Cyberbtch's Seventh Dimension is undergoing a new change for the 21st century! A newly revamped index to make searching our site even easier. It's "YOUR PLACE FOR SCIENCE FICTION"!
What's Wierd is Uncanny...What's Normal is UnKami!"
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SCIENCE FICTION-Science fiction short stories I wrote in high school.
FANTASY-one fantasy story I wrote seven years ago. 
DARK SHADOWS-The funniest show from the sixties next to Dragnet.
Cyber's Believe It. . .Or Not-It's true. All this stuff happened.
Real Ghost Stories-People who see dead people.
Your Dreams-whollotta crazy dreams 
REAL UFO sightings - People who see funny things in the sky.
Web Rings-My wrings
X-Files stuff - Quizzes and Fan-fic based on the series
Click the exploding crotch monster for my links

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