Circles of Protection: Links

A peaceful circle of friends to connect to.

Wizards of the Coast
. . .The creators of Magic themselves.

Mox Perl Magic Card Database
. . .This place has lists of every card, with text and errata.

Organized Comprehensive Magic Resource List
. . .This site has literally hundreds of links on all matters of Magic.

Beyond Dominia
. . .Loaded with news, strategies, and great articles on Magic.

Land of Destoguardiana
. . .This site has inside info on upcoming expansions and more.

Library of Dominia
. . .Here lies over one million different decks.

Card Trader
. . .A good place to trade Magic, Star Wars, and Star Trek.

Cloud Palace Game Network
. . .Excellent site with good chatroom, auctions, and fun games.

Traders Outpost Links
. . .Over 120 links to different traders' sites can be found here.

Bob Dove's Magic Site
. . .A good friend's page with have/want lists, deck lists and ideas, and more

Lebrum's Magic Page
. . .This place has a list of have/wants, great links, and lots more.

Rob's Magic Bazaar
. . .A great magic site with an online card shop.

Sweet Chuck's Page
. . .A really neat site with lots of good stuff and more links.

The Dark Side
. . .This place has great links and have/want list, along with non-magic stuff.

Bonecrank's Magic Page
. . .A nice site with have/want list and links to other sites.

Mortificator's Homepage
. . .This site has lots of good Magic stuff, along with other things, like NBA stuff.


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