welcome welcome to Robert(gospelboy)s page.

This webpage is specifically dedicated to the members of Humber Computer Programming/Analyst.

here you can download the xls file,

and this webpage will continue to be updated,

and im planning to contain a forum as well.

i will also accept your graphic and animation works, as long as they are appropriate,

I have a serious interest in digitally processing graphic works myself.

All my pictures are processed with Adobe Photoshop 5.0 and Paint Shop Pro 6.02.

here is my present for all the guests to my page.

and here is the xls file you asked for.

this is the Notre Dame Cathedral in Montreal, Canada.

Notre DameCathedral

Setting up a forum is honestly very easy.

I simply have to download the CGI files, and they do not even have to be from hal.humberc.on.ca.

however, i will also install an automatic filter that will strictly cut off any messages with inappropriate language.

I will display all your creative works in this webpage.

this is very temporary,

and this webpage will continue to be updated.

May God's blessings fall on each and every one of you.

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