Hello, this is my guestbook. Like I said, I will probably eventually have a contest for the people who sign my guestbook, so please keep people coming here. Thanks!. . .
Angela Iwan - 12/10/00 20:24:31
My Email:littlechef1979@hotmail.com
Where you live:With you
Hello to my husband Cameron (as of November 3 2001)!!! I am embarassed that you have not updated this site in 4 years but am proud of you nonetheless. Hopefully our son (due in 2 months) will be able to learn all about Magic from his daddy. I know you'll have fun doing that. Love Angela

benjamin - 12/10/00 20:24:31
My URL:http://hem.spray.se/benjamin5/humor.html
My Email:portal_89@hotmail.com
Age: 11
Where you live: stockholm,sweden
hey itīs me again. i know that this sounds ridicolus, but my friend donīt belive me! i have a creature that nameīs taunting elf, the text is: all creatures able to block taunting elf do so. and itīs a 0/1 creature. my friend say that i canīt attack whit this creature!!!!!!!! can you please mail me so my friend belive me ps: its from urzas destiny

benjamin - 12/10/00 15:58:34
My URL:http://hem.spray.se/benjamin5/humor.html
My Email:portal_89@hotmail.com
Age: 11
Where you live: stockholm,sweden
Favorite cards: green and red
Least favorite cards: covetous dragon
pretty much work whit this right? itīs very good.wichīcolorīs do you play? i play red and green. e-mail me if you like to iīl be happy

benjamin - 12/10/00 15:58:26
My URL:http://hem.spray.se/benjamin5/humor.html
My Email:portal_89@hotmail.com
Age: 11
Where you live: stockholm,sweden
Favorite cards: green and red
Least favorite cards: covetous dragon
pretty much work whit this right? itīs very good wichīcolorīs do you play? i play red and green. e-mail me if you like to iīl be happy

benjamin - 12/10/00 15:57:35
My URL:http://hem.spray.se/benjamin5/humor.html
My Email:portal_89@hotmail.com
Age: 11
Where you live: stockholm,sweden
Favorite cards: green and red
Least favorite cards: covetous dragon
pretty much work whit this right? itīs very good wichīcolorīs do you play? i play red and green. mail me if you like to

dusitn raibournn - 12/09/00 22:13:25
My URL:http://www.none.com
My Email:powerman9009@hotmail.com
Age: 15
Where you live: south cali
Favorite cards: just becase it is funny,but infernal spwn of evil
Least favorite cards: winding wurm
kool site

Dag Hansson - 11/30/00 15:50:23
My Email:hansson.ruda@mail10.calypso.net
Age: 13
Where you live: Ruda , Sweden
Favorite cards: Avatar of woe
Least favorite cards: Rust Golem
I think that Magic the Gathering is the most coolest cardgame ever.

Dustin Raibourn - 11/25/00 06:43:55
My Email:powerman9009@hotmail.com
Age: 16
Where you live: KY
Favorite cards: green
Least favorite cards: white
Pretty cool site

Qijo - 11/07/00 03:18:50
My Email:qijo@angelfire.com
Age: 21
Change the backgound for the guestbook page, it needs to be more appealing.

jimmy - 11/01/00 21:05:42
My Email:tarens@msn.net
Age: 13
Where you live: 311 s. weyent
Favorite cards: well of disvery,blinding angle
Least favorite cards: sea spirit
nice site

Jimmy She - 10/29/00 18:06:56
My URL:/zqjimmy
My Email:superjimmy123@hotmail.com
Age: 17
Where you live: Washington
Favorite cards: Yawgmoth's Bargain
Least favorite cards: Vibrating Sphere
Pretty good site, though I would have liked it if you could list the "big" rares you had to offer for trade.

Ryan - 10/20/00 01:22:09
My URL:http://secter.htmlplanet.com
My Email:rbennett11@juno.com
Age: 16
Where you live: Texas
Favorite cards: Elvish Pipers, Thorn Elementals, Might of Oaks
Least favorite cards: non-basic lands
I think this site looks great! I am about to build a Magic:The Gathering site soon. I have some awesome 4th turn kills decks (on average) and a great burn deck. Once again, great site.

pusakal99 - 10/11/00 03:26:53
My Email:joeblac@catsrule.garfield.com
Age: 21
Where you live: phillipnes
Favorite cards: desolation,armageddon
Least favorite cards: trash cards
this is a great site!!!!! i hope there is a demo on http servers i like to have one on the PC bec. all i play is the real one

tyler - 09/21/00 23:11:11
My Email:kerzax@hotmail.com
Age: 15
Where you live: lenoir, nc
Favorite cards: morphling, avatar of woe, and mirror strike
Least favorite cards: wild dogs (its obvious), all of the ramos artifacts
Hey man! This is a nice site that you have going for yourself. Keep up the good work. I have one question for you! Do you actually have all of those Dual Lands in those decks?

Dauthi Ghoul - 09/12/00 00:28:31
My URL:http://themagicalmagicpage.homestead.com/MagicPage.html
My Email:yawgmoth2@homestead.com
Favorite cards: Yawgmoth's Bargain
Least favorite cards: don't know!
You have a pretty good site! Goos job!

