Rework's Trading Post

Always Buying and Trading Transformers!

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Knowing and trading toys, parts and accessories is one of the best secrets to building a collection cheaply! I built mine by prowling flea markets and used toy stores for the past few years. Finding the toys isn't too hard, but getting the parts is the real challenge. Experienced dealers rarely sell parts (and even more rarely sell them cheaply!), so parts trading is important.

Here are the parts I have for trade along with my needs list. If you happen to have something on my want list, but don't see anything you need, please send me your want list.

Rework's Parts Trade List

Toys Wanted: Will buy or Trade for

There are still a few imported TFs I am looking for, preferably NM complete, boxed or loose.
I keep duplicates of many toys to offer in trade.

Wanted from Japan:
C-108 Artfire
C-109 Stepper
(These wants are "on-hold" pending the re-release rumors)

Scans of the Unknown

In my time collecting, I have also gathered a lot of parts that have turned out to not be transformer parts. Here is a scan of about 50 parts I have not been able to ID. Most are available for trade.

ID'd parts:
#3 - Gijoe? From one of the base sets? (Need confirmation)
#9 - Mask, red cycle
#45 Mask, Orange & White racecar
#46 He-man Trapjaw Rifle

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