Dark Shadows is a series by Dan Curtis that began in the 
1968 and lasted until 1971.  I discovered the
soap opera, science fiction story-line and underground humor of
 Darkshadows through the help of the  Sci-Fi Channel
and, of course, my mom; she was a Dark Shadows fan as a kid.

   Because of its variety of bizarre content, Dark Shadows 
is intriging to the entire mother load of science fiction 
fans.  Time travel, parallel universes, vampires, witches,
werewolves, gypsies, magical severed body parts, evil
spirit posessions, lots and lots of ghosts, curses, heros,
love, legends...its for everyone who loves to ponder in the
back room.  

  What follows is a episode and character guide of this
timeless series.  If you have never seen the show, take
this opportunity to meet the Collins family and the 
darkshadows that haunted their home for nearly 
three hundred years.  For those of you that write fan-
fiction, this show is a hot item for your topic lists.

Episode Guide - Every Episode grouped 
by storyline and listed by number.  A great way to get caught up
 on episodes you missed.  By Jim Pierson

Character Lists- Every character in the original television series listed by their existance in the time period they appeared in. From the Dark Shadows Almanac

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