The Borg Outpost

Federation is will be assimilated...resistance
is futile!
For many centuries, the Federation has expanded its
exploration of the galaxy to unkonwn frontiers.
Its flagship, the USS Enterprise has been the light that
shines in the deepest zones of space bringing news of
undiscovered civilizations, unexpected living creatures and
lifeforms, strange enemies and allies. In every shape and model,
she has gone where no one has gone before. And like the Phoenix,
she has resurrected from her ashes to appear as a newer and more magnificent ship.
Everytime it has been destroyed, a new Enterprise has been born
to acomplish the mission she was first and originally created.
Extend peace and knowledge far beyond the outer limits of the

She has found many savage and bloody enemies, from Klingons to
Romulans, and has always been the peace bringer to those civilizations
that actually wanted it. But now, the Federation has met a new
enemy. One that appears to be simply unbeatable. A civilization
whose technology exceedes the knowledge of every race and species
that form the Federation. A civilization to whom the most
advanced weapons seem like a simple summer breeze. It's purpose,
to assimilate all lifeforms, to gather all knowledge from those
assimilated and include it within the collective. It's name, the
This Web page is intended to be a place where Star Trek fans
and, specially those interested in the Borg collective, can
collect and leave any kind of information related to it. This
page is still a baby, but it's not my baby, it's OUR baby, I'm
just the one who keeps all together and gives everyone the chance
to join in and give a personal touch to the page. So you are all encouraged
to send e-mails with your comments about what you like or
dislike, and ideas on how to improve the page. I will accept any
advice and information that you send me via e-mail. Pictures,
sounds, books, anything. So what are you waiting for? Click here and start sending
Now, this is a little advance of what you will be able to find
in this page:
Of course, the design and appearance of this page will be
improved according to the latest state-of-the-art technology. If
I ever get enough money to pay for it. So I'll accept any
shareware or freeware programs that could help.
Do you want to
talk with other fans on the net, try Holodeck 3

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excuse me for those things that aren't working properly.
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Last Revision: October 8,1997.