Erik Thomsen - 08/28/00 18:54:45
My Email:dreadnought_rage@hotmail.com
Age: 14
Where you live: Canada
Favorite cards: Serra Avatar, Argothian Wurm, Cursed Scroll, Rishidan Port, Masticore
Least favorite cards: Samite Sanctuary, Anything in Homelands other than Autum Willow, and Apocalypse Chime.
Not a bad site...Pretty good actually...needs more update

Eli Mascarenas - 08/26/00 03:19:30
My Email:tracy2@Aros.net
Age: 13
Where you live: tooele UT
Favorite cards: Rhox,and all golems!!
Least favorite cards: none
nice site!!!!

GrimWolf - 08/24/00 16:51:03
My Email:GrimWolf4000@hotmail.com
Age: 14
Where you live: Fargo, North Dakota
Favorite cards: Urza's Saga
Least favorite cards: Weatherlight
Great site, keep up the good work.

Null - 08/20/00 13:37:48
My URL:http://Null2.tripod.com
Age: 14
Where you live: Hell
Favorite cards: Hammer of bogardan, Rushwood elemental
Least favorite cards: rancor, some over-powered stuff
Nice page here, liked the theme decks.

Caleb - 08/13/00 21:20:03
Age: 11
Where you live: Mt.Vernon
Favorite cards: Goblin Marshal
Least favorite cards: Wildfire
i liked your page

jean-francois - 08/12/00 13:07:48
My Email:gogogogo39@hotmail.com
Age: 15
Where you live: canada, eastern passage nova scotia
Favorite cards: goblins n' drakes
Least favorite cards: djinns
This is a great site, I have two sets of the unglued set, and one set of prophecy. Hope you have a good summer.

M - 07/22/00 05:01:26
Age: 14

Sean - 07/18/00 11:32:19
My Email:COMMANDERsean@hotmail.com
Age: 12
Where you live: nc
Favorite cards: reble mercenary
Least favorite cards: hickory wood lot

Sean - 07/14/00 22:01:56
My Email:No GrnBns@aol.com
Age: n/a
Where you live: n/a
Favorite cards: ?????
Least favorite cards: ?????

Winston Thompson-Steckel - 07/02/00 11:47:44
My Email:Juggerbadsneer@hotmail.com
Age: 12
Where you live: Sharon, Massachusets
Favorite cards: legendary cards, Juzam Djinn
Least favorite cards: red cards and Counterspell
This is a very good site. I like how you named your pages after the five colors of magic and I think you have everything you need to make it a popular site.

Rich Pazdzierski - 06/26/00 18:32:44
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/agentbond
My Email:goldengun@angelfire.com
Age: 13
Where you live: NJ, USA
Favorite cards: Jinxed Idol, Moat, Crackdown
Least favorite cards: Goblins
Pretty nice site. I currently play with a mono white deck that is undefeated so far. E-mail me if you want to know what it contains.

John Powers - 06/10/00 06:13:04
My Email:vinny_boombots@hotmail.com
Age: 21
Where you live: north carloina
Favorite cards: Mirror Univers , Time Walk
Least favorite cards: armogeddon
nice page ya got here....like i a lot

Leviathan - 05/24/00 18:53:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/zj/index.html
My Email:burkart@javanet.com
Age: -2
Where you live: MA, USA
Favorite cards: Angels
Least favorite cards: Imps

Rain (a.k.a. Gary) - 05/12/00 19:35:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va2/rainmtg
My Email:iralnl@aol.com
Age: old enough
Where you live: VA
Favorite cards: Worn Powerstone, Thorn Elemental, Killer Bees, etc.
Least favorite cards: whatever is way to expensive
Nice selection of cards, I might be thinking about buying one or two of your preconstructed decks to see how well you do. but otherwise very nice selection. and visit my page to trade. (nothing special thats just my MTG page) my page is at: www.xxrainxx.cjb.net enjoy!

urza - 04/30/00 20:11:13
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/urzasrealm
My Email:rgw4prsdnt@aol.com
Age: 3400 years old
Favorite cards: black
cool site

JOVEN MARKS - 04/27/00 12:55:55
Age: 20
Where you live: MO
Favorite cards: Reanimate
I've enjoyed your page keep up the Magic work! Thanks...Joven

Caleb B. - 04/20/00 21:03:50
My Email:trekscout1@aol.com
Age: 13
Where you live: Iowa City, IA
Favorite cards: Tidal Kraken
Least favorite cards: feroz's ban

Ernest McCann - 04/16/00 23:29:15
My Email:peeweemccann@hotmail.com
Age: 14
Where you live: Minnesota
Favorite cards: Bone Dancer
Least favorite cards: Rolling Thunder

squintyjoe - 04/13/00 16:34:29
My URL:http://abt3@msn.com
My Email:same as above
Age: 14
Where you live: texas
Favorite cards: black louts and any mox
Least favorite cards: unglued :-P
i like your site and i wanna trade with u!

Glen Shikunov - 04/12/00 02:03:18
My URL:http://www.Geocities.com/shikunov/Magic
My Email:oleshi@juno.com
Age: 13
Where you live: IL
Favorite cards: Delraich
Least favorite cards: Flicker
You should add some pictures of cards. I'm trying to on my site but I donb't have a scanner!!!

