sWIsS mAstAh rOB
jUS' a little sumptin' sumptin' so you can get to know me better during your visit. If you don't like profiles than why are you checking this one out? I know 99.9% of you don't care who I am or what I do....but heh if you were as bored at work as I am right now, you'd make a profile too! =P
Real Name:Tahh ta....a true mAstAh never reveals his name!
What time the world was revolutionized: April 15th, 1982
Location:Carp/Kanata, Ontario, Canada
Family: Dad(David), Step-Mom(Beth), Mom(Jane), Sister(Sarah), Two 'lil brothers(Mike & Greg- 3 yrs & 18 months), a dog (Scruff)
Other Nicknames: Nature Boy, Clark Kent (you'll never have super powers =P), Giggles, TallBoy sLim (original, no?), Gilligan, Big Dicked Bastard (no one calls me that)
Job:Takeout at a Swiss Chalet Bar & Rottisiere/Clerk at CSC(Correctional Services of Canada), and full time student.
What I aspire to be when I 'grow up': Creative Director, Sexy
Hobbies: Doodling, dancing, listening to music, writing (if you can call it that =P), friends, people watching (people are SO interesting), female watching, roleplaying, Techno XVI junkie, thinking, telling jokes no one gets, urm...did I mention dancing?
Favorite Music Stylez: Hardcore, Tekno, Goa, dark dnb, Oldskool Breaks, Booty, Rap & contemporary/metal rock
Favorite DJs/Artists:
*Locals*Jorah Kai, Deacon BoombastardizAH, Clone, Haze, Graham J(XVI god!), PhD, Mantra aka the Phat Conductor, Deedot, MC Ryu
*International* Matt Boom!, Jeff Mills, Ian Hind, Greg Gow, Thomas Krome, Adam Beyer, Neophyte, Lenny Dee(and a whole slew of other hardcore DJs) Lab 4, Growling Mad Scientists, Infected Mushroom, LTJ Bukem, MC Conrad
*Hip Hop* C-O-MM-O to the N (ya ya ya heard), Beastie Boys, Rakim, Nas (only his first LP), Gang starr foundation, Mos Def, Eminem, Wu-Tang, Biggie Smalls (his first LP anyways), Killah Priest, DJ Shadow
*Rawk* OASIS(rules the world)!!!, Rage Against the Machine, Sevendust, Kittie, Korn, Spacehog...
Favorite Song:
*Dancin' Tune*: Acen-Close Your Eyes(If I ever hear this song live I think I'll lose my sanity...)
*Live Tune*: DJ Paul vs. DJ Panic-Up Yours!
*Chillin' at Home*: Oasis-Live Forever
Favorite Samples:
"Some people think little girls should be seen and not heard. But I think-I foundage.....UP YOURS!
"1 were ready 2 I'm ready 3 I think I'm gonna....Dubadose..."
"The N the E the O the P the H the I the T the E the S the T the U the N the N the E the D the G the U the I the S, were gonna kick your fuckin' ass!"
"I know you like to watch my booty bounce!"
Favorite Numbers & Colors: 7,Green,604,Blue,613
Favorite Books: Ferman's Devils, Dune, Lord of the Flies, Catch-22, Cat's Cradle
Favorite Movies: Pulp Fiction (I have watched this movie 37 times-I love it), Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Barrells(British version of Pulp Fiction =P), Gattaca, Akira, Trainspotting