Welcome to Asteroid-X
We have crash landed on this unknown planet with the Predacons. In order to survive, Optimus Gold and his Maximal crew have worked together to repair the Axalon. It is now Maximal Base until we return home to Cybertron.
I have built this secret base with the help of Rodimus-X and Draco for my own personel use and for my fellow Maximals to obtain classified information. Please feel free to access any of the information below.
Predacon Sub Groups -- Mercinary Tech Specs -- Hall of Fame -- Mush Fan Fictions
Thank you for visiting Asteroid-X. You'd better Maximize before you leave. There are alot of Predacons and Mercinarys in the area, and you can never be too careful
If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at : bjohnso@mail.mts.net
This page is run and maintained by Deep Freeze
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to Enter Asteroid-X
© 1997 bjohnso@mail.mts.net