Rob Simpson - 04/04/00 01:50:02
My Email:Bizquik00@Yahoo.com
Age: 14
Where you live: Pa
Favorite cards: Blastoderm, Predatorflagship Saproling Burst Squee,Goblin Nabob, Worship, Serra Avatar, Arc Mage, Ball Lightning, Lightning Bolt, All Moxes
Least favorite cards: Friggn' Disenchant!!! (And Friggn' Counterspellz!!!!!!!)
Whip out Squee, Goblin Nabob and Worship and BAM.. Invincibility!! Haha!! Invincible i will be. Oh yeah coo site wid coo stuff... ........Remeber.........................Remember..................I-N-V-I-N-C-B-I-L-I-T-Y spellz success!!!................................................Remember.....................Remember............................Oh crap... I forgot

ASHLEY MCGUIRE - 03/12/00 23:26:16
My URL:http://thebigdoghouse.com
My Email:ashley4@sabershockey.com
Age: 13
Where you live: OHIO
Favorite cards: PLAGUE WITCH
Least favorite cards: LAND CARDS

Jonathan Holmes - 03/08/00 19:54:04
My Email:DKHOLMES@tinyworld.co.uk
Age: 12
Where you live: Maidenhead
Favorite cards: Armaggeddon, Righteous Fury, Big Scary Fluffy Monster, Wall of nets
Least favorite cards: Flesh Reaver, Orcish Artillary
Mate, you have one hell of a cool website, so go on brag my comment to your friends, pleeeeaaasssee E-Mail me I would love a pen friend P.S Whats your best card ??

stephanie clay - 03/05/00 16:09:28
Age: 11
Where you live: cayton in scarborough

Tweek - 03/04/00 05:37:21
My Email:necromancer37@hotmail.com
Age: 14
i think it was a great idea to have unglued art at the top of the page, and i have "The Infernal Spawn of Evil"(the mouse with the cocoa) and my friends and i always laugh about it

Eric - 03/03/00 00:58:15
Age: Forgot
Where you live: PA
Favorite cards: Thran Golem
Least favorite cards: all portal cards and taunting elf

Irving - 03/02/00 05:29:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Castro/2406/Irving.html
My Email:irv1023@coqui.net
Age: 34
Where you live: Puerto Rico
Hi! I just wanted to congratulate you for your hompage. It's very well done and I realy had a great time looking at all the picutues and links. Thank you! Irving

Sergio - 03/02/00 00:36:18
My Email:watch_and_learn@hotmail.com
Age: 13
Where you live: Puerto Rico
Favorite cards: Black
Least favorite cards: Green
The page is cool.

mAdHaTTeR - 02/22/00 18:58:11
My Email:rkduke@airmail.net
Where you live: tx
Favorite cards: to many to list

Ryan - 02/12/00 16:20:31
My Email:Viper41187@aol.com
Least favorite cards: Valuable Cards

Craig Hillier - 02/01/00 23:24:01
My Email:hornet1983@aol.com
Age: 16
Where you live: Burbank, Ohio
Favorite cards: Nevinryall's Disk
Least favorite cards: Force Spike

Rory McDaniel - 01/25/00 04:24:49
My Email:rolin69@hotmail.com
Age: 17
Where you live: Allyn, WA
Favorite cards: Phyrexian Defiler, Royal Assassin
Least favorite cards: Janglin' Automaton, Goblin Artisans
This is a great page. If it ain't to much trouble you ought to write a bit longer description on your decks, but they were fun anyway. (Using Unglued cards is cheating)!!!! Cycling+Living Death+Sneak Attack=kill

Rory McDaniel - 01/25/00 04:20:50
My URL:http://Aol
My Email:rolin69@hotmail.com
Age: 17
Where you live: Allyn, WA
Favorite cards: Phyrexian Defiler, Royal Assassin
Least favorite cards: Janglin' Automaton, Goblin Artisans
This is a great page. If it ain't to much trouble you ought to write a bit longer description on your decks, but they were fun anyway. (Using Unglued cards is cheating)!!!! Cycling+Living Death+Sneak Attack=kill

Rory McDaniel - 01/25/00 04:14:35
My URL:http://Aol

Tim - 01/22/00 21:33:01
My Email:R0add0gg12@aol.com
Age: 12
Where you live: Ohio
Favorite cards: Big Furry Monster (unglued)
Least favorite cards: plains
magic the gathering rules and so does this site

bmx king - 01/18/00 03:42:04
My URL:http://www.fatboy321.friendpages.com
Age: 13
Where you live: ca
Favorite cards: all
Least favorite cards: the elf
cool site go to mine

Blaine Stuart - 01/14/00 18:45:32
My Email:peace_and_spiral@hotmail.com
Age: 19
Where you live: PA (NY when @ College)
Favorite cards: The thrulls as a breed are very thrulling
Least favorite cards: Well I'd say the most useless is Arcum's Weathervane but you tell me
Just a suggestion for your dragon theme deck. . . add a dragon mask. It has the theme and with Zirilan it makes for a real nasty combo.

