Bob Chapple - 05/23/00 16:30:58 My URL: My Favorite RPG: Septerra Core (still) Most Wanted RPG: Any which isn't on my site Do You Like The Page?: Oh Yes | Comments: This page is pretty cool. I don't know why I keep on visiting here, oh well. I'm signing your guest book again basically to say sorry for my bad spelling. !!SORRY!! Please PLEASE check your links and visit my site. VISIT MY SITE, it contains more rpg roms than cobwebs up your grans arse, unless she's dead if thats the case sorry. |
Bob Chapple - 04/29/00 19:32:27 My URL: Favorite RPG: septerra core Most Wanted RPG: Bahamut Lagoon English Do You Like The Page?: Yes | Comments: The site isn't bad, cheack your urls and check out my sit!!!!!!!!!! |
Almighty - 02/13/00 20:35:52 My URL: My Favorite RPG: FF 3 Most Wanted RPG: FF 9 Do You Like The Page?: i guess | Comments:![]() |
Edge - 06/23/99 09:35:15 My URL: My Favorite RPG: Xenogears Most Wanted RPG: Final Fantasy 8 Do You Like The Page?: Yes | Comments: Nice page! |
Bizkit joe - 02/19/99 07:19:40 Favorite RPG: Xenogears Most Wanted RPG: Final Fantazy 8 Do You Like The Page?: Its quite nice | Comments: Xenogears ruls the world |
Bizkit joe - 02/19/99 07:19:16 Favorite RPG: Xenogears Most Wanted RPG: Final Fantazy 8 Do You Like The Page?: Its quite nice | Comments: Xenogears ruls the world |
Rob - 11/11/98 06:37:06 My URL:/TimesSquare/Stadium/3902 My Favorite RPG: Harvest Moon Most Wanted RPG: Harvest Moon 64 Do You Like The Page?: It's quite lovely | Comments: |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
Jerad Hurst (a.k.a Crono & Dekar) - 08/30/98 02:58:55 My URL: My Favorite RPG: Final Fantasy Tactics (or 7) Most Wanted RPG: Final Fantasy 8 Do You Like The Page?: Yeah | Comments: Hi! Just thought I'd sign your guestbook. Anyway, I'll add your link to my page on my next update. Cool page! |
Sjon Myhr - 08/22/98 13:36:28 My URL: My Favorite RPG: Chrono Trigger, FF7 Most Wanted RPG: Chrono Trigger, FF7! Do You Like The Page?: hellz yeah | Comments: Hey Rocco! Awesome page! Keep up the good work and let me know if you have any other cool pages. %) Maoric |
Smurf - 08/20/98 19:46:18 My URL:Go to the links page! My Favorite RPG: Final Fantasy 7 Most Wanted RPG: Final Fantasy 8! :) Do You Like The Page?: yup | Comments: nice page, get a song that loops properly :) and keep up the good work! |
don - 08/19/98 03:04:54 Favorite RPG: finalfantazy iii Most Wanted RPG: final fantasy 2 | Comments: great. |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
pink floyd69 - 12/31/97 17:56:10 My Email:pink Favorite RPG: they all suck Most Wanted RPG: none Do You Like The Page?: no | Comments: you suck krack head |
Naked - 12/21/97 17:30:42 My URL: My Favorite RPG: Chrono Trigger Most Wanted RPG: Chrono Trigger Do You Like The Page?: yup | Comments: Put my link on it!!!! please. remember, I know where you live. |