613 Hardcore!

I don't want to pull elitist stuff...but damn I really like hardcore and am sick of it being relegated to the back room with one DJ, maybe two if we're extremely lucky. Hardcore is the shit. It just gets me so excited, so pumped. Its like a rush that nothing else has ever given me before! This little worm floats in to my body and starts creepin in to my entire body until I am saturated with this un-relenting desire to dance. I love it....I truly do....

Here is a list of all the Gabberz in the National Capital Region of Canada. That's right I'm talking about the good ol' 613, Ottawa! So please Gabberz if you want support, if you want good sound sytems, with nice lighting and most importantly if you want fresh talent please either msg Swiss Mastah Rob at Techno XVI or email me at superdude79@yahoo.com. Thank you all tremendously for your support! If it wasn't for you there would be no hardcore played at parties. I don't know about you but that's something I don't want to face! So keep up tha good work!!! Your reward will be better Hardcore DJs coming to Ottawa and useable DJ equipment for them. I can't wait to see Hardcore as the biggest music genre in the Ottawa Rave Scene. I know it can happen too. Hardcore taps into the aggression...into the 'need for speed' found in the youth today. Once we get the proper sound system and more, better talent we can show people what hardcore really is! More crazier stuff...like my ideas of the sprinkler systems going off....charges set on the dancefloor so that the floor will literally 'shake'. I would also like to get something that totally fucks up your sight as well. nOT exactly lights, but something that totally disorienates you for a second or two. Something that spins you around.....I love doing that at parties. Hopefully it'll come soon enough!

Shortly at Ottawa parties I plan to start a petition that anyone can sign. Basicallly it'll say 'Do you want more and better hardcore at parties?" I will NOT go around and ask people if they would like to sign the petition...I will be making photo copied flyers telling people that there is a petition and if you would like to sign it please see Swiss Mastah Rob (giving a description of myself). I want this petition to be completley voluntary! SO watch out for it....peace

Ottawa Gabberz

01. SwIss MaStah rOB
02. Lil Freek
03. Jorah Kai
04. Floater
05. The Middle Man
06. Adrenaline Machine
07. Ra:Ella
08. :FOO:
09. Xtreme
10. Deacon Boombastardizer
11. Tranceferable Skills
12. Ernest
13. Swiss Chalet Mikey
14. Krazie Kid
15. BuCk NuTs
16. Alkoline Fetus
17. DJ Kristan
18. Robo Pimp
19. Michi B
20. CPI
21. Pro-to-type
22. Locosly
23. Drey
24. Xi
25. eXt
26. Seth
27. Cynn
28. J*Man
29. Bad Kitty
30. K'an
31. Astrogirl