Fredrik Andersson - 11/27/99 20:53:25
My Email:Otto_rik77@hotmail.com
Age: 14
Where you live: Filipstad (Sweden)
Favorite cards: Wrath of gud, armageddon and lotus vale
Theese three cards is my favuorit cards.

dauthi warlock - 11/10/99 22:07:23
My Email:rogergregory@juno.com
Age: 12
Where you live: nyc,ny
Favorite cards: infernal spawn of evil
nice page

Colin - 10/18/99 14:09:16
Favorite cards: Black & red
Least favorite cards: Carnophage
I like the all the links.

Jordan - 10/02/99 23:37:48
Age: 11
Favorite cards: RAGING GOBLIN
Least favorite cards: Muck rats
Nice site

Demoe D. - 09/20/99 03:07:12
Where you live: shasta lake city
Favorite cards: black&red
Least favorite cards: white
Magic is a cool game and I'm getting my friends to play too.

jason armstrong - 09/12/99 02:49:02
My Email:rajean@bitstorm.com
Age: 17
Where you live: deltona, fl
Favorite cards: hulking cyclops with unstable mutation, gasous form, of course-black lotus
Least favorite cards: ones with 1/1 level
I'm a new player, but I'd love to play and collect more.

Jo (Joanna) - 09/06/99 18:50:42
My Email:Dragnwng@voicenet.com
Age: 15
Where you live: Pennsylvannia
Favorite cards: many
Least favorite cards: Erg Riaders
Do you play with the companies precuntructed decks? I really enjoy updating and adding to them and making them great decks. I am wondering if I am the only one who plays them. I am Dragon obsessive. I have only a few though. Do you know how much a full Ice Age pack with the included rulebook and in the original bow is worth?

Joey Lee - 09/06/99 03:37:56
Age: 14
Where you live: Singapore

Daniel Field - 09/03/99 06:51:35
My Email:ApzRipper@aol.com
Age: 14
Where you live: Los Angeles
Favorite cards: Craw Giant
Least favorite cards: Shivan Dragon
Hey you got good combo's i'd playa one time if you live in LA e-mail me ok

Fantasy Battle - 09/02/99 12:56:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Dugout/8450/Frames.html
My Email:bmeasor@hotmail.com
Age: 20
Where you live: Canada
Come and join the Fantay, I've been doing this for four months now and I will not stop. Create a warrior and do battle against other warriors. Its easy to play. All you gotta do is sign up and see how everyone else does it. NOT A PROB! See yeah later

jake hotchkiss - 08/27/99 20:24:01
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:snakehead808@hotmail.com
Age: 12
Where you live: williamson,ny
Favorite cards: nightmare, black lotus, badmoon, wrath of god, armageddeon
Least favorite cards: all portal cards i hate!
you have the greatest site on earth i love it!! you decks are kool! your combos are awsome! and, your links kick BUTT!

jake hotchkiss - 08/27/99 20:19:54
My Email:snakehead808@hotmail.com
Age: 12
Where you live: williamson,ny
Favorite cards: nightmare, black lotus, badmoon, wrath of god,

julie tumiotto - 08/25/99 07:37:15
My URL:http://jtdingo@hotmail.com
My Email:n/a
Age: 20
Where you live: jilliby
Favorite cards: hearts
Least favorite cards: unbox

Daniel - 08/11/99 21:50:06
My Email:daniel.solstrand@pins.no
Age: 14
Where you live: Norway
Favorite cards: Shivan dragon,Tradewind rider, Underworld Dreams,living death
Least favorite cards: Mongue Trull
Pretty cool web-site you got here. I love Magic , I`ve just played a year ,but I won a few competions.I think you have done a good work with this site.

- 08/07/99 14:47:12

caster - 07/11/99 05:35:30
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ChaplinCt/kstrtroi
My Email:kstrtroi@aol.com
Age: 15
Where you live: oahu
Favorite cards: hammer of bogardan
Least favorite cards: Gazban Ogre
Very neat site!

Alex Powers - 06/30/99 01:49:44
Age: 13
Where you live: Sumter, SC
Favorite cards: None
Least favorite cards: None
Cool page. I'm thinking about buying some Magic Cards since my cousing taught me how to play. I think it's real neat and I hope to get my cards soon. This is a great site.

aj - 06/27/99 20:02:35
My URL:http://www.telusplanet.net
My Email:aleeuwengurgh@yahoo.com
Age: 17
Where you live: Olds, Alberta, Canada
Favorite cards: all
Least favorite cards: none

ryan - 06/21/99 16:27:22
My Email:ryanz2phat@aol.com
Age: 13
Where you live: stratford
Favorite cards: just started 1 day ago so far its sibilant spirit and craw wurm
Least favorite cards: barbed sextant
i still need help on how to play i dont know how and the rule book did not play so i kinda need to find someone who knows how o play but theres not much people around here.. i only have about 111 cards and most of them stink.!!!!!!! so if you can give me elp that would be nice

Tan Vo - 06/18/99 20:45:03
My Email:poopiewoopie@juno.com
Age: 16
Where you live: Tacoma WA
Favorite cards: counterspell
Least favorite cards: anything from fallen empire, homeland, and any of those stupid sets

drew w - 06/16/99 12:50:44
Age: 25
Where you live: tx
Favorite cards: green
Least favorite cards: home lands
go go goblin boy

John - 06/10/99 01:12:04
My Email:ljb1@airmail.net
Where you live: USA
Favorite cards: Lhurgoyf
Least favorite cards: sluggishness
1 have a $140 max sunweb

joonas - 05/20/99 10:35:38
My Email:the_blunt_boy@hotmail.com
Age: 15
Where you live: sweden
Favorite cards: white and black
Least favorite cards: mishras war machine
hey you have a cool page here!!!! i have just beginned with magic so i dont know so much yet

Dennis - 03/03/99 00:21:39
Where you live: the same place you do
Favorite cards: Pitch, spoons
Least favorite cards: egyptian rat screw
steak. sink. feather. blue rock. sweater. scratch. battle scar. kansas city. twister. drunk. window. paint.

