The Asteroid-X News DataBase
Here you will get a Daily News report in the World of the Beast Wars RPG. Please check by here everyday for news and to find out what has been updated on the page
The News of 10/13/97 :
- Sorry about that, my computer was down for a few days, then I just did some updates to the page and never had time for news.
- I got alot of new sections up, the story of the mush, re-did the maximal specs, got the pred specs up, the hall of fame is up, links, guestbook, and the mush rules.
Check it all out
Optimus Gold has pictures of the new Japenesse Beast Wars Toys, e-mail him to see what they look like.
Many Maximals have left the Maximals and turned Pred, some because of Seethroc's leadership,some for other reasons.
That's about all.
The News of 10/05/97 :
- I got my page back up today
- I have returned to the MUSH
- Seethroc is leader of the Maximals, and Fireclaw is leader of the Predacons
- Seethroc has allowed me to hold the position of fifth in Command. Although I was hoping for third or possibly second.
- Primal Demon and Optimus Gold are in the MUSH as Vengence and Helix
- More news tomorrow