Hello! Welcome to my page. Most people online know me as Green Jacket or GJ. I like to chat in a lot of different rooms.
This page has nothing to do with golf. I like minigolf, but I have no aspirations to be a professional golfer. I say this because a lot of people see "Green Jacket" and think of professional golf. Let me assure you that the jacket I wear as GJ isn't that kind of jacket. It's more like a jacket with a team logo on it that you might wear to a football game.
There aren't a lot of pictures on this page. To see pics I've made or downloaded (including of few of me), check out my second Website, Web of Green Jacket.
The links on the right are links to places on this Website. The links on the left are links to pages my online pals have made and some other cool pages I've found.
Feel free to sign my guestbook (see the links on the right) or you can e-mail me at greenjacket99@hotmail.com
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