Steve Schelk - 12/23/98 20:13:31
My Email:Schelk69@yahoo.com
Age: 14
Where you live: San 'Deigo, CA
Favorite cards: Time spirils
Least favorite cards: COP's
Nice page

zdc - 12/11/98 19:39:36
My Email:zdc@hotmail.com
Age: 14
Where you live: Arkansas
Favorite cards: hatred, lurking evil, Worship
Least favorite cards: goblins, I cant beat the goblins!
hey this is pretty cool.

Jonathon Branson - 12/02/98 21:23:13
My Email:BetaLaces@yahoo.com
Age: 18
Where you live: Minnesota
Favorite cards: Mirror Universe and Megrim
Least favorite cards: Acadamy, X spells, and other Cheese
Great site, Cameron. Ill be coming back alot more often to check it out.

jason f - 10/23/98 23:33:11
My Email:jason@featherston.cnchost.com
Age: 14
Where you live: colorado
Favorite cards: moat mana drain the abyss power9 loa juzams force field mirror the universe and lich
Least favorite cards: crash of rhinos

10/15/98 00:28:32
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Guozhong - 10/03/98 03:35:00
My Email:???
Age: 13
Where you live: Singapore
Favorite cards: starke of rath,lurgolf
Least favorite cards: Propaganda,wrath ,geddon and winter orb
show picture.please!good web site

Guozhong - 10/03/98 03:32:42
My Email:???
Age: 13
Where you live: Singapore
Favorite cards: starke of rath,lurgolf

Rob - 10/01/98 18:17:27
My Email:robmcpherson@yahoo.com
Age: 27
Where you live: minnesota
Favorite cards: wrath of god
Least favorite cards: underworld dreams
The page looks good. I'm at work so I am pressed for time but I may drop back for a better look later. Don't have anything you are looking for.

Tim Ridgely - 09/27/98 18:38:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/2262
My Email:magic@dmi.net
Age: 14
Where you live: Bonners Ferry, ID
Favorite cards: Hatred, Oath of Druids, Cursed Scroll
Least favorite cards: Oath of Mages
Good Page. It could be more interesting, even without adding much download time. You need a different counter, try the free Geocities one. Try visiting www.beseen.com, or going to a search engine like Yahoo or Lycos and typing in 'Free Stuff' I found a lo of resources.

helfri - 09/22/98 02:21:32
My Email:helfri@hotmail.com
Age: 18
Where you live: australia
Favorite cards: cursed scroll

Cindy - 09/18/98 03:36:30
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Jonathan Fields (Kabong) - 09/17/98 02:52:33
My Email:jpfiel01@morehead-st.edu
Age: 19
Where you live: Blaine, Ky
Favorite cards: Furnace of Rath, Mogg Maniac
Least favorite cards: Fighting Chance
Very nice, cool how chaos lead to links.

Alistair Fairweather (Alf) - 09/11/98 21:32:33
My Email:g97f6104@campus.ru.ac.za
Age: 19
Where you live: South Africa! (bet thats a first!)
Favorite cards: Icy manipulator, Zuberi Goldenfeather (I play a Griffin deck), Glasses of Urza (show me your hand! NOW!)
Least favorite cards: Grizzled Wolverine - I kill myself when I see that picture
Greetings from darkest Africa! (no - really - I really am from Africa) Nice web page. You probably have 30 or 40 times the amount of cards I have so I'll just drool quietly and not make any more silly comments. Mail me sometime if you like. Alf

Mike - 08/19/98 20:34:46
My Email:LazYboY332@aol.com
Age: 12
Where you live: Florida
Favorite cards: Magic- Exodus
Least favorite cards: Hokey cards
i wanna win some cards

Adam Cook - 07/27/98 23:29:29
My Email:none
Age: 11
Where you live: Lebanon,OH
Favorite cards: Sliver Queen
Least favorite cards: Muck Rats
I like your page a lot

lee simon - 07/19/98 21:38:53
My Email:jeffsimon@mailexcite.com
Where you live: 1504 aiddenn lair rd maple glen PA 19002
Favorite cards: shivan dragon
Least favorite cards: shivandistroyers
best page yet

jeff simon - 07/19/98 21:31:24
My Email:jeffsimon@mailexcite.com
Age: 11
Where you live: 1504 aiddnn
Favorite cards: shivan dragon
Least favorite cards: goblins
i love your page

Alvin - 07/18/98 10:12:25
My Email:Chinggay@mailcity.com
Age: 15
Where you live: Philippines
Favorite cards: Crypt Rats, Hypnotic Specter, Lightning Bolt
Least favorite cards: Verdrant Force
Your page is great, but isn't $5 too much for commons? commons generlly cost 25 cents each and your offer would only be worthwhile for out of print commons like sinkhole, Rukh Egg etc.

