April 1, 1997

I had just come home from a school function. Fatigued, I slipped into my room to change out of my skirt and blouse. I put on a t-shirt and shorts, and I went back into the dining room to do some work on the computer. I started up Windows, and began to do some editing on one of my sci-fiction stories, when I heard my father yell from the other room. He and my mother were sitting in the livingroom watching television, so I didn't think much of it first. But it didn't take me long to realize he wasn't talking about the program they were watching. I got up out of my chair and walked into the next room just in time to see my father jump from his chair and dash to the front windows adjacent from the couch he was sitting in. "You've gotta see this!" was all he could say. Mom and I each ran to the last to available front windows, and I felt my eyes widen as they fixed on the most amazing sight. Five orange lights dangled between the hills in the valley visiable in the distance from our house. Constantly staying uniform, they tilted from one side to the next. They would often stop in a straight horizontal line and totally blink off except for the light on our left. Then it would fade just as another would blink on right next to it; the pattern would continue down the line. Tiny white lights illuminated under the object, fizzling down from the sky. The objects must have been larger than a helicopter because of how huge they were and the distance they were from the house. We watched this, mesmerized, for about ten minutes before it just stopped.
UPDATE: A woman wrote an article in the Reading paper having seen the same object on the same night with her son. We have contacted her, and our stories match.

This story posted by: Cyberbtch, August 24, 1997


Monday, 08-Sep-97 16:28:41

Once, when I was little, I looked out a window and saw little green lights in the sky. They would blink and appear on the other side of the sky. It was eerie, but my folks don't believe me.

DIAGRAM OF WHAt I SAW Sunday, 14-Sep-97 13:34:18

2 o 3 o

1 o

4 o

The numbers represents where it moved; i.e. number 1 is where it was, and number 2 is where it moved to next, then 3, then 4.

This Story Posted by: chubbyvader (Ben)

Wednesday, 05-Nov-97 19:00:23

November 2, 1:00
Eastern PA, USA
Facing East.
I had just taken Cyber home. I went home myself, undressed and crawled into bed. I was very tired, however, this small white light outside my window kept my attention. It was not moving very fast if it was moving at all. It flashed on and off behind the scarce leaves of a maple tree. I thought it was a star, but I couldn't turn away. After a few moments, it seemed to start moving very slowly to the north. Then, I thought it was a plane from quite a distance. And still my eyes were glued to it, tracking its every minimal move. As it cleared the last branch from the tree, it turned straight up. There was a streak of light and a bright flash and it was gone. I still don't know whether it was real or a hallucination; but, what ever it was, the light will burn in my memory, always.

This story posted by: Fuzzy

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