Welcome to Swiss mAStAh Rob's Chalet!
You have stumbled on to Swiss Chalet Rob's Chalet of Goodness! Newly redesigned (this is a design?). Designed for people who know little about raves, I hope to educate the new raver. The more educated you are, the more fun you'll have!

Ottawa Gabber List!
Guide to 'Rave' Music
sWisS Mastah RoB's Favorite Dancers
SwiSs Mastah Rob's Dancing gUiDe
Drugs in the Rave Scene
A Useless profile of the one they call rOB?
Swiss MaStaH RoB's Rave Highlights
Swiss Mastah Rob's first Rave experienceIt's Here!
Pics of me & my friendsComing Soon! I promise!
LinksRarin' to go!
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