Mr. W. Robbins - 07/16/98 04:45:14
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/waymtg/
My Email:robbs@netnet.net
Age: 15
Where you live: De Pere, WI
Favorite cards: Eureka, Arcane Denial, and Pandemonium
Least favorite cards: Snowfall and all ante cards
Hey, love the page man.

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 01:41:36
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Mark Ruffin - 05/29/98 06:00:51
My Email:nill_boy@usa.net
Age: 14
Where you live: california
Favorite cards: nightmare
Least favorite cards: COP'S
Cool page! I am looking for some pretty cheap nightmares. Do you have one or know anyone that wants to get rid of there's for cheap.

Jeff Klotter - 05/23/98 15:05:12
My Email:X8LiQuiD8X
Age: 13
Where you live: ILLINOIS
Favorite cards: Light of Day, Sliver Queen, Nicol Bolas, Counterspell, Paladia-Mors, most legends, red cards, white and green, Master of the Hunt, Force of Nature
Least favorite cards: Blue, Black Vise, Winter Orb
I am not afraid of the man who owns ten nuclear warheads, But I am terrified of the man who wants only one.

David - 05/21/98 07:38:00
My Email:james.D.pippen@lawrence.edu
Age: 20
Where you live: Appleton, WI
Favorite cards: Vesuvian Doppelganger
Least favorite cards: leap, sift
Magic is a cool game!

Alec Johnston - 05/20/98 22:01:15
My Email:skywalk736@aol.com
Age: 12
Where you live: Holland,MI
Favorite cards: Queen Sliver

jack rand - 05/16/98 22:41:24
Age: 45

Michael Herrera - 05/16/98 09:23:14
My Email:DaMongo@aol.com
Age: 27
Where you live: Californi
Favorite cards: black
Least favorite cards: blue
cruisin on the net and got a flat in front of your place and liked what I saw so I went shopping and found some cool stuffl

TOREY CASEY - 05/09/98 17:15:53
Age: 14
Where you live: MARION, VA
Favorite cards: BLACK CREATURES
Least favorite cards: SPELLS

Cameron Iwan - 05/07/98 06:24:57
Favorite cards: Still Aisling Leprechaun
Least favorite cards: Red Cheese, Blue Cheese, Black Cheese, White Cheese, um. . .Green(?) Cheese
Ya Know, the people here at my school, UNL, are Really cool. Yeah, really cool, thats what they are. . . I wish I could be more like them. Losers. . . :-)

Bob Dove, esq. - 05/01/98 07:04:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/7429
My Email:therapy@mychoice.net
Age: 21
Where you live: Illinois
Signed your damn guestbook...happy? :o)

Jerome Gabriel - 04/27/98 23:55:52
My Email:gabriel1@ohio.tds.net
Age: 17
Where you live: Ohio
Favorite cards: Megrim
Least favorite cards: Any Power Nine
As always a great site, I keep coming back for those combos. They're great, keep up the good work.

John Doe - 04/25/98 19:32:41
Where you live: Anytown, USA
Favorite cards: Boomerang
I would buy some cards, but I couldn't get change from the lunch lady.

Billy - 04/22/98 03:12:33
My Email:roetzheimm@marotz.com
Age: 13
Where you live: CA
Favorite cards: ~~~ Sliver Queen ~~~~~
Least favorite cards: Serfent Warrior

Edward Anicka Jr. - 04/21/98 20:25:37
My Email:eaj83@hotmail
Age: 14
Where you live: New kensington
Favorite cards: Counterspell
Least favorite cards: Most are in Stronghold
Do not get me wrong their are some good cards in sTRONGHOLD BUT IT IS ONE OF THE WORST SETS MADE BY WIZARDS.

Robert - 04/14/98 06:48:40
My Email:pondscum@northcoast.com
Age: 18
Where you live: Eureka
Favorite cards: Chaos Orb
Least favorite cards: Dwarven Traders
Cool web page man, i hope i can make one of my own someday.

Will Haley - 04/06/98 00:18:41
My Email:whozyourdaddy@hotmail.com
Age: 15
Where you live: Georgia
Favorite cards: Hordes, Rathis
Least favorite cards: Recycle
nice page

Daniel - 03/29/98 18:33:43
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DJCER/index.html
My Email:DJCER@aol.com
Age: 13
Where you live: Michigan
Favorite cards: nightmare and gravedigger
Nice page!!!

derek young - 03/19/98 22:36:11
My Email:aethersplat@worldnet.att.net
Age: 18
Where you live: MN
Favorite cards: beta ones :)
Least favorite cards: 5E ones
i think this is a cool page :P

Nathan Soule - 03/18/98 19:43:17
My Email:viviensoule@earthlink.net
Age: 15
Where you live: California
Favorite cards: sorceress queen
Least favorite cards: none
I like the pictures and information about some of the cards I did not know and what they do. I like the amount of options I got when I came in. I really like this page because its all about what I love. Which is mtg.

