Here is a Very short list of cards that I am looking for:
Strokes of Genius Time Spirals Mox Diamonds Cursed Scrolls 3 Cities of Brass (BB preferred) Time Walk All Moxen (Sapphire and Pearl Preferred) 2-3 Moats 2 Abysses ?? Lighting Bolts (BB only) 1 Word of Command Sets of Dual Lands (Full or large sets only)I'm always looking for A LOT more than this, so please e-mail me with offers.. . .And here is what I have for trade or sale:Without being too broad, I have available almost all uncommons and most rares from Exodus, Stronghold, Tempest, Weatherlight, Visions, Mirage, Alliances, Homelands, Ice Age, Fallen Empires, Fourth and Fifth editions, as well as Tons out of print cards, Portal, Unglued, and other odds and ends. If you are interested in trading for or buying cards, just e-mail for more complete information on what I have and what it is I am looking for.I also have quite a few home-made preconstructed decks, type 2 legal and perfect for beginners. Each contains at least three rares, nine uncommons, and 28 commons (and 20 lands) from Exodus, Stronghold, Tempest, Weatherlight, Visions, Mirage, and 5th edition valued in Inquest and/or Scrye anywhere from 15 to 35 dollars.Currently I also often make these decks at people's request. They usually go for $8.50 a piece plus shipping, complete with current rule book, starter box, and help on playing them. Simply send me an e-mail to get more information on these.BACK
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