Square and Nintendo Online RPG News

-=-=10/20/98=-=-: Today I added alot of ROMs for the Snes9x emulater. Plus I added the Virtual Game Boy emulater along with The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening ROM. Also I also added the Nestical 95 v0.42 emualter along with Zelda II: The Adventures of Link ROM. Plus I changed the background so people using Nestscape can view the page with the full effects!

-=-=8/4/98=-=-: I decided that the outlook of my page was due for a change, since some change is good. With this in mind I came up with an idea to make a bigger page where you can not only get great ROMs but also get great stories by some great authors like OdieFan314@aol.com. The page may look different but trust me its a hell of a lot better. Also I am still looking for an artist that can make some banners and logos for my page, if you would like to help please Email me at §ír `ÇìÐ@rocketmail.com

Thanx for you support,
§ír `ÇìÐ

-=-=8/5/98=-=-: Today I uploaded two fantastic stories, if you like Chrono Trigger or Secret of Mana. The first story, Lost in Time: Schala's Tale, is about what happens to Schala after the fall of the Ocean Palace. The second story, Crossroads, is a cross between Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana and is almost finish, still needs a couple of chapters more.

-=-=8/15/98=-=-: Today was a good day, I fixed my page so the stupid GeoAd's dont pop up and uploaded Harvest Moon in the ROM section. Also I learned that my 50 megs of free space is almost approved so look forward to seeing a whole lot of ROMs and stories within the next few weeks! Not only that I got a MOD called FFI: Temple of Friends to work and it kicks ass!

-=-=8/17/98=-=-: Well Today I got accepted to the Sqauresoft Webring and added a Webring section to the page (if you want to join the webring the link is on my link page, if you need someone to submit your site email me!) Speaking of links I updated the link section and also updated the ROM section, now Lufia: And the Fortress of Dome and Final Fantasy V are uploaded and working, so feel free to download them (also email me for the readme.doc for each game if you choose to download the ROMs).

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