King - 03/14/98 23:40:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Fortress/5664/humor.html
My Email:king44@worldnet.att.net
Age: 15 in five days! :-)
Where you live: New York
Favorite cards: Uh, I quit magic...but when I played, it was gold ol' Berserk.
Least favorite cards: any card that can counter berserk! :-)
Great page wookie! I like how you incorporated the colors of magic into your page..., and even though I quit, I still enjoy viewing your page! You the man! :-)

aaron - 03/14/98 21:09:28
My Email:aaron@olg.com
Where you live: USA
Favorite cards: mox diamond, sliver queen
your page is cool maybe you could add a background design check out my auctions

Abyssal Gatekeeper - 03/14/98 01:36:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/AbyssalWorld/
My Email:boneys@ix.netcom.com
Age: 16
Where you live: GA
Favorite cards: B. Lotus, Moxen, The Abyss
Least favorite cards: Psionic Entity
Very cool page :O)

Rage - 03/14/98 00:23:09
My Email:Sbodily@easilink.com
Age: 15
Where you live: Vernal Utah
Favorite cards: I love them all
Least favorite cards: Same answer
I like you page and you decks and everything elce. It's not to bad. Sorry no home page Add. Not like giving it out.

jason davis - 03/13/98 20:33:24
My Email:Bobby.Davis@gte.net
Age: 17
Where you live: Virginia
Favorite cards: any Black,Green, or White
Least favorite cards: RED
Do you have any multi-color decks that are any good?

Derek Young - 03/12/98 00:07:37
My Email:aethersplat@worldnet.att.net
Age: 17
Where you live: inver grove mn
Favorite cards: legends stuff over 25$
Least favorite cards: homelands
site looks pretty cool :)

Brandon Bartling - 03/10/98 15:16:05
My Email:bbartlin@blue.kps.esu10.ne.us
Age: 19
Where you live: sweden
Favorite cards: aisling leprechaun
Least favorite cards: counterspell
Hey all the freaking pictures are hard on guys who dont have very fast computers *cry* oh well, it is a pretty good page. You must have a pretty good computer to make it on :)

Darren - 03/03/98 19:43:40
My URL:http://alltel.net/~gandalf
My Email:gandalf@alltel.net
Age: 32
Where you live: PA, USA
Favorite cards: Green
Least favorite cards: White

David Gardner - 03/01/98 06:00:53
My Email:b5929@westol.com
Age: older than 2
Where you live: Earth
Favorite cards: mine
Least favorite cards: ones not mine

stan - 02/27/98 22:17:59
My Email:stan@newdealinc.com
Age: 23
Where you live: Canada
Favorite cards: Double Lands
Least favorite cards: Pain Lands
Play exclusively, 5 color highlander. Ok.. I'm only a bit screwed up.

Chris Thomas - 02/26/98 17:39:44
My Email:cathomas@sunlink.net
Age: 19
Where you live: Milton, PA
Favorite cards: Ali from Cairo, Chaos Orb
Least favorite cards: anything dumb
This is a pretty cool page! Easy to get around on.

Ross Treusdell - 02/26/98 01:20:04
My Email:rt@utech.net
Age: 12
Where you live: CA Lompoc
Favorite cards: Word of Command
Least favorite cards: Bog Imp Aesthir Glider
Uhhh... Cool

Adol - 02/21/98 07:19:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/5332/magic.html
My Email:sal@kermode.net
Age: 14
Where you live: Canada
Favorite cards: Lotus vale, Time warp, Counterspell:-)
Least favorite cards: Control Magic, Mundungu
Nice page. well organized and cool combos

Justin Wieszalski - 02/20/98 06:22:34
My Email:jwieszalski@hotmail.com
Age: 19
Where you live: Ohio
Favorite cards: Magic the Gathering
Least favorite cards: Rage

marvin - 02/15/98 02:56:12
My Email:mua5@hotmail.com
Age: 16
Where you live: Phils.
Favorite cards: Armageddon
Least favorite cards: none

Dan 'Bernie' Barnard - 02/12/98 18:26:34
My Email:barnard@cskcorp.com
Age: 33
Where you live: Green Bay, WI, USA
Favorite cards: Elves, Instill Energy
Least favorite cards: Undead
Excellent Graphics! Great site, I got some good ideas for decks from your combo area.

Michael D'Ottavio - 02/11/98 18:18:17
My Email:joe8@mediaone.net
Age: 11
Where you live: Michael D'Ottavio -60 Beechwood Ave.-Watertown,MA 02172
Favorite cards: Lotus Vales,Lotus Petals,Undiscovered Paradise, Pain Lands.
Least favorite cards: None!!!!
Cool web page.

Marcus Wikberg - 02/07/98 22:20:07
My Email:Marcus_Wikberg@.com
Age: 15
Where you live: Göteborg
Favorite cards: Black Lotus

Roger Blines - 02/05/98 17:38:54
My Email:don't have one
Age: 17
Where you live: Boston
Favorite cards: time walk, icy
Least favorite cards: jokulhaups
This site is AWESOME! Keep up the good combos and deck ideas, and thanks for all the great links and help. Keep it up.

Pete - 02/03/98 18:53:14
My Email:Shazaam770@aol
Age: 14
Where you live: Maine
Favorite cards: Chaos Orb-Cadaverus Bloom
Least favorite cards: Grinning Totem-Spell Blast
This Page "ROCKS"!

