Welcome to my Guestbook!

joe. - 12/21/00 14:45:30
My URL:http://joecwik.com
My Email:joe@joecwik.com
How you found my site: Porn search engine
Better: Lion Voltron or Car Voltron: whatever one gives better head.
Favorite TV Show: na

I saw you updated. nice work. send me that cell phone #.

joe. - 12/10/00 07:52:04
My URL:http://joecwik.com
My Email:joe@joecwik.com
How you found my site: duh.
Better: Lion Voltron or Car Voltron: look at my previous post.
Favorite TV Show: n/a

matt... update. update. tell us all what you have been up to.

Big Man - 10/04/00 20:03:01
My Email:rjayres@longwood.lwc.edu
How you found my site: Matt, that wonderful and elegant nucklehead, told me
Better: Lion Voltron or Car Voltron: Jesus tap dancing Christ! I can't remember such things as that. But it seems as though the lion one is the fave so I'll say that.
Favorite TV Show: Monty Python's Flying Circus

Hey man, great site. Very interesting. I hope to see more of it in the future. Hope Dirty Pool goes well and hopefully I'll be back and we'll both have enough time to actually make another movie. Hey, crazier shit has happened. Take it easy and don't eat too many simple sugars. Roy

great daves - 09/26/00 16:21:05
My Email:kipperdaves@hotmail.com
How you found my site: well, being as i am a figment of your imagination, it wasn't that hard
Better: Lion Voltron or Car Voltron: lion voltron all the way...
Favorite TV Show: too much thought required to answer this question...

cool site matthew...most impressive. i should like to think that being a figment of your imagination, i can make some claim on this site as well....perhaps i should be congratulating myself then. no no, just kidding. nice site...i'll keep checking it as the weeks go by.

spritesgirl - 09/25/00 17:48:50
My Email:maggie71699@hotmail.com
How you found my site: uh....?
Better: Lion Voltron or Car Voltron: dunno
Favorite TV Show: Whose Line is it anyway?

Ok some more people need to sign this thing. I want to come in here and scroll all the way down and I want to see like 20 or more posts. Come on! Keep Matt in business people! He is a great guy and you should be signing this thing like crazy! Geez! O I am done fuming. LOL You people should know that he is the best Kevin Smith look alike ever though. Ok so I'll be back to see if anyone else has signed this, which they better have. And then I will be happy... see? :) Happy.

joe. - 09/24/00 17:26:08
My URL:http://www.joecwik.com
My Email:joecwik@vedbok.com
How you found my site: I was told of it by Matt himself.
Better: Lion Voltron or Car Voltron: Lion. I dont remember much of the Car one.
Favorite TV Show: n/a

Hey Matt. Hopefully this works since i havent been able to get the guestbook to work. Man, take is easy, and live life to the fullest. Let nothing hold you back. Anytime you need an ear to talk to or something, let me know. Good luck with DPP and all your other endeavors, and ill keep my end of the world up too. Regards, Joe. *http://vedbok.com*

spritesgirl - 09/23/00 03:27:18
My Email:maggie71699@hotmail.com
How you found my site: you
Better: Lion Voltron or Car Voltron: uh huh?
Favorite TV Show: Whose Line is it anyway?

Hi hi hi. Just wanted to say hi. I will write something more intriguing later on... Ha!

Testing this thing - 09/23/00 01:20:19
My URL:http://www.test.com
My Email:you@you.com
How you found my site: I wrote it
Better: Lion Voltron or Car Voltron: DUH
Favorite TV Show: DUH


- 09/22/00 20:53:11


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