will hit Bris vegas sat June 21.
->Grandmaster Flash will hit Brisbane on Sunday 18th May.
->DJ Krush will play Family Thursday 15th May.
->And there's an impromptu DNB party at The source with SUV tonight. I'm bringing the cannon in....so be seen.

For those of you out there in the know - Jarok and his girl are back from Canada.
They're staying for a short duraton here in QLD before moving to Melbourne.

  • GMT+10:00 - CANBERRA 02 April 03

BRISBANE ITM CONTRIBUTORS MEETING Sunday (6/4/03) at 3.00pm at Sounds on Sunday @ Friday's.

The first biography of late hip-hop icon Jam Master Jay of Run-DMC, titled Jam Master Jay: The Heart Of Hip-Hop, hit bookstores on Tuesday (April 1).
The book was written by David E. Thigpen and is available from Pocket Books.

Agent Mad have just confirmed that Melbourne hip hop group TZU will be the east coast support for the upcoming De La Soul tour. Dates are as follows:

::: Canberra 27th May ::: Perth 28th May :::
::: Sydney 29th May ::: Melbourne 30th May :::
::: Brisbane 31st May ::: Auckland 3rd June :::

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 26 MARCH 03

Went to the Original Drum Birthday Party at Rics Upbar... rocked it out... took some photos. Props to Tommy R.O.

There's a call out for Brisbane Djz. Get involved!

The Flyers for the new techno event at The Monastery called Tek-nique are out. Partygoers and punters from all over are raving mad about it's artwork. If you have seen it, you can have your say about it here.

The artist responsible for the caricatures on the back of the flyer is the talented Jon Sommariva. He's is part of a group of designers called Led Heavy, and if you dig comic art, you'll love their stuff. The flyers can be found at The Monastery nightclub... unless I have handed you one first. Check Jon out.

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 19 MARCH 03

I'm gonna be heading outta town as from the 28th of this month for about two weeks. If you want to make contact email me here.

It's looking like Eclectic Media are going full steam ahead! Their lines are still open and are welcoming talent from all over, so be sure to get in touch!
Eclectic Media

There's a new site kickin around on the web with it's spotlight exclusively on Brisbane. It's content including forums, news, profiles, a gallery, useful links and a listing of upcoming events. The name of the new site - Fusing Brisbane - says it all, so you wont have a hard time finding it on the super highway.
Fusing Brisbane

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 14 MARCH 03

Some good news for Brisbane Djz. A new agency is setting up shop in Brisbane! These dudes have worked for some big names overseas and are settin up shop here in bris-vegas. They are called 'Eclectic Media'. If you want to be on board their deadline is Wednesday March 19. For more info you can call them at 0422 11 2277 or 0422 897 000, or mail them here for Tara, or here for Andrew.

Some more good stuff on it's way. This weekend will have another 'Rudebwoys' at the Underground Bar in Fortitude Valley. Local nutter Ash is holding another one of his legendary jungle gigs for a meager $5, and there's Scrumpy Jack on tap. These parties have an awesome vibe and all the djs there really work it. a well wicked gig. Bring your addidas - i'll be taking photos for In The Mix.

Speaking of ITM. You may have heard by now they are doing VIP memberships. there's somre pretty good stuff you can get by joining up. Want more? Go to ITM.

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 04 MARCH 03

An announcement for you tech-heads out there in Brisbane: The Monastery is getting some talent in to play up the underground. I have been booked for a solo on Wednesday 23 April, and an update is on it's way for you lot who dig Mix N Fx...

Godfather is da bomb! He's at "images". NO STEALIN.

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 26 FEBURARY 03

Yo all! I'll be outta town for a couple of days but you can still fill the inbox at yahoo if you want. I'm taking off to hang with my bro Kris and were headin off to see Dj Godfather Friday night at the Chinese Laundry. Then Saturday were checking out Speedy J live - along with the other crud playin at the Sydney Two Tribes festival.

Personally it's just gonna be good to get outta town and get some perspective, and will be good to fly again. Thousand of Kms away from any equipment except for my cannon, comfy leather seats and my new John Birmingham novel. This is the stuff dreams are made of.

  • GMT+10:00 - BRISBANE 17 JANURARY 03

It's been an interesting year for us in 2002. The scene took a left turn and the fluffy prog stuff that so many of the Djs here in Brisbane Australia worship had to take a seat while Hip Hop came back in town and sank it's teeth in. We had some awesome shows from Shadow, J-Rock, Q-Bert + Jazzy Jay, Herbalizer and 1200 Techniques. Plus the live shows were everywhere.

One claim to fame for Brisbane - for those of you who own the latest Jurassic 5 album - is one of our local buskers and his flute featured on the album. Nice one!

The tech heads have also gotten more of their share of the pie with the advent of a few Djs touring and showing the masses how it's really done. Luke Slater was booked to play at Advent'jah, and Kazu has also been booked to play techno amidst the hard house and prog stuff. It's incredibly good news for the small tech community, and were hopin to see more of it. I played at Advent'jah when Luke S and the Orb played. Sill heaps of prog around though.

DJCam would like to say a big thank you to those of you who turned up and gave it your absolute best at the last two Liquid Bass parties in 2002. You are the ones that made it spectacular...you know who you are.