Jill - 01/23/98 08:08:03
My Email:00216955@bigred.unl.edu
Age: 20
Where you live: griffin, GA/Lincoln, NE
Favorite cards: earthbind
Cameron, you are a pretty great guy... thanks for ALL your help...

Dylan - 01/20/98 22:13:34
My Email:dylan@mnic.net
Age: 13
Where you live: North Mankato
Favorite cards: Juzam Djinn,Lightning Bolt, Shivan Dragon
Least favorite cards: Inferno, Taniwha, Marjhan, Island Fish Jasconius
This is an awesome site! I'll bookmark it!

Alan Dimenda - 01/17/98 17:40:50
Age: 22
Where you live: Enid, OK
Favorite cards: Meditate
Least favorite cards: laces, fallen empires
Excellent site, Cameron! Keep up the great combos and deck ideas and you'll sure have me coming back again and again. BTW, what the prize if you randomly pick someone out of here?

Jerome Gabriel(Jay) - 01/15/98 13:23:59
My Email:gabriel1@ohio.tds.net
Age: 17
Where you live: Arcadia, Ohio
Favorite cards: Doomsday(I know)
Least favorite cards: Stasis
Awesome site, you were right about the combos they are good.

mel - 12/16/97 03:33:24
My Email:mbarger1@bigred.unl.edu
Age: 18
Where you live: lincoln, ne
Favorite cards: pearl medallion
Least favorite cards: bubble matrix
---great site, i'll have to keep coming back to see what's new. keep up the good work!---

DayEhn - 12/15/97 03:42:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/7608/refs.html
My Email:wilcox@eastky.net
Age: 19
Where you live: USA
Favorite cards: Serra Angel"she's a babe"
Least favorite cards: Elkin bottle..looks stupid and has little use
Keep up the good work

Magnus the baker - 12/14/97 13:12:23
My Email:magnusdelaval@hotmail.com
Age: 14
Where you live: Sweden
Favorite cards: Clone and The Abyss
Least favorite cards: Erosion
Nice homepage. I did mail you an bid today. It would be nice to trade whit you. A rcouple of real good combos: Ehrnam Djinn+Magical Hack+Merfolk Assasin Aluren+Recycle+Man-O-War+Library of Leng Fastbond+(card that make you play 2 lands each turn but forces you to retunrn them to your hand after tapped)+Fireball Ornitohopter+Ashnod's Altar+Enduring Renewal+ Fireball

Jamie Wu - 12/13/97 16:27:37
My URL:http://home.bc.rogers.wave.ca
My Email:jamiew@rogers.wave.ca
Age: 12
Where you live: Port Moody BC CANADA
Favorite cards: Goblin Bomb
Least favorite cards: Black Lotus (costs too much

James Pittman - 12/10/97 22:26:23
My Email:Archangel57@juno.com
Age: 13
Where you live: Lutz,Florida
Favorite cards: Archangel,Kjeldorian Outpost
Least favorite cards: Trade Caravan
Cool site. What is your E-mail address?

JJ Lee - 12/10/97 01:35:51
My URL:http://funepage.flash.net
My Email:funepage@flash.net
Age: 14
Where you live: oklahoma
Favorite cards: helm of obedience
Least favorite cards: wards

sweet chuck - 12/09/97 20:42:24
My Email:cobraiterman@acad.ursinus.edu
Favorite cards: jokulhaups
Least favorite cards: necropotence
Sweet Chuck says this site kicks ass!

Jan Erik Ramstad - 12/09/97 20:41:19
My URL:/TimesSquare/Realm/9846/index.htm
My Email:ramstad@online.no
Age: 15 (soon 16)
Where you live: freezing Norway
Favorite cards: Balduvian Horde, Mana Drain & Underworld Dreams
Least favorite cards: Fallen Empires cards SUX
Hey, kewl page man!! I borrow some pics and stuff. But that was a long time ago. I'd like u to sign my guestbook too. Right now I am creating a Will Smith page (hehe) and I am studing German. Well back to da books, and u'r page is great! I like u'r combos, I also have one each second week. O well, heir my words and visit my


Sir Lebrum - 12/09/97 20:12:42
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.net/sirlebrum/sirlebrum.htm
My Email:SIRLEBRUM@prodigy.net
Age: not telln
Where you live: earth
Favorite cards: Slivers, Lotus Vales, Heart of Bogardan
Least favorite cards: Red Elemental Blast, Blue Elemental Blast
Awesome Web page !!!!!!!

GrimGram - 12/09/97 20:12:37
My Email:mgyhagen@c2i.net
Age: 13
Where you live: Norway
Favorite cards: serra angel
Least favorite cards: hypnotic specter

Mike Brennan - 12/09/97 20:09:57
My Email:mostlymint@aol.com
Age: 43
Where you live: Bedford, IN USA
Favorite cards: Pillage
Least favorite cards: Celestial Prism
What can I say?

Cameron Iwan - 12/09/97 00:40:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/3867/index.html
My Email:00218209@bigred.unl.edu
Age: 19
Where you live: Lincoln, Ne
Favorite cards: Aisling Leprechaun
Least favorite cards: um, lands. . .
Well of course I'm going to be the first person to sign my own guestbook!!!. . .

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